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  • Birthday 01/12/2001

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    Theris Elibar'acal
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    High Elf

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  1. Do not get upset about a war that was caused, and is entirely being done, through active roleplay to provide character developing experiences on this server that is intended for roleplay. It is ridiculous when we find ourselves crying on an online forums about something negative happening in our characters experiences – going to the point of threatening to break the rules and pugsy different communities of of anger – and allowing this to get in the way of what will be a possibly large piece of history for many, many characters on Lord of the Craft.


    Llyria, I’m sorry that you’re getting the short end of a stick here. The fact of the matter is, your nation in roleplay is a host and protector of dark mages, having various demons on your guard force. For example, when we arrived on dwarves yesterday, it was further proved that the war was just — a 7,10 demon and some knight sat there casting dark magic to get us to go away. I have no qualms with this. But it is a perfectly viable reason for nations to be worried, and justifies various aspects of this war. Haelun’or was attacked in roleplay by four dark mages that are consistently seen in Llyria, and are standing members in your city. We have in roleplay evidence that Naztherak mages sit upon your council. You broke a pact with Fenn.


    This and more. Let us all agree to not let OOC blind us in what will be an RP historic event. Muster your forces and defend your Concord; when even it may seem hopeless. But also- do not go around threatening to quit LOTC because “grR ooc grR” when that is not the case at all. Do not victimize yourself to cast a bad light upon your opponents. Stop trying to end a war through OOC before it’s even begun.


    I am going to tell my community to remain amicable and nice to you guys on an OOC basis, because clearly there are insults flinging from your side that may make my community hostile back. 


    Thank you.

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    2. ToodIes


      @IxliYep that was me, GuardNPC, making grey wisps with Arcanism

    3. Ixli


      @Toodles78 Youch – that didn’t really help the ‘we don’t allow dark mages to cast magic here’ claim, IRP.

    4. ToodIes


      @IxliAn understandable mistake to make IC! Just don’t misrepresent what we’re doing OOCly.

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