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Everything posted by SaltAlt

  1. I've never taken (real) money from someone for my art, don't really plan to. (vote on the server and you'll have about 90ish mina a day)
  2. So I've debated doing this for the near 2ish Years I've been on LOTC and have finally decided to open up an art thread. My Pricing goes as follows. Bust: Digital Color - 500 mina EXAMPLES: Bust: Digital sketch - 300 mina No examples atm, but basically Digital Color but no Color, just outlining. Bust: Pencil and Paper - 100 mina EXAMPLES: I am only doing Busts (FOR THE MOMENT) as I can do them relatively quick, but may expand options in the future. Orders will be done within 1-3 days of me marking them as "Being Worked On" (times may vary if work gets busy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spot 1: Humanistic Spot 2: Rip and Tear Spot 3: Ragnio VIP Spot: (pay an extra 200 mina to jump to the front of line ;) ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order Form MCName: Type of Bust: (Color, Sketch, Pencil) Position: (Forward, 3/4th, Side) Character name: Hair: (length, color, style) Eyes: (color, shape) Reference: (include at least 2 pictures 1 being the Skin, and if possible a picture its based off) Warning! once paid there will be no refunds, if you don't like how the art came out Ill be willing to re-draw it, please don't waste my time though. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Completed Orders! Skale
  3. Entering hour 5 without a GM logging on, anarchy is beginning to brew in the community.

  4. Have 2 characters available to play. they are both female and of the Ruric bloodline.

    one is 20, the other is 25. PM for more details


    1. Anisgar


      no one wants to play Exanders children

    2. rukio


      ^Literally inbred 2iq children

    3. LatzMomo


      ok I will play them both

  5. Give this man a Trial already!



  6. Happy Birthday!!!



    1. Asylum.


      Thankyouuu <3 

    2. SaltAlt


      Hope you have an amazing day mang, and many more after!


    3. Asylum.


      Thanks, i hope thats true

  7. Looking for kids! keeping the thread open till Sunday SUNDAY SUUUNDAAAAY



  8. Looking for someone to play a character in the near future. The character is my characters first child and is a girl. PM me for details and possibly an interview. (she looks something like this) https://gyazo.com/6026860fde2da0be639954e1641f0c01

  9. Can we get a GM on soon?

  10. So we agree to a 3v3 and when it starts teegah starts pugsing all the people who werent involved, yet no GM attempted to stop him. Also eddywillson logged when he was downed when the dwarves killed him. all in all an eventful night.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. _pr0fit
    3. SaltAlt


      @AsYluMx_ I held Anisgar's hand as he bled out from the sweat masters barbed arrows did their deed. 

    4. Asylum.


      @Fuze Rip Anisgar, I looked around seeing all of my friends going down.

  11. Banned for saying Basement. and ban reason is false as I have graduated, I demand justice.

    1. SaltAlt


      I am now a free man, I don't know how I will adjust to life outside the system, but I welcome the freedom.

  12. "Hmm, id be willin' to pay about . . . eh, 400 minae fer er'" Astrid Ruric would say after hearing about the slave.
  13. Fuze Yaander Would crumple the paper that was given to her "What does he mean 'The army you took from her' We don't work that way." She would toss the paper to the street as she entered her house, grabbing a quill to write a letter "Damn fool knows not what he's done" she would say making copies of the letter sending them across the Dreadlands. "This is what I get for being soft, I tried to let him leave instead of executing him, but this is what I get? . . ." "Never again" She would mutter to herself as people began to assemble outside her house.
  14. Will do Character Art for Swedish Fish

    Kinda like this VVVVV (Can do different weather or backgrounds (I just REALLY like snow) but they will be "blurred" because the showcase is your character) 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheJollyPear


      @Fuze if you could draw Langon you'll be my favorite.

    3. SaltAlt


      @TheJollyPear @The Chaotic Cookiie 饼 Message me the skins(or really anything that can give me an idea of what your characters look like) and what angle you want/background. can be side view, 3/4ths, or facing forward.

    4. Tower_Pyro


      nice drawing

  15. Round of applause to Luciensport for finally locking some of their chests.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SaltAlt


      I've been stealing from them for weeks now lol

    3. Bourbon


      sad to see business is dying :C

    4. SaltAlt


      Nah, I found another city lol, got a 13 Archer chest and a beacon my last run. woot!

  16. Will do character art for Swedish Fish

    1. LatzMomo


      Will you do character art for promotion???


    2. SaltAlt


      Aye sir ;)

  17. I'm going to keep this simple and brief, this is only an idea but I think it would help balance some things out. I think that the Ologs should be a little slower than the average movement speed, they're big and clumsy so their movements should show it. This would balance pvp out greatly since they have higher health and the pvp buff. I'm not asking for a huge slow down but maybe have them only move 90%-80% to the average speed. I don't really know how this would be done but I figure it would be as easy as the jump boost for Kah. Thank you for your time and I hope you consider this.
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