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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. The person above forgot to vote for their local communist party last election, sad!

    1. Dry Crackers

      Dry Crackers


  2. The person above is triple gay

  3. The soon fall will Dominion

  4. The stall in numendil is empty. No more horses for us until it is refilled 🐎😿😿😿😿.

  5. the swamp event is killing literally everyone

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mavromino


      Crossbows, longbows and javelins are always a good idea.

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      We actually had a decent plan when coming into the event, it’s just that the event was incredibly difficult.

    4. Jentos
  6. The unintellectual @ShameJax tries to save his reputation after being burned alive by iMattyz. Sad






    ((This is sarcasm plz don't hurt me))

  7. The USSR was my favorite anime

  8. The war has turned into an auction

  9. The war server’s probably gonna crash the second both sides come into melee contact lol.

  10. The wedding of Greta and Filibert is occuring in 30 minutes!

    Be in Brandybrook for it if you can!

  11. The Zizek vs Peterson debate was lit as heck.

    1. Space


      i don’t know i think it would’ve been much better if zizek just took one for the team and explained all the dumb ideas that peterson had in his intro, rather than whining along with him about PC police and sucking him off with only a few dunks

    2. Lirro


      Peterson btfo’d

  12. There is nothing wrong with quartz 

  13. There is only one gender, and we have to share it.

  14. There seems to have been some changes to the brewing plugin...


    We can make Cider now! And Sake! And probably many more things!

  15. There will be a Festival in Dunshire today at 3 PM EST! Be there or be square!

    Edited by NotEvilAtAll
  16. There's a halfling festival Tomorrow. Be there if you want to


  17. There's a new halfling village in town


    1. Archipelego


      the boys are back in town

    2. NotEvilAtAll
  18. There’s nothing quite like sittingin your halfling commune while eating bread and drinking vodka

    1. Sky


      underage drinking is not funny !

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      In game Madeline is over 50 years old... she can probably drink vodka 

  19. This is a long restart

  20. this is a spam status update

  21. this is a spam status update that exists to flood your notifications with irrelevant material

  22. This war was all a secret ploy to increase Urguan’s Power Projection so they can have more monarch power.

  23. those are some sketchy lookin' links

    1. SakuraSweet0w0


      oh there my art i couldent post it because it was to big

    2. Nug


      @Sakura Blossomits not a big deal but its easy to upload them to imgur.com and share them that way with just one link to an album too 

      cute art :-)

  24. TIL the frostbeards are planning to enslave the entire halfling race for some reason 

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      We've looked at their chats 





      The chats don't lie

  25. Time to make more halfling RP posts!

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