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Everything posted by thesaintjaleel

  1. Why you gotta be so fake?


  2. "Orcs used to be Elves, their minds and bodies corrupted and distorted."

  3. There are many in particular who I would send this response to, but I won't to avoid the toxicity I'd get in reply. I'm all for taking a humble role personally, I believe it comes with less risks and deserves commendation in the least. ;^)
  4. Remove Ascendeds

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Not until you apologize for advocating halfling genocide 





  5. I actually like alot of people here.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. thesaintjaleel


      3 minutes ago, Telanir said:

      And many people like you as well!

      haha nahh

    3. Telanir


      I wouldn't be so skeptical. :)

    4. thesaintjaleel


      Omg ily too  @Telanir

  6. Okay I read it and I think this is amazing! I always loved the DnD system of things and felt it would be good on LOTC despite the completely different environment, kudos to this!
  7. Need a skinner, im not very good at female skins ;(

    1. Restless


      Hit me up on the discord in my profile, I can hook you up with something.


    2. D4NNA


      No, ask me!

  8. Gonna change my user to _CoatAndTimbz_

  9. Yea sorry, I had explained to Auric that my post wasn't about him but I didn't know you assisted so sorry to you aswell! My purpose was to inform her why her ammendment is inefficient, its obvious this is based around her feelings towards a specific character and his/her choices. Other than that, I think the initial lore about Yeu was quite interesting and I do like it, not that I would make a character that follows it but its always good to have more utility magics.
  10. I know that, Auric is the creator. My understanding is that she assisted with the creation and/or trial of the Lore and is attempting to make it elitist. - Thats my view.
  11. This post is honestly sad, a utility magic especially if dietal should not have this much drama. The hypocrisy here is unquestionable and its obvious that this is written based on bias towards a certain group which is NOT how magic should be run especially if its not used for combat and is deific. Sure you're the creator of the lore but its the mindset that some people have that they are the GODS of the certain magic that makes such a lore unbearable. Remember that others CAN add their input on your lore and that they CAN write lore submissions on it aswell, so you saying "I'm not so lenient to players as much as I am to staff" Isn't quite logical, especially since staff ARE players too and players have the ability to be staff. Redo this from a standpoint of a regular player who actually wants to benefit the magic rather than someone who believes that you should have control of the lore over someone else.
  12. This server is so funny xd

    1. rukio


      I love the drama, popcorn and wine time.

  13. Finally found my old account, joined here May of 2016 actually @Ali

  14. I want to be the first male frostwitch ;^)

  15. hahaha no I actually think there are more people playing creatures more than actual descendants and that new creatures should be halted unless they are completely unique and are confirmed to be beneficial to the server, so nope no.
  16. I wanna start the ultimate Jihadi group.

  17. Selling roles on a minecraft server is a violation of code 9 line 7 of article 365 of the Pixtitution of Bloxium

    1. thesaintjaleel


      I would like to request my minas back, thanks.

  18. When you have 0 reason to vassalize but you yolo.

    1. Dreek


      The 'you' turns your sentence into 'You you only live once'

    2. thesaintjaleel


      You are right my good man

  19. "Death awaits you.." he'd flip around Constantine, turning around and stabbing him in the heart

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