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Everything posted by Chimp

  1. yall should come check out the new imperial capital sometimes in a stream
  2. Added dragur and fixed some of the quirky northern borders
  3. ye knox is legit just gonna press the button for his "make new rules" machine and he will post whatever the machine says because the entire admin team are literally just robots.
  4. We been tryina do that for ages but it has been taking way too long.
  5. thing is even if you restrict vassalization to warclaim, there is no way to do that. The cb system is so tilted for carebears that unless you deliberately make yourself an ahole and constantly harass everyone, you will never get warclaimed. There is no way to be aggressive or force vassalize countries without farming CBs for weeks or months.
  6. I think it's fine if its done before the wc is accepted, was it made before or after the GM accepted the wc?
  7. ( ((Since you forgot to post it, it means they cant help you in the upcoming battle. I'm sure you are fully aware of this though))
  8. just get xarkly to extend the vaeyl eventline to the empire. that **** is heavily human lore related
  9. smhhhh med dindu nuffin like cmonbrug it wuz kjuust meme rp dssss

  10. This is your daily reminder that the dominion has yet to give their region owner permissions to Aesopians so that he may conduct his antagonist event in there! It is also the reason why he has been bypassing it in the hopes that they would eventually do it but so far nothing, if they do not then everyone who has will risk getting destroyed whilst the dominion stays perfectly safe which will completely ruin the dangerous aspect of the eventline and set a precedent for pretty much every other region owners to do the same which would lead to a stale and boring eventline. 

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Chimp


      how is it false in anyway, re read the statement. "Dominion has YET to give their region owner permissions to aesop" how is that untrue. You just admited that you have not yet.

    3. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      The way you've framed the statement is designed to incite hatred towards the Dominion in an abusive fashion. If it were the whole truth you'd have put "Daily reminder, Aesopian has yet to ask the Dominion PRO permission concerning continuing the September Prince Eventline". 

    4. Keefy


      This argument will cease. This is your verbal warning in regards to it @Holy_Orenian_Empire. Take it to PMs if you wanna argue about it. 


      Whether or not they give perms is their decision alone. Case closed 

  11. You forgot the lands in the west
  12. kadarsi sultanate which is a vassal of aurelius
  13. they are fun and they serve diplomatic purposes. If you dont want to get raided then stop provoking others lul
  14. Can u show me where org is on the map so i can add it to the claims map
  15. thats not the desert my son, that is the old krugmar capital and the lands around it. The desert is for the most part freebuild. And this land is what i'm marked as disputed, you'll notice that the krugmar capital region and much of the lands south and east of it are marked as dominion.
  16. ((I'm confused, is that something that happened in the server or what? I don't remember telekinesis being this powerful, sounds like red lines were crossed several times maybe? Also it seems odd that the guards didn't just call guard default and downed the intruder since this is usually what happens?))
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