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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Kvasir

  1. i get spooked every time it takes a bit longer for the forums to loadΒ 

  2. lkfyon hewtrercd fore dmeotion

  3. lkfyon hewtrercd fore dmeotion

  4. lkfyon hewtrercd fore dmeotion

  5. lkfyon hewtrercd fore dmeotion

  6. lkfyon hewtrercd fore dmeotion

  7. What is the ts ip ? **** bois


  8. I can't wait for hell to freeze over again.

  9. Thinking of coming back. How's Orc RP been? Is it good for casual rp or not so much still?

  10. Β 


    Looking for two Darkie kids to be played! check out this thread!

  11. Does anyone make skins? I can't pay within mina, but can use paypal!

  12. I added my personas into my signature, remodeled my profile, and am finishing up an RP post, pretty productive day

  13. What's on my mind? Being accepted!

  14. @DivineJustice





    we've gotta fix ourselves lads

  15. lyon WHAT HAVE U DONE


  16. wonder whatever happened to this guy

  17. Anyone else played Hyper Light Drifter? I really enjoyed it.

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