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About Callistus

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    Let him who has butchered, dine

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  1. The nerves on these womenfolk of nowadays, merits great contempt! Back in my day, these horrid gargoyles clung to the kitchen and hymned their nine children to sleep. A tragic turn of events indeed!

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Back in my day, we had to walk uphill to school both ways!


      You youn’uns have it easy.

    2. Ford


      I say, woman! WOMAN! Why are you not barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen?!?!

    3. Child Neglecter

      Child Neglecter

      5 hours ago, Ford said:

      I say, woman! WOMAN! Why are you not barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen?!?!


      Our world of glorious men is in shambles. 


      Burn the rainbow flags, men - for they cast a shadow on mankind in wake of the downfall of all men in rise of a demonic matriarchy. 


      We raise a new king today. 

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