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Everything posted by LaffenOutLoud


  2. I always appreciate new interesting creatures to give players some flavorful RP. But I think the general makeup of this creature already exists, as Epiphytes. Particularly this piece of lore reminds me a lot about Dryads. I think you could work with this still though, and just take it into a different direction. We have seen a lot of playable tree-themed CAs on LOTC, but there’s some more unique things you could do. You could try and go for a niche of “merfolk,” and have them very ocean-inspired (like the Neredeis, that subtype is my favorite and it would be pretty cool if you expanded on it and made it the entire race); or you could give them a more fairy-ish vibe and have them be insect-like, so like butterflies for example. Hell, you could even make them have crystalline growths all over their body. I don’t know if you’re aware, but we (LOTC Fae players, who play current Fae or played Fae prior to the lore-games) have a discord server where we discuss & write fae lore & rewrites together. We’d all be happy to give our input and help you with your writing process. Add me on discord if you’d like to join! So far we’ve written Epiphytes (encompassing the bryophite & dryad players), treants, sprites, and some are in the process of writing beeple (bee people) and cervitaurs/satyrs
  3. i love it when people give such thought-out criticism. i’ve edited some of the points to include your feedback, i don’t know why i didn’t think of some of those points - made it so sprites can fly with no limits (besides how high they can fly, and the mechanic restrictions) except in combat situations. - defined combat situations as a conflict RP scenario where a party calls CRP/PVP. - defined that a sprite willingly produces the toxin, which can only be used during CRP.
  4. the great wall of alchemy MAs

  5. “Oh Aspects.. somebody please go get Asra, I just know he’ll want to take one”
  6. Credits to Jallen! - Origins of Treants In a great many ways the abundance of nature within the Fae Realm mimics that of the Mortal Realm. However things here are grown without the tainted touch of magic, or the cruel abandon of descendant industrialization. The energies of creation flow freely here and such raw, undiluted life gives birth to the true chaos of nature. Death and extinction occur frequently, but even more frequent is the birth and evolution of new creatures to take their place. It was the combined effort of three great deities that this realm was assembled, and so it is that three great domains separate the lands. For the Lady of Light, a domain of constant sunshine and growth without end. For the Mistress of Shadow, a domain of darkness and death without recourse. And for the Lord of Beasts, a vast hunting ground where only the fittest survive. But still a fourth domain exists where the boundaries are blurred and distorted; The Lands of Seasonal Shift, where creatures from all the domains might coalesce. The creatures that inhabit these domains have done so for countless millennia and through the grueling processes of evolution, spurred by constant hardship, have produced the fiercest predators, the sneakiest tricksters, and creatures so alien to mortal imagination that only the term ‘monster’ would be apt as a description. From the tallest redwood, to the shortest birch, the trees of the Fae Realm are not all that dissimilar to those found in the Mortal Realm. Their roots, spurred by the nutrient-rich soils below, dig deeper and stronger than any of their mirrored kin, however. Constant battle against the elements and the abundance of life here has made their bark harder, their fruits juicer. But greatest of all the boons bestowed by evolution is that of intelligence; and these Fae Trees are just that. Vast underground networks of roots grown since ancient times connect a forest entire and turn individuals into a community. Like veins coursing blood through the body this system of roots carries nutrients and water between all members to ensure that the strongest will survive and the forest, as a whole, will grow tall and long. If the interwoven roots below form the veins, then the sacred Slumber Tree must be its life-bestowing heart. One resides in the midst of all great forests elevated to serve as a conduit for the connections between trees. It is here, through symbiotic society, that a forest phenomenally gains a soul. - A forest has not eyes with which to scan the horizon. A forest has not ears to hear the footfalls of hostile Fae. It does not smell the smoke of a brazen wildfire that burns ever closer. These sensations that a forest cannot sense spell danger to an ecosystem without a means to defend itself. For these instances a watcher must be posted, one who can do what the others cannot, one who can fight with antler and claw as if a beast of the land like any other. So it is that a Treant is incubated within the amber cradle of the forest’s heart, its Slumber Tree, to be born a shepard of its kind that will defend them from harm and guide them toward everlasting growth. Within this creature lay the convergent boons of a forest working in tandem, funneling their pooled resources to its heart, lending pieces of their minds and shards of faery life to forge a creature that is greater than the sum of its parts. Sentience born of wood, not flesh, marks the Treant as a unique entity amongst the Aspectual Domains and it is this boon that gives the creature a lofty advantage against rival fae. The capacity to learn tempered by wooden instinct ushers a Treant onward to clear debris from the forest floor, to plant seeds so that new individuals might join the collective, to stamp out fire afore all is lost, and to wrend the stone of the rival Petrusites that seek to seed their kind in fertile ground better suited for acorns than gems. The migration of Fae toes the line of occurence between uncommon and rare. For Treants especially it is almost entirely unheard of. None would ever dare attempt crossing into the Mortal Realm by way of a fairy ring, for dreaded fear of leaving their forest behind. The very eldest Treants, with their trunks ringed by millenia upon millenia, speak of a memory; distant, foggy, but yet lingering within their mind. They recall that of a great elvish city adorned in bronze and marble that towered amongst trees that kissed the heavens above, a city where Elf and tree lived together harmoniously rather that at odds. So great was this city that Malin, while he still walked the land, would visit his kin here and share in their grandeur. Ancient druii within this city, their names and totems all but lost to time, maintained a circle vast and devout in their worship of nature. Their power was such that even the Fae Realm was not out of reach; and with the blessing of Cernunnos the seeds of faery trees were collected and then planted within the forested city and its surrounding lands. The Treants that sprouted were taught the tongue of elves whilst they trained in the arts of war. With the aid of these creatures the advances of a great orcish horde were repelled time and time again, but then, mysteriously, the orcs did not return as they once had. Rumors of a great vanquisher spread through the street like a virus. What happened next, no Treant can recall. Only that the city was left wrent to rubble and dust, and that no elves remained. With their teachers vanished the Treants went their separate ways and migrated across the lands, sowing the seeds of their faery trees. For Treants this event has come to be known as the Mourning March. Culture As is a penchant with most other things bearing sentience the Treant is a social creature. In the Fae Realm, where thousands of acres of woodland may stretch out of sight, Treants will come to know those neighboring their territory and often form into mutual alliances with them to better their odds of survival. Their natural enemy, the Petrusites, are often a handful for an individual Treant especially if that Treant is still a juvenile. By forming these alliances an older Treant might mentor a younger one in how best to fight back and through their combined strength bring one down together. In dire circumstances, especially where a Petrusite may have grown to gigantic proportions, an elder Treant may call for an Entmoot; a large meeting between dozens of Treants to discuss a course of action. In the Mortal Realm such an event is often called when the hostile presence of Corruption or Dragonkin has been discovered. The innate curiosity possessed by Treants often bids them seek out the areas beyond their borders should no active threat nor great need for maintenance be present. Here they may bid to visit other sentient beings and learn more about the world they inhabit or forge new alliances. While not innately known to a Treant, such mortal virtues as Honor and Mercy might come to be adapted to their lifestyle. Just the same, however, wicked inclinations might be picked up as well. So long as their forest flourishes, very little else matters. Above all else a Treant values action over words. One seeking to gain the respect of such a creature would find more success in aiding its duties, rather than preaching their great moral standing. Due to their long separation from the Fae Realm many Treants (especially young, wild Treants) are completely unaware of their connection to it or to the Aspectual Trinity responsible for their species’ inception. Despite this, it is said that their faery souls still long for home; and on nights illuminated with brightest moonlight one might hear the calls of a Treant overcome with sorrowful nostalgia. Being taught the significance of this instinct only intensifies this phenomena further and a well-learned Treant may attempt to perform worship in their own well-intentioned ways. The felling of a tree in a Treant’s forest is a cause of concern for the creature, and as the forest as whole gives a Treant life, this concern is entirely valid. It's not only seen as murder, but a personal slight upon the Treant itself and forgiveness for such a transgression will not come easily; if the Treant will allow forgiveness at all. As a rule, however, Treants often latch unto the concept of reincarnation, which can likely be attributed to their ability to regrow themselves from death. This belief extends to their forest as well and should an individual tree fall the grief is greatly mitigated by planting a seed from the same tree within the forest. When taught the concept of Favors Treants are, for whatever reason, entirely fascinated. Perhaps as a carryover from their survivalist tendencies all Treants find the idea that, by performing a service, someone will then owe them a service, an exceedingly delightful negotiation; and they will hold to their bargain with great dedication so long as it does not threaten their forest. Someone else failing to uphold their end is often met extremely poorly, though. Physiology ”...” (Squashed forest assailant, 1504) While all Treants share similar behavioral and instinctual traits, their morphology can differ considerably between subspecies. Three different subspecies exist, each one corresponding to a different domain of the Fae Realm, and each one suited best for survival in that specific domain. Dayward Treants share an affinity for the Dayward Domain and its caretaker Cerridwen. As they age their bodies often take a curvy, feminine appearance, and like a caring mother this subspecies tends to her territory with affection and tact. Fruit-bearing bushes and budding flowers grow with a newfound benevolence in these areas and all manner of animal will flock to spend time with their guardian, who warmly accepts their company. Nightfall Treants share an affinity for the Nightfall Domain and its mistress Nemiisae. The forms of these beings hardly ever lean to one gender, and instead they take the shape of gnarled monstrosities with jagged edges and sunken eyes. In many ways they are opposites to their Dayward cousins and elect to maintain dominance through fear, rather than love. Terrifying, shrieking calls in the night ward away all but the most courageous of interlopers; and should this fail, they may find this treant’s territory to be rife with spiders and other unsavory creatures that dwell in darkness. Twilight Treants share an affinity for the Twilight Domain and its huntsman Cernunnos. These treants take on a masculine appearance far more frequently than any other, sporting broad shoulders and large branches made to give the illusion of greater height. The thrill of the hunt and the challenge of battle make these treants especially crafty predators who will knowingly lay traps from vines and pits just as often as they will charge headlong into a fight. If honor can be instinctual, then perhaps this is true of the Twilight Treant. Three distinct stages define the life cycle of a Treant, and the speed with which each individual progresses can vary depending on certain factors. As a Treant is only as strong as the Forest which gives it life having a strong, hearty, and vast forest will allow more access to resources that will hasten its development. But what cannot be changed is the passing of time, and like all living creatures, time must be given to allow change to occur. The Seedling stage begins at the Treant’s birth and lasts for up to three elven months, though in good conditions where a forest remains healthy and strong one might mature in as little as two elven months. During this stage the Treant is uncoordinated and somewhat small, maxing out at a height of only four feet and weighing three hundred pounds. Their intelligence compares to that of a mortal toddler and they are wholly incapable of grasping more nuanced concepts. They operate and are characterized by their instinctual inclinations, most notably the desire to protection and patrol their forest. They will not leave it for any stretch of time unless forced and doing such is widely regarded as cruel. Interactions with foreign parties such as descendants will have long-lasting consequences as the Treant matures and what it experiences here in this first stage may influence the creatures’ manner of dealing with them for the rest of its life. The little seedling is quite fond of napping and will only emerge for up to a day at a time before re-incubating itself within its Slumber Tree to rest and facilitate continued growth. ”Don’ poke their woods if ye value yer limbs. They’ll knock yer arse apart.” – Hareven Lorenthus. Spriggans are known to be the adolescent stage of Treants. Their height is now increased to an imposing eight feet tall though more territorial or combat-inclined spriggans will intentionally grow their branches out to give the illusion of an extra foot in height. Their heavy, fortified bark laden with absorbed water gives them a maximum weight of six hundred pounds. Long, notably disproportionate arms stretch to rest at a spriggan’s knees when not being used to strangle lumberjacks. The Treant will spend most of its observable life cycle in this intermediary state where it is intelligent enough to assess danger and strong enough to combat it directly, but it will still routinely re-incubate itself within its Slumber Tree to rest and recover from damage sustained in its duties. It is in this stage that the Treant is most greatly compelled by curiosity and most likely to leave its forest for short periods of time, venturing into the unknown to sate its hunger for knowledge and adventure. Establishing friendships, garnering favors, and locating fellow Treants will often allow them the practice necessary to finally master language and get a taste for higher learning. The lack of prosperity otherwise naturally found in the Fae Realm often causes spriggans to become stunted, however, and no matter how long one might wait, nor how vast their forest grows, they will never mature into the final life stage. Spriggans who remain this way for too long may fall into depression and isolate themselves to their forests, intentionally re-incubating themselves for longer and longer periods of time as a method of coping. Becoming an Ent marks the end of a Treant’s player-controlled narrative, though the character will continue to live on and may make appearances in future events and storylines. For those lucky few who succeed and proceed to the final life stage, the great majesty of the mighty Ent is their ultimate form. The longevity of the Treant is one of its most distinct characteristics and the limits of its lifespan, if one exists, have never been documented. The most ancient Treants of the Mortal Realm have cited events that predate written history, and if that history had been written at one point, the pages it rested upon have long since succumbed to rot. It is speculated then that they could live for thousands of years if they were to avoid more direct means of death. In great age, however, the elder Treant’s titanic size and the immense energy needed to move itself much less perform in combat lead it to live a more sedentary lifestyle; only emerging from its Elder Slumber Tree, known more colloquially as just an Elder Tree, to engage with great threats directly antagonizing its forest. Towering at an incredible fifty-five feet tall and weighing up to fifteen tons, most threats to the forest are at an extreme disadvantage should they choose to threaten the balance of an ent’s domain and should it choose to awaken and roam its borders you will find few creatures quite as patient and hasteless. The flow of time has little meaning to an ent, and it washes over the creature like trickles of the river against a mighty, unyielding stone. “Best partner a guard could ever ask for.” – Chloris Holz While treants are remarkably strong and hardy creatures they still pale in comparison to the sheer durability and raw strength of the stone-men fashioned by the dwarves in their sunken halls. But what a treant lacks in power it makes up for in versatility, and their ability to learn. Treants come in all variety of tree, including fruit-bearing trees, and it is not uncommon to see a few apples or coconuts dangling in their branches. But the similarities between fae and mortal tree end there. The bark of all Treants is coarse and thicker, built to withstand the great natural disasters experienced in the Fae Realm, but is still receptive to the sharp end of an axe. Even swords might be used in a pinch to combat one, though likely ruining the blade in the process. Blunted weapons are understandably inefficient, bordering useless against such a wooden foe. A common tactic amongst seasoned lumberjacks is to target the extremities and sever them from the body, crippling the creature's combat efficiency or mobility and forcing them to make a hasty retreat. A spriggan in peak form can keep pace with a jogging human but may be overtaken in sheer speed, making it essential to press the attack before the creature can find shelter to regenerate and renew its assault. A spriggan in peak form can deadlift up to a maximum of one ton if uninterrupted, a feat often observed through the clearing of boulders (or deceased Petrusites) from ones forest. Within the body of every Treant beats a crystalline mass that pulses with the concentrated life-giving energies of nature, known as a Core Cluster. This glistering crystal serves as the heart and mind of a treant; and without one, it would surely perish. To prevent such a fate the cluster is nestled securely within the gnarled branches that comprise a treant’s chest, emitting a luminous glow that exudes through the gaps in its body. Every time a treant returns to rest within its slumber tree the cluster will transcribe all memories its gathered over to said slumber tree, where it will store them. Should a treant fall in battle and succumb to death the slumber tree will then regenerate the treant using these stored memories, forming another, identical treant to replace the last. It is believed the Core Cluster shares many similarities to the precious Kuila Crystals that form naturally within the Mortal Realm. Perhaps as different forms of this crystal take shape in the various biomes of the mortal realm, the fae realm has its own; though such is only speculation. All that is certain is that the Core Cluster is a highly specialized object, and should it be dislodged or destroyed the treant housing it will crumble and fall just as surely as any mortal man with his heart torn out. The Core Cluster of a Treant emits an overabundance of raw natural energy, which can be sensed by Druids in a surrounding eight metre radius around the Treant. This has no effect on Descendants, however to Druids, being within this area of a Treant would offer a near exact effect to sitting within a Fae Ring. When destroyed or removed from a Treant, the cluster’s effects will become null immediately. The Balance of Nature is a sacred belief held in high regard by the Fae and certain mortals. However, there exist destructive forces beyond the ken of nature that are capable of twisting its cycles or wrending them to ruin. The most notable of these forces is the Void, the great nothingness, the writhing chaos; for it is the very antithesis of life and creation. The purer the magical energies rooted from it, the more potent they are against the life essence of a treant; bringing supernatural destruction upon its bark and, if not guarded, core cluster in a manner much like virulent acid. As an exception, however, forming the energies of the void into a mimicry of natural forces will be met with resistance from a treant; most notably when that mimicry is fire. It takes great effort to burn a well-watered tree, treants even more so. However not all fire will find the gnarled body of a treant to be adamant to its flames. The intense heat unleashed from the belly of Dragonkin is substantial enough to cut through these natural defenses and set a treant aflame, whilst sustained fire may cleave through their bark entirely. All treants have an innate fear of dragonfire, and it may take some encouragement for them to stand against such creatures. The final but broadest category that might bring ruin upon a treant is the harnessing of Dark Magic against one. Such perversions of the natural order are many, with their usage falling in and out of practice, so it is impossible to describe them all and all their particular effects. Suffice to say, all which may be used to violent effect will be especially potent against a treant. Much like other facets of nature, be it the animals of the forests, the land, or the vegetation that grows upon it, a treant is susceptible to Corruption. Because the Fae Realm is protected against such ghastly forces its denizens have not developed any resistances to it, and it will spread through their bark and leaf like a virus. While the types of corruption (also referred to as Blight) vary greatly in strength, they are all capable of turning these defenders of the wilds into Deranged Treants, creatures plagued by madness and with a desire to destroy all around them; be it foe, or former friend. Deranged Treants will violently lash out at everything around them and will even attempt to destroy large swathes of nature, potentially spreading the corruption further. Their once intelligent minds falter and revert to a feral state that can no longer be reasoned with; instead only shrieking in ear-piercing pain. The longer a treant remains corrupted the more skeletal its appearance becomes, and its Core Cluster will begin to pulse wildly with a sickly red light. In its final stages not even the power of Druii can heal its tainted cluster, making their salvation a timely ordeal. Killing a Deranged Treant by shattering its Core Cluster will end its reign of terror prematurely and the treant will reform normally from its Slumber Tree with no recollection of the ordeal. But should the Slumber Tree itself become corrupted, either by a Deranged Treant returning to it, or by some other means, then it will continuously spawn the horror until it is purified or destroyed. ”All Yew have is her seeds. Would of like for druii to take to new land, so can see it.” – Spriggan, Yew. ”We’d be honoured, Yew.” – Autumn Druid Nivndil Treants are innately capable of communicating with nature around them, as they are a part of it, like any creature of the woods. Druids that have learned to Commune with nature are capable of bypassing potential language barriers and communicating with the creature directly, though will find they are much less receptive to any untoward requests one might make toward a common beast and may outright refuse them. Favors asked by Druids through Communion, when used to benefit a Treant’s forest, will often earn the druid some favor from a Treant; but attempting its use on the creature itself is almost always rejected with extreme prejudice. The use of control to ungrow a Slumber Tree with the intent of transplanting it into a new forest is possible, but requires the consent of the Treant. Should consent not be established the Slumber Tree will resist the attempt and often turn the Treant against the offending druid. Blight Healing can be used to cleanse a Deranged Treant and its Slumber Tree of corruption, but it cannot heal a wounded Treant. In the event that a Slumber Tree is destroyed, however, an master Blight Healer might use their power to coax life back into the remains of the once proud tree. It will take time for the Slumber Tree to return to its former state once this occurs, but eventually it will birth its Treant once more. Shapeshifters appear as ordinary animals to a Treant and will not be suspected of anything more, unless the shifter in question makes their true nature known. Treants without knowledge of Shapeshifting are incredibly oblivious to otherwise outlandish behavior a shifted animal might display and will likely attribute it to mental deficiency or poor nutrition. Psychology The mindset held by Treants is one tempered in the adverse fires of the tumultuous Fae Realm. A healthy dose of paranoia has saved the lives of more than a few trees and because of this these creatures are slow to trust, even more so at trusting a descendant. To a Treant these strange, bipedal, fleshy creatures are almost alien to their ken; as they simply don’t exist in the fae realm. The closest creature that comes within a hair of them is the Imp, and Imps are, at least, predictable. These descendant creatures vary from three feet tall to eight feet tall, can be white, black, green, red or blue, some will fight tooth and nail to defend the nature a Treant holds so dear, some would burn down a forest out of boredom. Why should a Treant trust such a creature? Why would anyone trust them? Gaining so much as a neutral standing with a Treant is a feat for any descendant, and going beyond will require determination and hard work. Newborn Treants, and especially wild Treants, are not unlike animals. It is through age, experience, and education that a personality is formed and so it is that Treants do not collectively fit a mental mold. Only base instinct unites them through their obsession with the forest that they shepard. Things that would bring harm to it are feared and hated. Things that help it to thrive are welcomed and appreciated. Things that neither hinder nor aid a Treant’s duty are curiosities to be learned from and, perhaps, a diversion. Abilities Ability: Take Root Description: Allows a treant to lock itself into a single location by unwinding its legs into a swarm of roots which penetrate the ground and hold fast. The treant becomes highly resistant to being knocked around by concussive or similar forces so long as they remain in this state, though sacrifice mobility in the process. Other abilities may be used once fully rooted. Mechanics: Three emotes to become rooted, three emotes to uproot. Red Lines Can only be used on soft surfaces such as dirt, mycelium, sand, gravel, snow, etc. Requires three emotes to root, and three emotes to uproot. A Treant may not move while they are rooted. To move, they must uproot themselves first. Other Treant abilities may still be used while rooted. Ability: Huntsmans Armory Description: Allows a treant to unravel their arms and reform them into rudimentary shapes resembling weaponry. One-handed swords, spears, clubs, and the greatshield make up the typical treants arsenal, though more feral treants will also fashion sharp, elongated three-fingered claws with which to rip and tear at their foes. Mechanics: Two emotes to change one arm’s form, two emotes to change it back. Both arms can be utilized for this effect. Sharpness of sword, spear, and claw transformations are on par with iron weaponry. Greatshield shares attributes with the treant’s body but is not more durable than its body. Red Lines The weapons may only be formed from the wood of the Treant’s body, and do not consist of other materials. Two emotes must be used to change the shape of each arm. Two emotes is sufficient to describe the changing of both arms simultaneously. Cannot merge arms into giant outrageous weaponry. Cannot use weapons other than those listed. Ability: Entangle Description: Supersedes the Huntsmans Armory in favor of extending the mass of roots comprising a treants arm outward toward an opponent with the objective of ensnaring, and then pinning them. Mechanics: Two emotes to send out the entangling roots up to a maximum range of five blocks. Upon connecting with a target it takes an additional two emotes to fully ensnare them. Targets larger than five hundred pounds require an additional third emote. Two emotes to retract the roots if no target is ensnared. Red Lines Cannot ensnare any target over one thousand pounds. Two emotes are needed to send out the roots, and two more to retract them. The roots involved in this process can be destroyed or cut off with proper tools to free someone from this ability. A Treant may not use any other abilities while it is entangling a target. This ability may only be used to pin someone in place, and may not move or pull the target. Ability: Regrowth Description: A treant possesses innate regeneration and will very slowly recover from injury so long as they remain in direct sunlight. Perhaps as a side-effect of this restriction, all treants have an aversion to travelling underground. Mechanics: Passively occurs out of combat. Regeneration pauses when combat begins. Takes one real-time hour to fully regenerate a lost limb. Red Lines Arm cannot be used for abilities until fully regenerated. Arm is limp and lacks function until fully regenerated. A treant cannot regenerate when they are not reached by sunlight. No regeneration is possible when in a cave, for example. Regeneration may not occur during combat encounters. Outside of combat, one IRL hour is required to fully regenerate a lost limb. Redlines and Restrictions > The first two stages of a Treant’s life cycle are playable, that being Seedlings and Spriggans. > Becoming an Ent acts as a permanent departure of that character and any further development will have them played by a member of the Event Team or Story Team. > Treants cannot learn or become attuned to any magic. > Treants wearing heavy armor are fatigued twice as quickly as an unarmored spriggan and lose access to their offensive abilities. Thin, light armors that do not fully cover the extremities and serve a more aesthetic purpose are exempt from this debuff. > A Treant who has departed their forest for more than three real-time days is considered lost and will perish, then reforming at their Slumber Tree once more. > In the case of a map change a Treant will venture along with the descendants and root themselves in a new forest where their old body will form into a new Slumber Tree. > If a Slumber Tree is destroyed the Treant is unable to regenerate and will be considered truly dead, unless a Tier 5 Blight Healer elects to breath life into the remains. Should this occur the Slumber Tree will take three real-time days to reconstitute itself and the Treant will not be playable during this time. > Cannot use communion with animals or plants to metagame information about how your character died. > Treant communion can not be used to suade the actions of an animal in the way a druid can. It is purely for purposes of communication with natural flora, fauna, and other fae. References Purpose (OOC)
  7. hi aesopian please stop looking at my sprite lore 

  8. Yes! I didn’t make a dedicated paragraph to it, but it’s under the Twilight variant, showing some things they may do to “prove” themselves. But I also omitted the old redline that stated that sprites can’t hold weapons, because I think it’s dumb. Also I’m glad you liked it! As for in practice, it’s supposed to be Sprites telling people to do favours for them based on their redemption. So like, a Nightfall sprite may ask someone to get the sprite a poison or something, and in return give the reagent. A dayward sprite may ask a person to break a trapped animal in a zoo out, bring it to the sprite, and then in return give the reagent. Hopefully people are creative and don’t just give out reagents willy nilly. I want the mysticalness of “bargaining with fairies” because it’s a cool aesthetic This makes me so happy!
  9. Thank you for this lovely constructive criticism! - I spoke of combat because I have been repeatedly told from writing other pieces of lore, that I must clarify what abilities can be used in combat, and which may not. I didn’t mean to make sprites seem useless! - Five sprites could take on someone. Sprites can fly in combat, and it’s also mentioned in the lore that they can form small weapons out of sharpened twigs and stuff- Although they are made out of plant and are less than a foot tall so yeah, I understand they are at an incredibly weak spot. - To compensate for that, I added a toxin. I admit the toxins from the previous iterations of lore went over my mind as I wrote this. But to make sure this wouldn’t become an issue with power-gaming, it has a very simple effect that will make me scream if someone manages to power-game it. Sprites will be able to get away from combat easier, or make a few last stabs with their stakes. But keep in mind that I don’t want them to seem as powerful as a Descendant. - I’m sorry you feel like you’d be a cow for alchemists : ( The lore is written in a way so that alchemists can’t just repeatedly target and kill sprites for reagents. Any businessman or alchemist will need to seek out and successfully bargain with sprites to get the reagents. So I don’t really expect them to target sprites in the context of killing/using them. Thank you for replying though! Definitely helped a lot with the missing piece of toxins.
  10. Sprites “Do not be fooled by their beauty. They are mischievous beings.” Origins History In the Eternal Forest, there are many confusing wonders that Descendants couldn’t wish to begin to understand. Curious beings and critters have, over the centuries, slipped their way into the Mortal Realm; they have appeared in waves, evolved, and even disappeared altogether. One of these are small, flying beings made of plant or insect matter that have been recorded throughout history. Although there have been many variants of them, they have all been referred to as the sprites, the pixies, or the fairies. Some were color-coded, some spoke their own unique language, some became intelligent enough to learn the language of Descendants, and others were simply viewed as tricksters. Mali’ame respected them deeply as blessings from the Aspects, alchemists hunted them for their usage in potions, and herbalists and scientists bargained with them for toxins, spores, and mystical powders they were known to create. In reality, the body of a sprite is simply a vessel, the most basic of shapes that a unique form of spirits called Flora Echoes from the Eternal Forest can fashion for themselves. The waves of sprites that have been found in the Mortal Realm all had different origins and abilities, but the only thing that tied them all together was their appearance. The sprites of old, who spoke tribalistic languages and were pets to Druids, all fled back to the Eternal Forest after the fear, betrayal, and chaos caused by the September Prince on the lands of Atlas. As time moved on in the Mortal Realm, and full moon after full moon cascaded over Fae Rings, the emergence of Sprites has been noticed once again. When sprites returned to the Eternal Forest, they entered a process of reincarnation. They held enough sentience and natural energy that with each death, they developed new bodies and retained their memories. Also, due to the energy sustained in some sacred Fae plants growing in the Eternal Forest, they too gain a level of sentience, and become Flora Echoes upon their death. This echo, or “ghost” of their natural life is heavily overshadowed by the complex waves of stronger energies in the Eternal Forest, letting them go unnoticed as small, irrelevant, and invisible entities. They stick to wandering through their respective Domain- either the Nightfall Domain, the Dayward Lands, or the Twilight Domain. They tend to enjoy this free life, living closely and securely in the land of the Aspects. They have not one care in the world.. at least, not until they find themselves at the wrong place at the wrong time. The Slipping When the moon is full, the rumoured passageway to the Mortal Realm opens. If a sprite or Floral Echo enters the famed Fae Rings during this time, they are caught, and they slip away from the realm they call home, and are forced into the realm of mortals. The physical bodies of already-developed sprites are not powerful enough to slip into the Mortal Realm, so their corpses stay behind, and from the Eternal Forest, it appears as if they had died. But their spirit finds themselves on the other side, and so do the Flora Echoes who have similarly slipped away. In the Mortal Realm, however, the strong energies that once suppressed Flora Echoes are no longer as potent. They now manifest significantly, and draw nature briefly towards them. As these entities wander through their new home, foliage bends towards their being and breaks off. Insects, dead or alive, are drawn towards them as well. These natural materials bend and morph, stopping once they have created a vessel, a small winged body that the Echo now inhabits. The Sprites of old who undergo this process may retain their old appearance, although if their color was significant before, it no longer is. Their sentience in the Fae realm caused them to develop a personality and ambitions beyond the strict categorization they used to be born with, based on their color. Any sprite that develops, whether a new character or old, can be shaped out of any bug or plant material of any color. The Domain from the Eternal Forest that the sprite comes from does not affect their appearance, but is relevant to their inner composition and ambitions, to be explained further in the following paragraphs. “Those poor, poor things. They are sacred to both religion and science. If it’s not the ‘ame seeking them out, it’s the alchemists..” Physical Description Appearance Sprites are extremely small, humanoid beings. Their height ranges from six to ten inches tall. Their structure is much like that of Descendant’s, they have two legs, two arms, and a head, with humanoid facial features. Sprites see through their eyes and can smell, and have a mouth to eat and breathe oxygen out from. They cannot produce complex sounds with their mouth, however. Some sprites can form rough-sounding words, if they manage to learn to understand mortal languages. See mental description for more information. Their entire body is constructed from plant and insect matter. The materials making up this shape can be quite random. Some sprites may be be made of insects, and have a very alien and insectoid-like appearance. Others can be a combination of flowers, lending them quite a beautiful and colorful appearance. Some bear fruits, twigs, seeds, and leaves on their bodies. Sprites have no genitalia whatsoever. Beyond their limbs, sprites also grow wings extending outwards from their upper backs. The wings are as drastically different in appearance as their bodies are. They may be made from insect wings themselves, or things such as leaves and flower petals. Other natural and decorative ligaments may grow from a sprite, but if they are not the base limbs they serve no function nor mobility, having no usage whatsoever outside of an aesthetic appearance. Any raw property in plants that make up the sprite’s body is no longer present, besides purely aesthetic visual properties (like glowing in the dark.) Healers cannot farm sprites with blissfoil on their bodies, for example, for its healing properties will not be present. Bodily Functions The wings of a sprite allows them flight which is relatively indefinite under peaceful circumstances. They may fly up to five metres high (five blocks high), before the pull of gravity becomes too much for their delicate wings to handle. This flight may not be used to override mechanic barriers. A sprite cannot break into a nation by flying over its walls, for example. In a combat scenario, the ability of flight becomes null (Required by ST). In events, these limits are up to the ET’s discretion. Outside of events, if a sprite attempts to fly for higher or longer than their limit in combat, they will faint from the exertion and require to rest for one Elven hour until they can perform any task demanding of physical movement. The internal structure of a sprite is a lot simpler than that of Descendant races. They have a “core,” which serves as both a heart and a stomach, and is made of the same matter as their body, and a circulatory system that brings sap throughout it. The core is located at the centre of their chest. Sprites eat a varied diet of fruits, nuts, and bugs. They need to drink water, and require photosynthesis. All of the nutrients from this are broken down in the core and circulated in the sap throughout the body, which keeps it alive. A sprite has hardened bones, joints, and muscles which allows them normal movement and bodily support. For the sake of preventing over-complication, these structures are similar, if not exact, to the structures of Descendants. Oddly, sprites have no digestive system spare for the process of their core. Sprites also have no reproductive system. It pains me to think some of you really have to be told this, but sprites may not FTB. Sprites are able to create a substance relative to the Domain of the Fae Realm that they come from. This substance has significance in alchemy as notable reagents. If an alchemist tries to kill a sprite for this reagent, however, they will unfortunately fail to gather anything. Their bodies do not passively have the reagent, it is a process requiring the willed activation of the sprite. Sprites almost always bargain with alchemists to get a favor done for them, so they may give the reagent as a reward. More information on these bargains is explained in the “redemption” section of the mental description. Sprites may only produce a single “measure” of their corresponding reagent per IRL week. An ST must oversee and sign the reagent. See this lore for more info. The reagents have no properties outside of their alchemical representations. All three subtypes of sprite reagents have Earth and Aether signs Nightfall Domain Dayward Lands Twilight Domain Reagent Redlines - Gathering of sprite reagents must be overseen by ST - Some form of bargain is required, you may not freely give out reagents - Only one measure can be produced every IRL week - The reagent you produce is based on what subtype your sprite is (twilight, nightfall, dayward) Weaknesses Sprite’s spirits do not function like the soul of a Descendant, and are not compatible with using any kind of magic. Sprites are vulnerable to any blight that would otherwise affect nature. Lore blight that affects plants and Fae will affect Sprites in the same way. Blight brought forth by events is up to ET discretion in regards to how it affects Sprites. If a Sprite is blighted, it spreads through their body mundanely in comparison to how plants would react, however when it reaches their core, a Sprite will degenerate and wither extremely quickly. They will begin to wither and slow within the first IRL hour, unable to perform any strenuous task. After three hours, a Sprite will die from being blighted. Once it spreads to their core, only a Druid can purge blight from a Sprite through the gift of Blight Healing. Sprites are very vulnerable to dark and voidal magic and forces. The casting of voidal and dark magics within a ten metre or block radius around a Sprite causes them a moderate pain which is just above the level of discomfort. Sprites have been known to scream under these circumstances, and they are one of the most obvious examples of how voidal and dark magic negatively affects the natural world. The blood of sprites contains all of the nutrients that keeps them alive, so they can bleed out in the same way Descendants can. The wings of sprites are their weak point, and hold the most of their “blood.” The wings also unfortunately are very delicate, so causing a sprite to bleed out is a very easy task if they are targeted. Fire and feet are weaknesses to sprites. After all, they aren’t very powerful. They can be burned, and squashed, should they not have flown away. If a sprite is killed, their spirit reincarnates much like it does in the Eternal Forest. The life of a sprite is an eternal reincarnation. Some memories can be lost with every incarnation, and small personality changes can be apparent. Their bodies are rebuilt, just like it was at their beginning in the Mortal Realm. The aesthetic appearance of a sprite can change, although it should only be the details. The spirit of a sprite being the same tends to cause their rebuilding to reflect every incarnation of themselves, to preserve familiarity. Sprites will forget the memories surrounding their deaths just like Descendants do. “You can’t help but be jealous of them. They’re so innocent, so unaware of our politics and wars..” Mental Description Intelligence As sprites progress through their various reincarnations, they can develop quite a remarkable intelligence. They most definitely become more sentient and intelligent than any normal plant or bug. Sprites, however, often display childish mannerisms and lack awareness of Descendant customs, culture, and manners. If enough time is spent around Descendants, sprites may learn to identify the meaning of some words in the mortal languages, and can speak a very broken version of Common. Most sprites can deduce when an alchemist is asking of their reagent, as it is a common thing for them to be asked. They also usually understand basic greetings and vague words often meaningfully used. Older sprites can understand and speak complex sentences, but can never fully become fluent in a language. They are “magical” Fae creatures, and their purpose is not to be fully-functional Descendants. Sprites often have a deep understanding of nature, as complimented with their abilities listed below. Redemption When the sprites inhabiting the Mortal Realm first came through the Fae Rings, they would be hit with insecurity and mourning. They slipped from their paradise, where they had peaceful afterlives as spirits. Sprites seem to believe that the Aspects themselves casted them out from the Eternal Forest, dooming them to the perils of Descendants. Because of this, Sprites always travel the realm and perform various acts relating to the Domain they come from, to attempt and gain what they believe to be “redemption” from the Aspects. They believe they are punished, and because of this, their purpose is to make up the will of the Aspect relating to the Domain they’re from. To even further help them gain their believed redemption, sprites take advantage of the alchemy reagents they can produce, striking deals and bargains with Descendants so that they carry out the will of their related Aspect. A sprite from the Nightfall Domain is the most mischievous but silent of all. They tend to believe that redemption from Nemiisae will come from them bringing death to various animals.. or sometimes, Descendants. Although not purely evil, these are the sprites that are feared, if any. They more often are seen thrashing the overgrown gardens of Descendants, to keep the death in play which Nemiisae overlooks. A sprite from the Dayward Lands tends to be more passive in its workings than the others. It spreads seeds throughout the realm and assists pregnant animals in their birth, in hopes of getting the redemption of Cerridwen. Their mischievousness is viewed when they try to sway imprisoned animals outside of farms, or steal potted plants from Descendant homes which are being mistreated. A sprite from the Twilight Domain tends to have an interest in weaponry and exercise. They will often try to build their strength up and create swords out of thorns and small twigs. Then, to prove bravery to Cernunnos, they seek to duel other sprites, animals, or even Descendants. They tend to follow after hunters and help them in their ambitions to gain the redemption of Cernunnos. “Beware of making bargains with faeries, llir. They can be tricksters, too..” Abilities Nature’s Communion Sprites have the ability to speak freely through communion with plants, animals, other Fae, and Druids. This ability is passive in the surrounding 15 metre/block radius. This is a combination exchange of thoughts, feelings, and visual messages. It is a creative process that can be used for building friendships with plants and animals. Plants and animals cannot be requested to move, like they can be from Druids. Redlines - Communion only in the surrounding 15 block radius, any further flora/fauna must be approached. - Cannot move plants or animals with this ability Communion Voicing Similar to how a Fae Ring allows unattuned Descendants to have a vague interaction with the voice of Nature, Sprites have a more specific and weaker variant of this effect. They can produce a singular link with a descendant, and “communicate” with them, by actually just utilizing communion and allowing the Descendant to hear strictly the sprite. This does not allow a Descendant to hear nature like a Druid, they can only listen to the sprite. A sprite can convey emotions and simple thoughts and messages. The sprite must be touching the person’s body for this to work, and it is discomforting for a Descendant to hear. It causes headaches and migraines when used in excess at a time, which onsets after about five emotes of speech from the Sprite. This isn’t feasible to distract someone within a combat encounter. This is the only way, besides rough voicing of simple words/sounds, that a sprite can communicate with a Descendant. This ability requires two emotes before a sprite can convey messages. The first emote involves touching the person, the second emote involves communing the messages, and then the following emotes can contain the quoted phrases/ideas sent forth. - Does not grant Descendants any permanent ability - Two emotes are required for this ability - The Descendant needs to be touched by the sprite for the sprite to convey messages. - Does not let Descendants speak with nature - Only works with the sprite’s thoughts - Cannot use this ability to distract, impair, or manipulate a Descendant Toxin During combat/conflict scenarios, sprites of any three of the varieties may release a toxin which emits through their skin. It spreads through the surrounding three metre/block radius, and becomes insignificant beyond that point. This toxin is like a thin mist and similarly is absorbed by the skin of nearby people. When it comes into contact with anyone in the radius, they would become extremely dizzy and overwhelmed. Any magic user that requires concentration while casting will be forced out of casting due to this disorientation. Attacks become stuttered, and allow sprites a chance to flee. This does not fully freeze a person, they have a chance to stumble away, however it severely diminishes the chances of an effective attack towards the sprite. This toxin cannot be farmed, and can only released when a sprite is threatened (during CRP) once per combat encounter. To release the toxin, two emotes are required. Visible physical strain must be described for the first emote as the sprite gathers the toxin within its core, and the second emote involves the excretion of the mist. At the second emote, the toxin’s effects will be present, and the mist will linger for an additional emote only. - Cannot collect the toxin for later use. - Two emotes are required to trigger the toxin. - Physical strain is required to be displayed in the first emote. - Only spreads to the surrounding three block radius - Does not physically harm or knock out a person ~ General Redlines - Sprites may not grow extra limbs - Any extra/unique features purely serve as aesthetic details and gives no advantage to combat. No knives as hands, etc - Flight cannot be used to override in-game mechanics - Flight only goes up to 5 metres/blocks high - Sprites cannot FTB - Sprites cannot learn magic - Sprites cannot fully learn languages - Sprites cannot speak complexly enough to form sentences - Sprites cannot remember their deaths when they reincarnate - Even though sprites can now wield weapons, consider their size. Compare the ratio of weight from weapon to Descendant to the weight of a sprite. No orcish warhammers being held by sprites, etc. Purpose: OOC
  11. MC Name: LaffenOutLoud Discord: pathetic aesthetic #1931 Character Name: Skylar Taliame'onn Age: 211 Race: Wood Elf Reason For Joining: For further practice Affiliation (Include if you are banned from any cities): Siramenor
  12. A Guide to Epiphytes [Lore Link] “Seasons come and go, kingdoms rise and fall all around them. Nothing truly matters except that they are in the presence of the tree and they are in the midst of nature.” - An unsigned tome Overview of Epiphytes An Epiphyte is a Descendant who has developed a physical, mental, and emotional bond with rare plants that are able to enter the mortal realm from the realm of the Fae. Epiphytes have been viewed overtime in specific, separate contexts. These are the Dryads and Byrophites. What many do not know, however, is that they are both actually the same species, along with a more unseen variant of them, the Saprophytes. Epiphytes are unique beings with bodies made out of plant-matter. They are still much alike their previous self before transformation, both mentally and physically; however they undergo a physical change, where their bodies are remade to mimic the plant their sacred connection is tied to. They generally retain their former personality, albeit with a feeling of needing to protect the specific plant they hold a connection with. Becoming an Epiphyte: The Connection "I took part in something I never fully understood, and my life changed before it started. Things I never got to experience were lost, life ever changing I just learned to get used to it... sorta." - Former Dryad Chloris Holz When a Fae plant in question reaches a certain age, it begins to seek any Descendant to “claim,” regardless of race or gender. The Descendant in question must have a soul, and creatures such as liches, dragons, or animals cannot be transformed. Treelords also cannot become Epiphytes, due to their soul not being housed in their husk. The person, whether merely a passerby or a person within a forest following a calling, may hear a deeper lull of intrigue, or simply feel drawn to approach the plant. Some may be lulled into a sleep or others may be met with a more brute detainment. The tree, flora, or fungi is not preoccupied with being gentle; after all, but is focused on it’s own survival. The Descendant in question is then taken by the plant, cocooned by roots, bramble, or any form of plant matter which applies to the plant species. In this cocoon, the Descendant’s soul is held as their body is remade. This process has no specific time limit, however generally, not much time is needed for the transformation to undergo. At the end of this process, the person will be released from the cocoon and find themselves to be completely remade… flesh, hair, organs, bones, and all made of the material the plant species which trapped them is made of. This is quite a brutal process, and some may even categorize it as a disease.. a verdant plague completely overtaking their bodies. Immediately after transformation, an Epiphyte will find themselves to be quite disoriented and briefly traumatized as the painful flashes of memory depicting the transformation process echoes through their minds. They may feel shock, insecurity, or fear after seeing their new bodies. This is why, more often than not, an Epiphyte will always seem “different” after the initial bond with their plant. Personality changes, caused by one factor or another, are very common and noticeable. The person is simply not just transformed physically, for their very minds will be found to have changed, as well as their emotions, and finally.. their priorities. While any common plant seen IRL is known to be able to birth Epiphytes, lore plants may only be used if explicitly marked as available for Epiphytes. An Epiphyte and Their Plant "For what one cherishes the most, there is almost nothing that can be done to stop from protecting it to the very end." - The Owl Druid Upon being released from their cocoon, the initial fear and confusion would oddly not cause the new Epiphyte to flee the plant which inflicted such a change. The plant would seem to have a strong bond to the newly formed Epiphyte in quite an opposite way. The Epiphyte will feel a deep connection to their plant, and will be drawn to stick close to it. Over time, an Epiphyte will begin to decorate the plant or it’s surroundings, or even set up home around it to be as close as possible to it. If another Descendant or a threatening animal approaches the plant, the Epiphyte will be overflowed with a strong feeling… needing to protect the same plant which changed them. They will instinctively go into a full defense mode, and do anything to assure the well-being of their plant. If an Epiphyte strays from their plant, they will come to realize that no matter where they are, underground, on a different landmass, or even in a prison, they will always know where their plant is, and will always find their way back to it. For the bond between the two is not just emotion, it is a bond deeply intertwined in the Descendant’s very soul. In quite a similar emotional feeling, an Epiphyte will generally not be able to be away from their plant for extended periods of time. After a few IRL days with a long-distance away from the plant, the Epiphyte will begin to feel very anxious and on edge. If further isolation is held and somehow the Epiphyte hasn’t been able to return to their plant, the Epiphyte will slowly go mad… resorting to violence to free themselves of whatever bounds keeping them unwillingly away from their plant. They will be unable to sleep or do any major task, as the desire and necessity to be closer to their plants will take dominance of their entire mind. This bond allows for quite a unique ability to be held by an Epiphyte, to communicate with their plant. This is much alike druidic communion, in the sense that thoughts, emotions, and images can be conveyed strongly. However it seems to be a much stronger and powerful communication, which no average druid will have to a singular being of flora. This ability of singular communication can be emoted without the persona speaking any physical word, for it is more of a mental message. Literal speech is not required, for the mind and the sentience of nature work in odd ways when intertwined. The Epiphyte simply knows what their plant is conveying, and vice versa. The tree, plant, or fungus becomes more than family, more than love, and breaks every barrier of priority the Epiphyte had in their previous life. Epiphyte Quirks and Instincts "Sister Honey once burned a patch of Veridian Moss in the Grove.. do be mindful of her." - Autumn Druid Nivndil Epiphyte’s priorities begin to completely shift in order, with the safety and well-being of their bonded plant forcefully taking the top spot of that list. This doesn’t mean that the Epiphyte will lose attachment, priority, or love to things they had in their unaltered state before the connection. An Epiphyte will still love their family and friends, and be devout or hard-working to their former beliefs and jobs. However, if the unfortunate situation of an Epiphyte’s plant being in danger and the threatening of something else they hold dear occurs at the same time, the Epiphyte’s bond to their plant will override the latter. Here are some examples: A Dryad’s nation is being raided by another nearby nation. Her tree is planted in a small garden within her nation, but so is her home. She has a small son who lives in her home, whom she loves very much. She is there with him, and the raiders break through the front door. At the same time, raiders begin to burn down buildings, farms, and the forest where her tree grows. Because her soul is altered to have the tree take priority, she immediately, by instinct, abandons her son to defend her tree from the arsonists. A young Epiphyte boy bonded to a flower faces a heartbreaking dilemma. His bonded flower is planted in a flower garden planted above his mother’s grave. Before her death, this was her very own garden, and this was where she wanted to be buried. He had created a home besides this, due to his immense love for his mother and wish to be as close to her physically as possible, regardless of her being dead. A taint originating from dark magic surrounds the garden and begins to creep inwards towards his bonded flower, threatening its survival. Even though he has an extreme bond to this garden, the bond to his flower is stronger. By instinct, he creates a new Fae seed for his plant and evacuates the garden, creating a new home elsewhere, and abandoning the grave of his mother forever, for the well-being of his Fae plant. The nutrition an Epiphyte needs is quite a loose thing and isn’t strictly categorized. Most of the time, Epiphytes tend to still consume physical food, yet it commonly tends to be of the herbaceous type. There are exceptions to this: Epiphytes bonded to carnivorous plants will eat insects and the occasional fauna where it applies, and those bonded to fungi tend to eat anything that is rotting. Epiphytes who are bonded to any type of plant that requires photosynthesis will require the same amount of sunlight, or else they will swiftly grow ill and require it once again. Saprophytes, the fungi Epiphytes, are the opposite of course, and tend to prefer shade and the dark- Although sunlight will not typically harm them. Epiphytes still carry over any curse they had in their unaltered Descendant state. An orc Epiphyte will still fall victim to bloodlust, and a human will still not live past the age of 150, for example. Additionally, Epiphytes are completely infertile, with no exceptions. Epiphytes are very vulnerable to energies that corrupt nature, especially if they are conjured near their bonded plant. Magics sourced from voidal or dark wombs which normally affect nature in a harmful way can in effect never be used or learned by an Epiphyte. If a voidal mage, for example, becomes an Epiphyte, he or she will immediately drop the usage of it and will by instinct never cast again, as it puts their plant in danger. The following are magics which are incompatible with being an Epiphyte: Deity magics on occasion, if devotion to the deity is expected to override devotion to the Epiphyte’s plant for the magic to work, or if the Deity is against altered Descendants. Voidal magic of any kind Dark Arts such as Necromancy, Mysticism, Naztherak, and Dark Shamanism. In the same way, Epiphytes will attack mages who conjure similar energies near their plants, in defense of it. Epiphytes are extremely unstable when exposed to blight. If either the Epiphyte themself or the plant is blighted, it will transfer over to the other. This drives the Epiphyte to a dangerous insanity, where they go feral, attacking anyone on sight, and begin to spread the blight further wherever they can. The only solution to this problem would be the presence of druids to blight heal either the tree or the Epiphyte. This is no easy solution, for the Epiphyte will attack any who approaches themselves or their tree The Epiphyte would thus need to be fought or detained for themselves or their tree to be blight healed. Because of the complexity of this task, more than one druid is recommended to fully heal the blight, and is absolutely required with druids who are not masters in the blight healing ability. Epiphytes who are druids cannot successfully blight heal themselves, as they will be driven far too mad to successfully perform such. Similarly to this, although much less chaotic- A druid’s energies can be used to heal wounds upon Epiphyte’s bodies using blight healing. A physically harmed Epiphyte may seek out a Druid to heal various injuries with the Druid’s usage of Blight Healing, even to the point of lost limbs. Abilities “The Dryad might feel the roots within the dirt beneath her feet. She might feel the air passing through the branches above her, rustling the leaves. She would also feel the chop of an axe in her tree's trunk or feel the burning sensation of flames washing over the tree.” Communion Fae & Mundane Seeds Rebirth Appearance of Epiphytes "Ah.. At first, it was like being surrounded by the blinding light of my own race's rage against me, but.. Now, centuries later, I finally got to see a kind and gentle world. I used to hate what I was before, but now I feel if it were to come to pass again, it wouldn't be so bad." - Former Bryophite, Vivianne Verdigris Epiphytes take on the appearance of their designated plant they are connected to. Large or small, and regardless of shape, your persona should resemble their original race, height and weight based off of this. When designing the appearance of your skin and general persona, you should keep a resemblance to your character’s previous self, save for them being made from plant matter. The plant in question matches the plant that changed your persona. The detailed features of Epiphytes tend to start straying from mundane Descendant features. These are exotic touches, such as flowers growing from the thigh and hair, toes becoming more like roots, eyes changing color, or small branch-like horns growing from the head. All of these features are aesthetic and shall not be used for any RP advantage. Skinning Your Epiphyte Skinning your Epiphyte is a fun and creative process! It is crucial to keep strict appearance similarities to the plant your Epiphyte is connected to. You may start with coloring the normal skin-tone of your persona as the color of the bark or stem of the plant in question. An easy direction to take the hair part of the skin is making it more leafy, and changing the color to the color of any foliage the plant has. If your plant flowers, adding similarly colored flowers to the body and hair is a wonderful touch! Then, think of any details. Do you want to add moss? Markings? Be creative, your Epiphyte’s entire body is changed. Eyes and all. You may change the coloring of your eyes as well. General Redlines
  13. Skylar Taliame'onn waved his hand femininely, sending wisps of incense in dainty clouds that trailed upwards from his desk. His fingernails casted a soft purple glow, acting like jewels floating through the dark, candle-lit parlor. His emerald eyes scanned the words, tapping the desk with his fingers that weren't in the air. “Honored be the Huntsman and the Mani of War,” he uttered in a hushed, prayerful tone.
  14. All of the following potions are considered common knowledge among alchemists. They are beginner-level potions, and are often taught to alchemy students as first lessons due to their nature of not being dangerous at all Fume of Songs [T1 Potion] [ST Signature Not Required] Recipe: Distilled Water Base Sound x4 Balance x1 Grace x1 Procedure: Completely dry and grind up the reagents of sound, balance, and grace, and place them in a vessel filled with the distilled water. While the vessel is left open, the mixture is to be brought to a boil. As soon as such happens, the entire mixture must be bottled. Add the dried and ground up reagent of travel, and seal the bottle with a cork or other secure method. Slowly heat the bottle, and the entire mixture will become a thick vapor. Effect: When the sealed bottle is opened, the vapor would quickly escape and spread throughout the area. The vapor would carry with it melodious voices and enchanting music, flowing through ears of Descendants with grace. The voices would sound like they came from the mouths of Descendants, and even though it sounded like singing, no words could be understood. Indistinguishable, foreign “instruments” could be heard pleasantly complimenting the voices. The chance of the music being horrendous or chaotic was none, and it would always cause a pleasing encounter. A small vial could be used in a small bedroom to lull an infant to sleep, or giant batches in large vessels could be made to offer entertaining music for a large ballroom party. Redlines: - Speech is prohibited throughout the duration of the making of this potion. - The music is not loud enough to distract anyone. - The music effect is purely ambient and aesthetic, and cannot be used for anything else. - May not be used in combat whatsoever. -~- Daydreaming Powder of Lucidity [T1 Potion] [ST Signature Not Required] Recipe: Aqua Vitae Base Peace x2 Order x2 Clarity x2 Procedure: Wash thoroughly, completely dry the reagents and grind them into an extremely fine powder. Brew the aqua vitae base with the reagents over a medium flame, adding them in their listed order one by one and stirring after each addition. The mixture will slowly take on an ethereal white tint, with a noticeable shine and reflection adorning the surface. Raise the flame to a high intensity, allowing it to heat the mixture until it is reduced to nothing but a rough powder with the same ethereal white color and shine. Allow it to cool, and grind it extremely thoroughly until it is as fine as possible. Effect: When snorted, the powder would send the user into a light “daydream.” This dream does not put the dreamer in a state of deep sleep, they could be awakened extremely easily and can regain control of their body at any moment. They are not helpless in their dreaming state. The dream, much unlike mundane ones, grants the dreamer an intense lucidity and extreme vividness. This means that the person understands they are in a dream, and have full control on their actions and the scenes they face. To them, it is as vivid and realistic as their lives when awake. The drug lasts for a maximum of an Elven hour, but the person could voluntarily awaken at any moment if they please. On waking up, the user would be very disoriented for half the time they were in the dream, as the vividness of it would intertwine with their perception of reality, creating nothing but confusion and headache. They’d also feel effects similar to a hangover, with grogginess and tiredness. Over-use of the drug would have the same temporary effects, except permanent. One who uses the drug for long enough would find themselves unable to know what is reality and what is dream. A person who dreamed of their dead mother because they miss her might end up actually believing their mother never died. Redlines: - Usage of the drug does not make the person anymore helpless to any form of attacks. - The dreams are just that, dreams. They may not be used to metagame, break any server rules, etc. - Extended usage of the drug will cause confusion of the users perception on reality. - This submission is purely for aesthetic and mental purposes and may not be used for combat or physical benefit. - May not be used in combat whatsoever. -~- Colored Candlelight [T1 Potion] [ST Signature Not Required] Recipe: Distilled Water Base Burning x2 Light x3 Agility x2 Pigments (One for a single color, or multiple for shifting colors. See procedure for more info) Growth (Only used if using multiple colors. Amount varies. See procedure for more info Candlewick Procedure: Dry and grind the reagents into fine powders. Bring the base to a boil and brew it with only the burning and luminosity reagents. Allow it to boil for ten minutes. The concoction should now appear as a watered down version of lava, and one would find that it was extremely hot to the touch. Lower the heat to a simmer, and swiftly add the reagent of adaptability. Immediately after, add a prepared pigment of any color. If you wish for the candle flame to shift colors, add one part of a growth reagent in between each pigment, ending in the last pigment. Add each of these ingredients immediately after each other. The mixture should dramatically change color, mimicking the pigment each time one was added. Bring the mixture to a boil, and toss in the candlewick. One would find that it did not burn nor reduce to ash, it would bubble up with the mixture and appeared whole and untouched. Allow the mixture to completely evaporate until nothing but the candlewick is left. Use this wick in the preparation of your desired candle. Effect: When the prepared candlewick is crafted into a candle and lit, a beautiful spectacle would be sure to happen. The small flame topping the wick would be entirely the color used in the brewing process. If the process to add multiple colors was used, one would see that the color of the flame would slowly shift in the order they were added, before looping back to the first. This was a constant, slow and relaxing shift. The wick would burn down as normal, and carried no other effects spare for the unique color it gave fire. Redlines: - This effect is purely for aesthetic purposes. - May not be used in combat whatsoever. -~- Paste of Echoes [T1 Potion] [ST Signature Not Required] Recipe: Lard Base Sound x2 Agility x3 Growth x3 Beeswax Carrier Oil (of any kind) Procedure: Melt the lard base over a low flame and slowly add each reagent. After the reagent of agility, quickly shut off the flame before adding the reagent of endurance, else it will explode. The mixture will begin to boil intensely, simply cover it and allow it to rest for a few minutes. Add the final reagent, and mix it thoroughly. Stir in melted beeswax and oil, to allow it to spread better once it cools. Finally, allow the mixture to cool completely into a paste. Effect: When the paste is coated on solid surfaces, it would amplify any sound directed towards the surface. The sound would be vibrated back in an unusual echo. This can be very helpful if used in the making of instruments and on the walls of rooms where bands or singers are to perform, to increase their volume and projection. Redlines: - This is purely for aesthetic purposes. - The echoes or sounds cannot be used to harm any hearing. - This does not make you a better instrumentalist or vocalist, it simply amplifies what you already have there. - May not be used in combat whatsoever.
  15. RP Name: Skylar Taliame’onn MC Username: LaffenOutLoud Discord: pathetic aesthetic #1793 What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Irrinor Why Do You Wish To Come?: To learn from the forests that remain, as well as watch over my daughter whom will also be going. What Skills Can You Bring?: Prowess in healing and caregiving. Fighting assisted through the druidic gifts blessed upon me from the Aspects. Traditions and rituals, which will assure that the endeavors are blessed with the natural power of the Aspects, Mani, and spirits of the forest.
  16. Merry Christmas, Blessed Yule, and Happy Hanukkah!

  17. Bond: General – Aura Blending This active bond is triggered whenever the student and teacher would normally display their magic “tell.” The aura color of both would seem to slowly change over time, becoming more noticeable as the bond strengthens. If one paid close enough attention; the color change, in reality, would be seen to be a mixture of both mage’s standard aura color. - With consent from both parties, the aura color of teacher and student would slowly combine. (For example, with a teacher who has a yellow aura, and a student with a red aura; both of their aura colors would eventually become orange.) - This bond is only for aesthetic purposes, similar to aura lore. - The aura’s gradual change does not indicate a change in personality, or insanity.
  18. Goodbye Leo ❤️ You’ll always have a mark left on this server with the amount of time you spent on creating a wonderful culture for wood elves. A mark on me too, specifically. Playing a mexican elf wouldn’t be the same without you, my heterosexual bro.
  19. ah yes, the wonderful world of LOTC where doxxing and pedophilia is legal
  20. I’d like to say that I really loved the ruins and historical landmarks in Atlas. Coming across them immediately made me feel immersed, and I hope to find more of those in our maps.
  21. Skylar Taliame’onn sat besides him, his son sitting upon his lap to watch as well. Hopefully this will help in inspiring him to join the forest guard when he grows up.
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