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    New Vegas

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    Laerdya | Mia Asclepius | Maeyrn | Haelun'or Square
  • Character Race
    Supreme Being | Mali'Thill | Mali'Ame | Ground

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  1. Andria Fi'talareh - last logged in 73 Days ago
    Avern’dionne Fi’talareh - 2 days ago with two hours
    Ikur Sullas - 2 days ago, with 3 hours
    Silvos Sythaerin - No idea
    Dimaethor Elervathar - 21 hours ago, 4 hours played
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    Iaria Elervathar - 2 days ago, 2 minutes played
    Iatrilemar Elervathar - Unknown when last online
    Lelien Lazul - 73 Days ago
    Cereburr Asul'Ailer -  No idea
    Need I say more.

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    2. BrandNewKitten


      If you don’t want to respect the traditions of a 10 year old playerbase then RP somewhere else. Plenty of other choices out there that don’t involve the OOC drama that you are inciting.


      We are here watching, visiting & the Maheral is not NL. The Maheral simply is. 

    3. Punished_Pup


      Regardless of my respect or lack of respect of the Hnor culture. My issue comes from how parts of this culture more or less transcend into OOC politcing. It is entirely unfun to find out this important part of the culture quite literally is done behind close doors on Discord. The only reason I feel like I am 'inciting' OOC drama is because there is literally imo no other way to deal with this kind of stuff, how am I or anyone else meant to IRPly deal with anything that goes outside the server? You simply can't. Really don't know what else to say.

    4. BrandNewKitten


      The title of Maheral is passed down from Maheral to Maheral. It is and has never been a role that is voted on. 

      When a Maheral steps out of line (i.e. claiming power or writing in laws without having the entire citizenry vote) the Malaurian (some active, some not) decide whether or not to publicly denounce that character. That leaves a void. The void is then filled by another character. Usually the active Malauriran come to the group and ask for input because in the end you want a reliable person in that position. Someone who knows the lore, culture, and community.

      The Maheral is just a figurehead. A teacher. Sometimes the written constitution gives them more power but really their only power comes from people willing to listen to them. 

      But there was never going to be a point where you personally got to choose the Maheral. It’s never worked like that and we have always either respected the decision or called for a vote of no confidence.


      Especially after we all got to read that OOC statement from Kiwi. We all were taken aback by the pettiness. It’s been full on OOC since January. Like a constant **** you to our entire sub-community. 

      Roleplay the culture, the voting, the debates, and maybe people will finally start to respect the story you are pushing. Otherwise what you really want is the shell of the nation. Plenty of other tiles to go do that on. 

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