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Status Updates posted by Bvie

  1. Goodbye my little man, my little prince.



    1. Space


      awww looks happy though

    2. Dromui


      That's always a really rough time. I hope you're already and you look back on all your memories shared with him fondly :)

    3. monkeypoacher




      hope you're doing okay man

  2. My prayers are with Texas. Hope all the Texan players are safe

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Harri


      Shooting on a church. 27 dead so far, I think.

    3. Endovelicus


      Ah rest in piece





      lulu and I are ok

  3. 4x EXP and Such on ARK currently

    1. Balorien


      WHAT??? I'm coming!

    2. Bvie


      Up to 5X, aable to go up to 8x depending on how much the charity gets in donations

  4. Warclaims will be decided via Put Put Golf

    1. _Jandy_


      You tryna catch hands on Wii Sports golf??

  5. "Do you see her hair?"

    "Wow, that's....that's...."

    "We call that 'brave' up here."

    "Brave indeed."

  6. 1 Day Left


    To think......we're this close. Waiting.



  7. 2 Days Left


    Yet another phone call, and you are still incredibly dorky. Ya dig?  Waiting!



  8. Since when are we able to UnPK characters after a week has gone by? :thinkplant:

    1. Archipelego


      just dont PK them just shef them if you wanna bring them back

  9. 3 Days Left


    One of the best phone calls ever. Waiting!




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SeventhCircle


      Only took ya 87 days to get that one Sloth Lmao

    3. Slothtastic


      wait wut. HOLY SHIZZLE

    4. SeventhCircle


      But I guess you are a sloth :3 :3 :3 

  10. 4 Days left


    It's surprisingly cold here. Will be a good winter for you to see snow.



  11. 5 Days left


    First day of work, people freaked when they saw the difference. Wonder how you're gonna react.



    1. SeventhCircle


      My favorite cover yet of that song :3

  12. 6 Days left





  13. 7 Days left



    1. Chimp


      until what?

  14. 8 Days left



    1. AfricanGlasses


      I feel like I've been on this journey with both of you even though I have absolutely 0 connection with either of you. Much <3 to both of you. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  15. 9 Days left


    Fingers crossed 



    1. Bvie


      8 Days left



  16. 11 Days left


    I really hope you were right.

  17. 12 Days left


    Got your letter, feeling is mutual <3


    PS: Your drawings are nice.

    1. MunaZaldrizoti


      I'm oddly exited to see what happens on the last day.

    2. Archipelego
  18. 13 Days left


    That was frustratingly funny how you were so excited and kept interrupting me when you asked questions. 

  19. 15 Days left


    No phone call today, sigh.



  20. 16 Days left


    You'd think at this point it'd get easier.



  21. 17 Days left


    Why does this song fit so well? I got the good version. 



  22. 18 Days left



  23. 19 Days left


    Legal is open today! Go do legal things!

  24. 21 Days left


    Walking in the rain for that phone call was worth it. 

  25. 23 Days left


    How did I go from planning in-game parties, to planning little kid parties for coworkers?

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