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Iron VIP
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Everything posted by UnBaed

  1. Squidward smells...... Good *dabs

  2. Hey pal, whoa dude, okay bud, listen here friendo, buddy, bro-pal, dude, my friend, dude-pal

  3. I'm salty that there's a snow day  in my area and I still got online school ;(

    1. Moochael


      It's sunny here haha

    1. Sythan


      I don't understand why people use that site when you can right click videos and press loop on the normal website :/




  4. I'm saying this because NJBB says he's trying to help me

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. UnBaed


      @Jaek Whoa whoa whoa................................................................................................................................................................. Ur not nj.................................

    3. JEEGK


      this is spam, do you need a warning????

    4. UnBaed


      @Jaek I'll dodge your warning buddy :)

  5. Someone: *looks at Nemir

    Nemir: "Looks like I have to kick them in the crotch."

    1. Jaigalar


      And they don't stop coming.

      And they don't stop coming.

      And they don't stop coming.

      And they don't stop coming.

      And they don't stop coming.

      And they don't stop coming.

      And they don't stop coming.

      And they don't stop coming.

      And they don't stop coming.

      And they don't stop coming.

      And they don't stop coming.

      And they don't stop coming.

      And they don't stop coming.

      And they don't stop coming.

      And they don't stop coming.

      And they don't stop coming.

    2. Space


      that's my purse i don't know you

    3. Lubbie
  6. Nemir (Art above created by me, a bit old though ;o) Nemir looks like a physically pure high elf who stands at the height of 5 feet and 11 inches. Her soft, wavy, long hair usually has the faint scent of flowers to it. She usually keeps a flower crown made of dethorned roses resting on her head. Nemir’s got a medium/small build, she seems fit but not too strong due to her skill in Voidal magic, she seems tired just about all the time due to her lack of sleep as well. Nemir’s regular clothing looks rather clean and kept. When she isn’t wearing armor is she rarely seen with a sword sheathed at her side. Her long hair is kept under her little hood/poncho. Nemir usually keeps a rondel dagger sheathed on her belt when in this uniform, she still keeps her potions clipped to her belt along with herbs in her belt bag. The armor worn by Nemir in this image is a mixture of ferrum plating and chainmail. It’s to look a bit like the Lothric Knight armor in Dark Souls 3. The red tabard seems worn and torn, it covers what she keeps clipped to her belt. On her left side she keeps two swords sheathed, a ferrum one and an aurum one.
  7. I thought these youtubers were gonna be treated like normal players but instead they don't need to apply on the forums and get the spawn to themselves when they join.

  8. Why can't online school get 

    canceled because of snow ;(

    1. tilly


      because GOD didn't will it

    2. drfate786


      Because your WIFI didn't want it to. 

  9. No one talk to me I have a bf

    1. Space
    2. EmbryoGod


      Don't talk to me I have a bf

  10. Seems like an interesting idea, though I don't see how a potion can force someone to tell the truth I think that would be something to do with magic. Also, no one can get I think two of these herbs on the list (Starved Coyotes Tick and Desert Berry Bush).
  11. This lag offends me.

    1. Loreq


      Your lag offends me.

  12. I don't like this alchemy update ;-;

    1. IrishPerson


      What do you not like about it? Feedback welcomed.

    2. UnBaed


      The new update basically forced people to go back several levels in alchemy.  I now can't really play around with herbs and make random potions that I was able to do before which was really fun in alchemy.   Now it's just a little frusterating and I waste herbs by getting ruined potions.

  13. I WILL become the #1 lumberjack on the server.



      Have you realized your goal?

  14. Here's an idea, what if ETs did those PM so and so for interaction but with herbs.  Like you'd seen an emote sign of what the herb looks like n **** and then if you'd like to harvest it or attempt to harvest it you'll need to pm an ET.  If you emote correctly the ET gives you the herb of not then prolly nothing or something happens in RP to you.  

    1. UnBaed


      Also should add, people still are able to get herbs from farming, chopping trees, and fishing.  Just feel like this should happen so that people will want to go out into the wilderness to explore and look for herbs instead of just grinding on skills to get them.

    2. Elvrohir Aureon

      Elvrohir Aureon

      So, u want alchemy ingredients but not have to work hard to get em?


      Count me in!


    3. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Not a bad idea, but it would be extremely taxing. Even if, say, 20 herb spots were set up (I assume there are over 40 types of herbs) it would be hugely impractical for someone to get a message every time one was found.


  16. Pumpkin pie = Punt the Gnome!!

    1. EmbryoGod


      Your name's on a list now

  17. I didn't realize a simple training session could turn into a huge mess that ended up with like 5 people needing medics...

    1. justDEWit


      You're the worst....

    2. Trinn


      Come back to the High Elves. All the bad people are disposed off cleanly :)

    3. Lubbie


      Welcome to Sutica

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