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Status Updates posted by Potts244

  1. PM me on discord Connor#0476 if you are going to play Classic wow as a Hordie NA and want to join a guild

  2. Political image.



    1. Medvekoma


      This isn’t a political image, this is a palace image.

    2. Panashea


      I can’t talk on the local lotc discord, and when i log onto the server it keeps spamming /auth even though nothing happens. This will probably get more attention here rather than my post.

  3. RIP Parion, good luck in college ma dude.

  4. Sanctuary at Night!

    1. Potts244
    2. Potts244


      Scenery wasn't fully rendered but it still looks good.

    3. Textarea


      i don't even know what i'm looking at... please use the default texturepack that is provided when you download minecraft :)

  5. Selling double chest of Power enchants for 5k minas.

  6. Sound board night is fun til you get banned from sound board night.

    1. MonkeyCoffee


      my ears are bleeding

  7. Suggest what Fireheart’s profile pic should be ?

    1. Pancakehz


      tythus deep throating his pepsi, pick mine now its the best

      Edited by MCPancakes
    2. Heero


      yes said plankton

  8. That off time server crash stronk.

  9. The Hoomans


    1. Potts244
    2. sneLf


      Yay felsen! The place where pvpers used to pvp

  10. There are currently 19 unopened loot chests left in the world.

    Here are their general locations.

    Fenn wall (Found by FlemishSupremacy)

    Curon Ice (found by Olistaf)

    Druid Fishing  (found by Squakhawk)

    Haelun'or shaft (found by PCSlow)

    Urguan (Found by FlemishSupremacy)

    Krugmar land (Found by FlemishSupremacy)

    Unknown Ruins

    Sewers (found by DarkSalvo)

    Aegrothond (Found by FlemishSupremacy)

    Haense (found by DarkSalvo)

    Cloud Temple (found by Olistaf)

    Dragur Library (found by CrowBill)

    Wildlands!!! in a treeee (Found by Darksalvo)

    Lake Ruins  (found by Orenlol)

    Renatus (found by Squakhawk)

    Fenn snow Pillar (found by Flemishsupremacy)

    South island vipers nest jackpot (Found by DarkSalvo)

    Mysterious island (found by Orenlol)

    cave to mysterious island (found by FlemishSupremacy)

    BrandyBrook Treasure (Found by Tha_Mystery_Man / Porkgasm)

    Corner of the world (Found by Atrex)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Salvo
    3. Salvo




      Found the wilderness chest.

      Edited by Salvo
    4. Potts244


      Every chest has been Found : )

  11. Well time for war.

  12. What we do when we don’t want to answer your ticket ?6ikfpzp.png

    1. Textarea


      the statue looks cooler with default minecraft textures >;_ – p[; /. ,,,,,,,,,,,,

    2. Kaelan



  13. What’s poppin homies anything cool going on?

  14. Whoever donated the stack of -20% speed iron chest pieces to me in Chambery thank you very much I was able to turn that into 384 iron ingots.

  15. Why do ologs have the same hp as a dwarf that's ******* stupid, I don't play either race I'm just stating how that makes no sense in any rp way. Game balance makes no ******* sense either, they wouldn't have more hp, maybe give them higher base weapon damage with axes and warhammers or something if it's a balance issue.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. 2samspan


      To my knowledge, they still have increased hunger while running.

    3. Anderssn


      Racial buffs shouldn't be a thing.

    4. 2samspan


      I think I've heard you talk about that in the past. Can you elaborate on that? 

  16. Wonder what's going on over there.



  17. Youngie5500 is a noob loser.

    1. Rusty Derringer

      Rusty Derringer

      I'll just go kill my self :(


    1. ryno2




  19. #OmarGrimmerforRex2015

    1. Travista
    2. Textarea




      Jun 26 2015 09:13 PM

      Travista's Photo



      Jun 26 2015 09:56 PM

  20. #OmarGrimmerforRex2015

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