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  1. When is it expected that the new alchemy ingredient thing to gather the ingredients will be released?

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    2. DrakeHaze.


      Except that jistuma made some sort of plugin and it is awaiting approval..?

    3. ShameJax


      I heard about it quite early on.

      The plugin is basically where you craft custom shears with gold, that you right click on land for a percent chance to get a regent per the lore of it. No perms needed.

      Kalen had said about a week ago that he needed to make a few modifications to it, and he did talk to me a bit about the extremely high XP rates for some of the potions. This makes me assume first he's going to be balancing alchemy XP before it's implemented.

    4. Kaelan


      Did he mention an expected release date? And will it then eliminate the need for lumberjack and fisher and farmer to gather the ingredients? 

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