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About MC_BreadStick

  • Birthday 05/16/2003

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    "Well, I don't expect us to cover any of the issues voters tell us are most important, so- goodnight everyone"
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    I just want people to look at my about me page :pensive:

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    My house bb, and my parents aren't home :>
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    - I have a master's degree in shitposting. Yeah- It's real-... be jealous.

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    Hoh man, there's too many- which do I pick?
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    Um uh-.. uhmm-... uhh-... so- uh... yeah...

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  1. Tell us how you really feel

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    2. MC_BreadStick


      @UNBANCHARLESTHEBALD I'm sorry to hear that :c, it is a really difficult time for everyone these days- I have a friend and a coach who both turned out to have cancer last year and the year before. It's important to spend time with them when you can, and express your thoughts and feelings when you get the chance! Always take some time to just enjoy the current day. I hope everything turns out alright with your mother and your family :)

      @Salvo I feel that a lot too- aimless, worthless, unimportant. I too often find myself wondering if things will get better, or if it's even worth it to wait for that to happen, but that's when you gotta think about things from a different perspective. For me personally, I think something that has planted these pessimistic thoughts in my mind was actually the whole fantasy universe. Things like LotC for example can be a blessing and a curse- on one hand you can meet great people and go on cool adventures that you can't do in real life, while on the other hand it'll leave you feeling empty for a similar adventurous lifestyle in the real world. Realistically, the real world likely won't ever be a place of magic and stuff, but that doesn't necessarily have to mean life will never be good or adventurous like it is in fairy tales and whatnot. Whenever I'm feeling exceptionally low or un-motivated, I take a break from the internet. Focusing on what's real really does rekindle motivation and drive to success. Maybe your life goal isn't to save the universe or the world, maybe it's not important at all, but at the very least you can't let all that stop you from enjoying your life here and now. Take time to really truly appreciate what you have- even if it might be boring now, think of the things in life you haven't done- anything's possible. In the entire universe we are but one of 7 billion other people here on this beautiful planet. Things don't always seem so lucky or good, but we really can do anything we want, you just need to find what brings you true joy in life and pursue it. I'm a pretty lazy person but I've realized that many times in life, to get to the good parts of your story you gotta grind through the bad parts- even if it turns out less than you thought when it's all done, you can't help but admit that it was all better than whatever "The call of the void" has to offer. It probably sounds cliche but enjoy what you have, and if you need to then take little steps to do something completely new. Take breaks from the things that pressure you, and when all motivation is lost then redirect that negative energy into something like a workout or maybe artwork. New things really do help, be that something as simple as a walk through a new part of your city, or something big like signing up for some sort of hobby group or exercise group. :)

      This goes out to both of you. Sorry if its a long read but hopefully it helps a little, even if just words from a random stranger :P

    3. UnbanCharlesTheBald2022
    4. Salvo


      I'll do my best, although being too much on the internet isn't my problem.

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