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10006 Rep Farm CEO

About NotEvilAtAll

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    Hey dol, merry dol, ring a dong dillo!

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    In a hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit.
  • Interests
    Making a bunch of halfling RP posts for no good reason.

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  • Character Name
    Filibert Applefoot / Dandelion Greenholm
  • Character Race
    Halfling / Halfling

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  1. I do not like Vortex in its current form. It has taken the wind out of my community and now logging on feels less exciting than it used to be. I hope it is changed dramatically as nick polishes it up or removed entirely if it cannot be made enjoyable for the majority of the server in a (somewhat) reasonable amount of time. I just hope that by 2022 we have it better.

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    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Halflings don't PvP and we don't make any PvP gear except to kill boars. Even without needing to make gear, we still run out of stuff frequently because we're a fair walk away from the nearest nodes (and do a lot of building), so you have to spend a considerable amount of time away from home to make sure your community ain't broke. Doesn't help that our overlords have the gates shut half the time in order to stop raiders, making it difficult to get at their nodes in the first place.


      I sort of like having a good stock of building materials available for everybody, and that takes a bit of grinding even with the new quarries and whatnot. As there is no farming proficiency yet, there's nothing we can produce to trade for said goods besides meat and wheat, which are both already rather low in value. Thus, a few of us take it upon themselves to make sure we don't constantly run out of crud, because if nobody grinds then we have no materials to build the fun festival equipment we want or any housing for new players.


      I wish we get farming proficiency soon 'cause that'd fix the issue of having to run off to semi-dead cities to grind their nodes in order to get any real value. However, seeing as development on Vortex has slowed down to reconsider some parts of it (I think???), I don't have my hopes too high that we'll see all this added very soon.


      And, speaking of RP goods, you can't even get 64 bottles with a full harvest of east hub sand nodes (I think it was meant to be 64 but a few nodes got dropped out somehow), and thus you have to hit it up twice to get enough for an optimal booze rename. Can't even use the AH to buy it because nobody is selling sand. Dirt, which comes in groups of 32 at warp hubs, typically needs 2 or so stacks to fully cover a halfling burrow and thus you need to hit up the nodes multiple times to have enough (at least we've slowly built a decent stockpile for it, but it's still sad to see dirt be something worth hoarding at all).


      it's all so tiresome

    3. Shezept


      Tiresome yes, but is still able to do stuff, I stopped collecing pvp gear because it's useless atm due to most vibing and hiding rp'ing. Just try and do more rp based stuff for your community, I'm still waiting for people to host parties for something nice and casual. Also just get players to come help you in your community to get sand or something since it takes two seconds.


      Not saying your opinion is wrong,Vortex is mix reviews, but it's liveable and only limits your roleplay if you allow it too.


      Chin up champ, enjoy your rp and being with friends

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      It's just kind of a turn off, ya know? I'm not full time grinding or anything, and I do plan events, but without an SS pillar for the village and some folks off harvesting nodes instead of sitting in the tavern, you kinda feel the burn.


      We tried to buy an SS pillar yesterday but the staff wouldn't let us, so yeah. BIg oof.

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