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  1. On the 13th of Maria’s Peace of 106 D.R. [!] A depiction of Thiago del Maravillas cradle. Late into the night, with the stars glittering brightly above, did the Princess-Royal Renata Alba and her husband Carlos del Maravilla welcome in a child. Sporting the darkened hair of his father, and his mothers eyes, a son was welcomed into their household two Saints nights ago. Lord Thiago Ferdinand Jago Sol del Maravilla Born beneath the Hyspian Zodiac of La Cantuta, the dual Baronial household of del Maravilla wishes the newborn babe peace and serenity in all that he does. The Lord Thiago has been baptized in private within the Church of Blessed Francisco, and the family asks that people pray for this new life. ON HEIRSHIP On the matter of heirship, despite Lord Thiago being the firstborn, the heirship will be considered meritorial. It matters not when you were born, but instead what you do with your lot in life and how you make use of it. Upon the Baronial couple's youngest child reaching the coming-of-age of fifteen, the heir will be announced. Signed, Her Royal Highness, Renata Alba del Maravilla, Princess-Royal of Hyspia, Duchess of La Dorado, Dual Baron of Soles Gemelos, Baroness of Clemente, Gran Chamberlan of the Girasol Courts Su Señor, Carlos del Maravilla, Baron-Consort of Clemente, Ministro de Interior
  2. A painting of Robert and Margot-Lucilla in the floodplains, c. 1962. By Leo Vinny T H E U N I O N of G O A T & S U N 1963 In the year 1963, Lord Robert Haverlock and Lady Margot de Lewes secured their private wedding ceremony, officiated by Frantzisko Cardinal St. Godwin in the chapel of Whitespire - only kin and close friends in attendance. From 1960 to 1963, Lord Robert Haverlock and Lady Margot de Lewes often spent time together in Whitespire, Aaun - a rare occurrence for them to leave the city alone. Their acquaintance began when they both happened to be at the Hand of Horen - Margot had accompanied her mother, Amelia of Virdain, on some courtly business, while Robert had been discussing some court ideas with the other courtiers. Amelia hysterically suggested the two meet each other, as well as share an Illatian drink in the tavern. The couple courted for three years before deciding to marry, despite Amelia's persistent pestering. SIGNED, His Lordship, Robert Matyas Haverlock, Baron of Gotfridcher, Count of Talentine Her Ladyship, Margot-Lucilla Haverlock née Ashford de Lewes, Baroness-Consort of Gotfridcher, Countess-Consort of Talentine
  3. THE ABDICATION OF BRASCA Issued by THE BARONY OF BRASCA It is with a clear conscience that I, Viktoria Helena af Brasca, declare my abdication of my title as Baroness of Brasca to my eldest son and heir, Jan Gaspard af Brasca. Years have passed, and amidst the turmoils of war, the time has come for my progeny to grasp the horns of the bull for themselves and step forth onto their paths, in either which way it takes them. Remember your history, my children. And make history anew. Signed, Lady Viktoria Helena af Brasca
  4. THE HEIR TO BRASCA Issued by THE BARONY OF BRASCA Fifteen years ago, under the reign of the late Baron George and Viktoria af Brasca, the Barony of Brasca witnessed the joyous arrival of their first children. It was a time of celebration, and amidst the festivities, a decision was made. The heirship of the household would be of a meritorious nature, to be determined when the youngest reached the age of fourteen. Today, the Barony of Brasca takes pride in announcing the heir to their household and all that it encompasses: His Lordship, Jan Gaspard af Brasca @TheHunter38 In the fifteen years since his birtth, Jan has grown into a young man of promise. By no means has he been perfect, facing many challenges along the way but he has demonstrated a commitment to change, the upkeep of his family and a genuine care for his household. We look forward to the continued growth and success of Jan, to see where he may succeed and fail alike in the tasks forth, as he goes on to carry forward the esteemed legacy of the Barony of Brasca. Signed, The Honorable, Viktoria Helena af Brasca, Baroness of Brasca, Castellan of the Courts of Winburgh
  5. A Guide to the Marsana Veil Issued by The Barony of Marsana On the 17th of Godfrey's Triumph in the Year of Our Lord, 58 B.A Introduction The veil is a staple fashion within that of Balian, a piece of fabric draped over a woman's head providing a form of shade, circulation and something aesthetic alike in her wardrobe. The Marsana veil is much like it in nature, with the vibrant colors most often shown in Balian but it has its key differences; such as how it's worn, how it looks and otherwise. On Embroidery A trend started initially by the Baroness of Marsana, Mariya, the blind woman had spent much time getting used to the feel and shape of fabrics, needles and such in order to form a hobby. It took time and practice, but soon veils with intricate embroidery only gotten from hours upon hours of work were produced for her daughters to don. If you ask her how she does it, she’d simply smile and say it’s much like the braille her husband has made. The embroidery, though, is nothing simple. It holds symbolism, whether by Marsana flowers that are depicted, water-based creatures such as the Hammerheads Sharks of the Ruthern household or even a mix of the two, such as jellyfish amongst the coral reefs. Each embroidered piece is one-of-a-kind, vibrant and tells a story of its own. On Colors Marsana veils keep to a mix of Raevir and Balian fashion alike, in which you can see a mixture of colors taking place. Whether it is a light gray veil, with intricate and colorful embroidery of black, grays and reds - a crimson red veil with lighter colored embroidery to contrast it - or that of a pastel veil, blues or pinks with golden or deep colored embroidery that makes the modest piece pop, giving it a bit of a pop, or some flare. On Fabrics The fabrics used are that of silk and cotton for the main body and tulle and lace for the detailing's. This by no means is the only thing that may be used, it is simply what is seen by the majority. Silk in particular is useful for its lightweight nature, its ability to regulate temperature and wick moisture, which keeps you dry and comfortable in the heat. As to cotton, it is lightweight, breathable and goes as far as to soak up moisture and allow you to stay cool as heat escapes. Each fabric has its own use, and it must be kept in mind when choosing your veil, as the weight due to the fabric, the embroidery and otherwise can change a multitude of things as to one's outfit. An example of a Marsana Veil. On Donning Your Marsana Veil Here are the following steps as to donning your very on Marsana veil, for those without someone to do it for them; One, you take the veil in question, and drape it rectangularly over your head, with one side longer than the other. Two, pin up both sides of the veil just under your hair, tucking those sections away. Three, flip the longer end of your veil behind your opposite shoulder. Four, flip the same end back to the front of your other shoulder. And then you are done, having donned your Marsana veil! Signed, HIS LORDSHIP, Gaius Rosius var Ruthern, Baron of Marsana, Amiratus of the Kingdom of Balian, Lord Seneschal of the Crown and Chief Minister of the Duana HER LADYSHIP, Mariya Elizabeth Ruthern, Baroness of Marsana
  6. THE BIRTH OF HAMMERHEADS “By Bones and Barrows.” Per Ossa et in Barcis Issued by The Barony of Marsana With the recent marriage of Baron Gaius var Ruthern and Baroness Mariya Ruthern, their union has proven fruitful. Such so, that a blessing of children has been granted to that of the family, that of twins. The newly blessed couple, keeping this in mind, alongside the traditions of their families, have thus given their children this name: Don Demetrius Laonicus var Ruthern, Heir to the Barony of Marsana and its holdings @oryP and Dona Charlotte Valentina vas Ruthern of the Barony of Marsana @Kitomine As is with Canonist tradition, both babies have been baptized and the couple has sequestered themselves within their home so as to familiarize themselves with the newly gained children to the Ruthern household. We ask those of Balian and that of the Rutherns to extend a warm welcome to these future leaders of society. Signed, HIS LORDSHIP, Gaius Rosius var Ruthern, Baron of Marsana, Minister of Interior of the Kingdom of Balian HER LADYSHIP, Mariya Elizabeth Ruthern, Baroness of Marsana, Ambassador of Balian
  7. ROYAL LETTERS FOR THE BARONY OF TUVIA 42. B.A TO OUR BELOVED SUBJECTS, It pleases the Royal Throne to bequeath upon its loyal subject with an officiation of their leal tenure in fealty to the Kingdom of Balian. It is by the grace of God and the counsel of Our court that we do invest in Sir Ephrem Kervallen as the Baron of Tuvia. As peer of the Kingdom of Balian, they shall hold in trust Our Royal Throne for the duration of their service. They are compelled to maintain the law of Our realm, to peacefully abide Our rule, and to rise in Our defence when necessary. We do establish that the succession of this Barony of Tuvia will be hereditary; upon their death, this title shall be inherited by their successor unless otherwise promulgated by Our command. AD GLORIAM DEI, HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Alexander I, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Viscount of Eflen and Anatis, Baron of Brucca, Valens, Malenos and Ciavola, Lord of Atrus and Monterosa, Prince of the Holy Orenian Empire, Protector of the Heartlanders and Protector of the South, etcetera.
  8. Music Dissolving of Ghastenwald Its with recent council from His Majesty king Karl III that I Last Baron of Ghastenwald Wilhelm Otto Morovar dissolve the barony of Ghastenwald and hand title back to His Majesty. Though this is not my only reason on this matter, I find myself unfit to hold the title with no education of how to be a baron after the passing of my late father Baron Leopold Morovar, for the betterment of the Morovar family and to keep this houses name, honor, and history in well maintained order I considered it right to do such an act of dissolvement. SIGNED, Wilhelm Otto Morovar
  9. IN NEED OF RECRUITS A missive sent out to non-enlisted personals that seemed fit to fight for the wars and conflicts that are occurring within Oren. [-] ENLISTMENT If you happen to be looking for a military to enlist into, please DM lucass#9369 on discord or message me directly from the forums. Signed, Sveneld Andrevich, Barony of Cherskavy.
  10. House Dracontas | Οίκος Δράκωντας "Για τον Θεό, υπερασπίζουμε" Looking for a house to join? Then, House Dracontas may be the perfect option for you! Introduction | Family History A noble Akritian family founded in the Kingdom of Akritos by Varangian Guard Commander Dionisius Dracontas The First; first Commander of the Akritian Army and the founder of the Varangian Guard. After the fall of the Empire, they have moved to the North to seek a place to stay, historical archives say that they were residing in Hanseti-Ruska for a while and eventually became citizens there, not taking their noble-heritage with them as they adopted the behavior of lower-class citizens. The House of Dracontas is extremely devoted to the religion of The Church of Canon, as even in the old days, they kept themselves to the behavior that they should have when they are in a war and concluded as victorious. The family has gained their reputation through the war against the Turkin, as Dionisius had fought in the war and was concluded as victorious against the enemy. Dionisius eventually took the remaining Turkin with him and allowed them to live in the small province that he owned. Full History: https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=House_of_Dracontas How to join? Follow this format and reply with your answers! Then, when you have done it you shall be sent a message through discord with an invite to the family-discord. [Akritian names are basically Greek names, use a fantasynamegenerator which generates greek names, or look some names up using google, the choice is up to you!] CURRENT MEMBERS @sashimichopped| Georgios Dracontas VI @Drumoldth| Dionisius Dracontas VIII
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