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  1. A Trial Of The Forgotten A photo of what eyewitnesses describe as a group of robbers jumping from rooftops. Recently in the northern nation of Reinmar all was peaceful one night. Except. There were the forgotten, the less fortunate. For the impoverished another day of begging and scrapping by to make ends meet. But one group had other plans, for the rich get richer and they had enough. BOOM BOOM BOOM Multiple heists occurred around the city as guards report that multiple shadowy figures are jumping across the roofs with bags of treasured goods stolen just moments ago. Explosions rang out into the night as the people managed to get away leaving few traces behind. This group are the forgotten, the poorest of the poor, rats to live in the sewer, servants to the rich, slaves to the monarchy, expendable to any who saw them as lesser. All their life they wanted the quality they had seen from others. This jealousy had turned to hate, and with this hate, passion……. But for what? Player event Contact me over discord: Always Foolish Or in game: Imagedragons
  2. LORE PROPOSITION - TINFOIL ARMOR A Harian Tinfoil Warrior, Circa 1600 In a world where magic runs rampant alongside the growth of an ever present aura of paranoia, it is of the utmost importance to defend oneself against mind probing huns. Innocent men and women are becoming deceived by such vile magicians, leading them to believe that they are the opposite gender if not already resulting from their pineapple illatian pastries. Tales of such illusory and probing have spread far and wide, and thus the demand for magic resistant armor is high. As a result, smiths across the land, most notably Haskill of the Freeman’s forge, have taken to pressing melted tin to a papyrus thin state so that it may be molded with ease. With this invention, denizens across the lands may sleep in peace- and in tin, to ensure that their internal viscera is not morphed to that of a bestial creature. Tin foil equipment will allow the user to deflect magical influence and attacks without flaw depending on its crumpled state. Akin to sound proofing, the more crevices and bumps a piece of tin armor holds the more resistant to magic it is. For example, a smooth sheet of tin would be useless to magic whereas its crumpled counterpart would be impervious. Despite its extreme defense to magic, it's delicate and thin state makes it quite useless against any other form of attack. To provide balance to magic users, quite literally anything (bar magic) can destroy this armor. Arrows can pierce it, fingers can poke it, and more importantly, one could rip it by simply walking. Despite its detriments, however, tinfoil armor remains the go-to headwear for those fearing illusionists. Waldenian Soundproofing, circa 1364 To craft Tinfoil Armor, one must gather tin through roleplay means, melt it, and then press it into its thin state. Once this is accomplished, one must then carefully craft it through roleplay means. Should you roll anything less than a twenty in its careful construction, the armor will be torn. Once in combat, should the armor be damaged or torn, the exposed area would then become vulnerable to magical attacks once more. Mechanically speaking, it may be possible to statgen base chainmail to have hugely negative defensive debuffs (practically none) with its durability also being modified to be destroyed within two hits. Furthermore, due to its light nature, if a mechanical armor set were to be created it would hold no speed debuffs. The way one would determine whether someone was wearing tinfoil armor or not is purely dependent on their skin, which should look something along the lines of: Should this lore be accepted, I believe it will add an additional level of role-play not yet seen on any medieval fantasy server. This document is purely science based, and now that the current year is 1600, a time in which pirates roam, the need for tinfoil equipment is necessary. However, should this lore not be accepted, I truly believe people will still craft such equipment through roleplay means even if it woiuld not provide the additional magical protection as they would hold the belief that it truly does. I have kept this short and sweet, like an innocent child, for I believe I've nailed my points across rather effectively. For those who are too lazy to read, I shall summarize in a tl;dr. Tin Foil Armor should be magic resistant depending on its crumpled state (coating your armor in tin will not do anything unless it is pure tin!). Tinfoil headgear should prevent illusion magic and mind probing from affecting the wearer. To craft a single piece of armor, or the tinfoil itself, smiths must roll a perfect 20/20 in role-play to provide validity to the tin foil's stability. Tin Foil armor has no durability nor defensive buffs to ranged or melee.
  3. Inside the Royal Palace at Petrus, the Privy Council of Oren meets with King Olivier, representatives from all corners of the realm coming together. Around the table sit the King, and all major nobles of the realm, with a scribe to record the historic event. Their meeting is short and to the point, and wrapped up with the His Majesty’s words. “It is done, then. The Beginning of the End has started. The stout pups have bit the wolf’s tail too many times.” Around the table, heads nod in agreement, and notices are sent to every major holdfast in the Realm. To the Lords and Soldiers of Oren; Pick up your shields and raise your spears - we march to end the war. WARCLAIM Type of Battle: Conquest Time & Date: 5PM EST, 4th of April (Negotiable) Attacking Forces: The Kingdom of Oren + Allies Defending Forces: The Grand Kingdom of Urguan + Allies Location and Boundaries: Kal’Karaad Kal’Karaad and immediate surroundings http://gyazo.com/d0caf32f14934a229611d0c8c279dd3a (Roughly) Terms of Victory: Victory for attacking team: If the defenders are all killed or driven out of the battle area, or bested to such an extent that a realistic defense is no longer viable (IE - Defenders huddle 500 feet underground, victory is declared, for they could not realistically defend the actual city, which would simply fall into attacking hands.) Victory for the defending team: If the attackers are all killed or driven out of the battle area. Rewards: Victory for the attackers means ownership of the Kal’Karaad plot will be transferred to the Kingdom of Oren, and used as they please. Victory for the defenders means the region may not be war claimed for a time based off the suggestions of non affiliated Game Moderators with the consent of both sides. Rules: Server rules No team killing No fake statuses No returning to battle Siege weapons enabled No metagaming No underground fort modifications prior to this post. All additional fortifications must be on ground level or above. No moving items out of the city
  4. Information on the Chevaliers is publically available, as their members recruit actively. In addition, booklets are passed through the citizenry. The Chevaliers are adamant that they are not a knighthood, instead claiming to be an order dedicated to honor. The group has no holdings yet, and does not seek any until they have sufficient men to justify one. The current Marshall of the Chevaliers is Jeremiah de Valletta (Megazero34. That means dont bloody message Semperosa), who may be contacted for any questions relating to the order. Contacting the Order The Chevalier Principles Code of Honor Structure (Ranks) Allegiance and Fealty specifics Honorary Titles & Merit Awards Culture Information (Auvergnian) Noble Chapters The signature of the Patriarch of House Valletta, Adam de Valletta (Semperosa), is affixed to all booklets passed through the realm. In addition, the Marshal of the Chevaliers, Jeremiah (Megazero34), has signed below. Includes with the pamphlets are applications that can be turned in to any member, indicating a desire to join the group. Application for entry into the Chevaliers If you wish to apply to join our brotherhood, please state your name and information relevant to yourself. Your oath will be taken when you meet with an officer of the group, after you have been vetted for entry. Send a letter to the Marshall (Megazero34), or meet with an officer. Any soldat who is asked to take you to his superior will do so without question.
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