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Everything posted by Slothtastic

  1. Oh woops. Hrmmmmmmm. You may redeem yourself yet, child. Far Glade is different. This one has blight and ****, and is corrupted things. Far Glade is not corrupted.
  2. I could post it, but I couldn’t format it because I’m on mobile.
  3. Oh holy **** this is my 1,000 post. 

  4. How to achieve true happiness.....







    get the admins to get verdict for Xoatol.

    (I am sorry for being such a nuisance but after waiting 3-4 months ya get impatient.)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Slothtastic


      You still alive dude?


    3. GodEmperorFlam


      Yeah I'm back, putting the verdict in a bit, do you have discord?

    4. Slothtastic


      I do indeed have discord. Slothtastic#7226

  5. Message to staff: 




    Good on you all, keep doing what you’re doing. But stop messing with our RP. We shouldn’t have to make Alliances public if we do not choose to. And I’m just throwing this out there buuut... Xoatol still ain’t got a verdict. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Slothtastic


      That hurts me. I’m now both triggered and salty. *Something mean and hurtful*!

    3. GodEmperorFlam


      I poked the admins again regarding xaotols, now that harold is no longer on hiatus and they're all around it should be dealt w/ soon. Apologies for the wait

    4. Slothtastic


      It’s alright. Sorry if I am a nuisance in all seriousness. I don’t mean to be. It’s just I’m kind of impatient. 

  6. Aaaarrreeeeee you gonna take me home to night? 

    Oh down beside that red firelight 

    Aaaaaaarrre you gonna let it all hang out?

    Fat bottomed girls you make the rockin’ world go ‘round. 



    Also pls give verdict on Xoatol @LT 

    1. MamaBearJade


      Fat bottomed girls you make the rocking world go round

    2. Slothtastic


      I was just a skinny lad, never knew no good from bad

  7. Tis been a long and hard road, patience. And it will still be long even after the judgement comes. However, we must remember what Samuel L. Jackson once said. 


    “Motherfucker.” - Samuel L. Jackson. 

    Beautiful, elegant, and in a way to describe my patience normally after being told to wait. However, I will wait more and more. And I will continue to wait until judgement comes. 

  8. Fixed formatting, it now looks... better-ish.
  9. Daydreaming, slow processing, slow movement, and not too smart. Like I said before, look at Olog-Hai from Middle-Earth shadow of War/Mordor. That’s what I’m trying to base them off of.
  10. I can’t tell if you’re joking on the last bit or not. But I have included both sides, Ulugs are less than average intelligence and hestitate constantly with daydreams. At this point everyone’s nitpicking the lore choosing to glance over it instead of actually reading the damn thing. Look above.
  11. Elves can go **** themselves.
  12. I’ll change it when a Admin or LM asks me too as part of the conditions of it either being accepted or denied.
  13. You forget with size comes less agility, more power behind its attacks yes but they would be easier to dodge. Take the Ologs from Middle-earth: Shadow of War for example.
  14. I admit half a ton is a bit overboard. I shall lower it. But if people are accepted 10ft-12ft Ologs, let them. Uruks are being bigger and weighing a lot more these days as well from what I’ve found.
  15. You sir, have offended me. I am triggered.
  16. Didn’t know that Braduk Orcs are larger than Ologs then. Also how do you know they are supposed to be 8-10ft? If the wiki says so then I follow it. Edit: I found it in the wiki they are supposed to be that, but I think it’s widely accepted they’re about 10ft-12ft So everything mixed with an Olog is retarded? - Curses Like its kin, the Ologs descended from Krug, whom was mutilated and cursed by the Arch-Daemon Iblees. After his fight and defeat against Iblees, his form was burnt by his flame and his skin scarred. This caused his pigment to change green, and develop into different colours in later generations. He was cursed to have tusks emerging from his mouth, and to appear as an abomination; as well, he was cursed with bloodlust, forever seeking carnage and warfare. This is coming FROM the wiki. No where does it say they are cursed to be stupid. Edit: How would a Half-Olog Half-Goblin be stupid? Or rather that small? You mix one of the biggest sub races and one of the smallest and you think they’d still be 4’ to 6’?
  17. Explanation of Half-Ologs: The Half-Ologs are notable halfbreeds among the many worlds and realms. However there have been other Half-Ologs which I don’t think were given much credit. Or much lore behind them. So, I decided to make this. I’ve only done the halfbreeds of Orcs, because I know that no other race would breed with an Olog. At least I hope they wouldn’t. The Possible Interbreeding and their Outcomes: Ulug - Ulugs are Half-Ologs, Half-Uruks much like the Braduks. Ulugs do not have much lore but most assume them to be dumb. However this is not the case. While they are mixed with one of the dumber races, the outcome would be a Ulug that is slow to uptake. They are prone to daydreams and when given a command or order may hesitate because of this. The Ulugs are of less than average intelligence. However they are not dumb. It would not take them till midlife to realize that when they stab themselves it kills them. Ulug range from the heights of 9’5”-11’”. And can weigh up to 600ibs-700ibs. Ulug are difficult to birth if the mother is an Orc, as these babies are not lightweights. The Orc has a chance to die. Ulugs are NOT good commanders or generals, as their poor processing of a situation is not favored. Generally Ulugs are more frontline grunts, being quicker to anger and affected by bloodlust easier than the others. Ulugs are slow physically as well. While not as slow as a Olog, they are not very fast when it comes to movement speed. Hobgoblins - as I call them, Hobgoblins are, as you guessed, a mix between a Goblin (father) and an Olog (mother). The opposite would be practically impossible, as the mother would die during the process or during birth. Hobgoblins are also not dumb, as being a mix of a dumb sub race and a smart sub race, they carry the smarts from their father. The Hobgoblins have long, spindly limbs that carry surprising strength without looking like it. They have long pointed noses, jagged chins, and carry longer tusks. The Hobgoblins range in height from 7’1”-8’10”. They can weigh up to 600ibs. Hobgoblins, while they do keep their fathers’ smarts they can be quite lazy when it comes to actually doing the work. Hobgoblins can be found sleeping most of the day only to wake up to great hunger. And with that, comes a boost in energy and will to do things. Hobgoblins are also capable of learning magic. TL;DR Ulugs are Half-Olog Half-Uruk, 9’5”-11’”. They are slow to catch up and process, however are not retarded. Ulugs weigh up to half a ton. Ulugs are easier to anger than other Orcs, and their bloodlust easier to activate. Hobgoblins are Half-Olog and Half-Goblin, 7’1”-8’10”, pointed noses and jagged chins with longer tusks. Spindly limbs but are still strong, and are almost as smart as a Goblin. Hobgoblins weigh up to 600ibs. Hobgoblins are lazy as well, sleeping most of the day only to wake up to a great hunger and a boost in energy to find said food. Hobgoblins are made from a Goblin (father) and a Olog (mother). The other way around would kill the Goblin during birth or intercourse.
  18. PM my discord, Slothtastic#7226 for details. But in a sense, I’m willing to pay up to 200 Mina for the skin. As it’s all I’ve got. Like I said, I will PM details. However, when we add each other send examples of your previous works.
  19. Deferalization seems like a way for people to OOCly target other people they don’t like. I’d just do as the others suggested, like an execution or something. Not making them be forced to get rid of their curse. And like the others said, it’s not magic or a blessing it’s a curse. You shouldn’t be able to get rid of it just like that. At least not without OOC consent.
  20. Why would you want to deferalize someone? It doesn’t make too much sense to me.
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