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Everything posted by dogbew

  1. LoTC needs an ex GM support  group to help them rejoin society.

    1. Fireheart


      The addiction is real :(

  2. Happy new years from the greatest country on earth

  3. I like this change, but I like this part the most Being undead shouldn't be something you can just turn off at the click of a button, if you become undead a commitment should be made for your character; among that should be an inability to have any more children, or reproduce at all. A draught is a good mechanism for people to disguise themselves when they're playing an undead, but it shouldn't be a way to turn it off when you want to have dank slice of life rp or erp with your egirl. The whole purpose of dark magic in general is to have great power at great cost to yourself, allowing people to switch back to normal to have kids takes away that cost even if only some of it.
  4. The way Suitica is going, I wouldn't be surprised if theirs moved to the entire city as well. What I'd like to see is wards moved back to how they were, or at least seemed like they were to me, in 5.0. A simple gold block line at the front of your city that burned the undead when you entered. It gives away spooks in your area, and doesn't entirely prevent spooks from coming in your city like the ones I've seen around here do. At the end of the day, no one should have the ability to block all of any group of people from entering their city just with some kind of magic. Reveal when it happens, sure; but to prevent it as a whole is contrary to rp and not good for any roleplaying community.
  5. The lore team should really just be removing magic from people who prove to be bad roleplayers, and not accepting applications from people that are known for bad behavior. The only thing a change like this will do is put a band aid on what is an otherwise large issue.
  6. Hello everyone, We've been getting a lot of requests lately to move around forum sections, add new subsections, edit people's titles, ext. So I've decided to make the process a bit easier. Below you'll find a form to fill out, and detail exactly what change you want to see made to which section. Take that form, and copy/paste it in a reply here and either our Forum Team Director or one of the Developers or Administrators will look over it and make the required changes. After we fulfill the request, we'll hide your reply much in the same way that the VIP Forum Ranks thread is dealt with. What kind of things can I request with this? Creating a new subforum for your nation Editing the title of a subforum Creating new forums underneath your nation subforum Moving a subforum (vassalization, independence, ext) Removing a subforum for your nation What kind thing can I not request with this? Hiding, Pinning, Removing or otherwise editing single posts in a faction sub-forum. Message a Forum Moderator individually about doing this. Archiving posts in a sub-forum. Message a Forum Moderator individually about doing this. If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this otherwise be sure to message me (dogbew, discord dogbew#7423), or any forum moderator and we'll be more than happy to clear it up for you. Do not post questions about this system as replies to this thread. Format: In-Game Name: Request: Link to relevant forum sections:
  7. Despite all my rage, I'm just a 6.0 in a cage

  8. OOC: Minecraft Username: dogbew Timezone: EST How active you can be (semi/always/neither): always Why are you interested in joining: I was invited IC IC: Name: Bolivar Age: 50 Race: Human, Highlander Gender: Fluid Noble or Common Lineage: Common Experience and Knowledge of Canonist dogma (None/Semi/Fluent): None Religious Affiliation (Atheist/Canonist/Xionist): None/Canonist Willingness to serve for life upon taking oaths of entry into the Order (None/Complete/Semi): Complete
  9. Can I get a quickrundown on Kevin?

  10. Lets settle this WC like men, a 5v5v5 bedwars match.

  11. I think we can all agree on this, for once.


  12. Think about it this way, you are going to lose everything materials and money wise when we switch world's, why not make the best of what you have while you have it?
  13. The headers and footers are from https://cooltext.com/ The goblin images are from https://www.google.com/search?q=goblin&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS737US737&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjwldOqzbvWAhVK8IMKHeY6D2IQ_AUICigB&biw=1295&bih=517 The square images are icons from Oblivion, you can see them all here http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Category:Oblivion-Icons
  14. TFW you wake up and rep is back


  15. If the moon is supposedly round, how come it reflects light from the sun then? Have you ever seen a round mirror?


    Globe heads 0

    Moon truthers 1

    1. Wendigo


      It's...a sphere, not technically round.

    2. rukio


      They use them in hallways all the time...?

    3. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      Some curvy roads have them so that people can see around corners so they don't whip them, like I did.

  16. Wow trying to decide between the Right Wing Death Squads and Weeb Trash? I don't know if I can take this kind of pressure.

    1. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      Join the NEWS AND POLITICS CLUB, friend!

  17. Recent pic of me, please no mean comments i'm shy :*
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