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Status Updates posted by HedgeHug

  1. Just counted 25 Orenian vassals. Able to house 5 up to 15 people. Lets say the average here is 10, that means that there`s 250 orenians, lets say a third is active, about 85. Lets be optimistic and say there`s 100 active Oreners, why the hell, are they spread about 25 places and don`t just limit that to 3 major cities without giving out land to any random noble to build a village? Look at welves for instance, they give nobles a mansion, so only small families, about 4-5 of them, are outside of the city house-wise. Orcs: they have 1 main hub for activity, 1 dense city and look at how their community grows. What I mean is... Stop bloody vassalising and center rp in major cities instead of creating (Though sometimes nice-looking) Ghost Towns.

    1. Jonificus


      They don't have to have settlements to be a vassal though. Vassal means you, as an individual or a group/house, are bound by oath to a liege lord. The vassal is given several obligations in return for special privileges, usually including a fiefdom (aka land). Hope that cleared up stuff about our RP ! :)

    2. HedgeHug


      Made it into a rant thread cuz whynot

  2. Gotta love all these guys showing their *******. Mhmmm

    1. HedgeHug


      censorship, great

    2. Bardmancer



  3. boop boop shoop die woop

    1. MamaBearJade


      woop die shoop boop boop

  4. narration of story:


  5. LotC pack openings:(link)


    1. idiot
    2. SomberSalad


      You've got good luck! :D

    3. sneLf


      Welp i know what im gonna do...

  6. [Link]


    1. Nekkore


      I nearly got a stat trak Doppler stick, but I got a safari mesh dirt block

    2. HedgeHug

    1. drfate786


      The rapier and defender was a form of duel wielding used in the colonial era. Back then it was ineffective because no sword could block a musket shot. Not even plate armour. It was however, effective in a close range situation until the first flintlocks came along, even after the flintlock it was still slightly effective since flints took time to reload. 

  8. question: I`m hearing rumors on a skill revamp/reset. Will your current tier in a skill be compensated when a new system is introduced? If not Imma just stop grinding then and wait for the rioting Darksalvo.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Harri


      I don't think they intended to give like it all back, give like maybe one-two tiers up, so hardly a big advantage at all.

    3. Dohvi


      I wouldn't get too concerned. Sometimes rumors really are just rumors.

    4. Harri


      That too. I'm personally against it, but if they give me a little boost in being a Chef then whatever, I wouldn't mind slightly better bread to begin with.

  9. Gm before banning:


  10. all summarize ur char!

  11. Noticed we`re not on one of the first pages on PlanetMC`s RP server list. Maybe mass vote?

  12. Gave skinning a try, I tend to take bits from existing skins and adjust/add stuff. Opinions?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. idiot


      Improvements can be made... but good.

    3. Kim


      I call it frankensteining :)

    4. HedgeHug


      Good one! I`ll call it that from now on too xD


  13. Fideldidie, Fideldidoo, Here`s a nugget just for you! (Opened my first casket ever... thanks RNG)


  14. The village now gone.. this is where I started on LotC #foreverremember [link]


    1. Trenchist


      Yep, it's gone for some months now.

    2. Moochael



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