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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Kvasir

  1. website a bit slow..

  2. Server back up yet

  3. 1k rep ama? y/n

  4. zootopia amirite


  5. I was just leaked by @Gusano Arentonio that LOTC is becoming the first ever Zootopia RP server and the staff have been diligently re-configuring Nexus to accommodate.

  6. wtf is datecraft

  7. leave the server down until tomorrow and do a post that it'll still be off for the rest of the week, then, on the final of 1st april, make a post with a "YOU JUST GOT PRANKED" meme

  8. i hope this map is irrecoverable and we need a new one tbh really hate axios

  9. Still looking for more builders and actors, toss your apps through.

  10. i hope this map is irrecoverable and we need a new one tbh really hate axios

  11. Server down?

  12. dpmagician took the server down because poland was forum banned

  13. dpmagician took the server down because poland was forum banned

  14. Anyone know any good skinners, I will pay $$ or minas.

  15. Dear friends, let me clarify this right now so there is no confusion in the future. If you have a command and do not know what it does, please, for the love of god, don't try it yourself. Also killall is really just what it sounds like.

  16. Dear friends, let me clarify this right now so there is no confusion in the future. If you have a command and do not know what it does, please, for the love of god, don't try it yourself. Also killall is really just what it sounds like.

  17. The Rapture is upon us.

  18. Anyone have music suggestions? Ideally things available on Spotify.

  19. Managed to snag my brother's laptop and checked out the server...the server has changed since the last 2-3 months I was last on..

  20. Managed to snag my brother's laptop and checked out the server...the server has changed since the last 2-3 months I was last on..

  21. i get spooked every time it takes a bit longer for the forums to load 

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