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General Roleplay Guide


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General Roleplay Guid


I wrote this guide in the hope that it would be informative and helpful to the reader.

As Roleplay can be complicated to new players, and may be improven by more veteran.

So let us start!


General roleplay:


From the moment you start, you will be involved and affected by the Roleplay around you. From travelling strangers to old friends, the world of LotC is full of suprises around every corner.


Imagene that you are walking down the road, minding your own business.

Randomly a man on the horizon, runs towards you. As he stands still, he asks you




"Could you help me? I am quite lost.."


As the above happens alot, especially to new players. This is one of the primary gold mines for roleplay, and future friends. I have met my now best pal Vladamire through merely asking for directions. If you use these oppertunities though. If you ask the standard question


"Depends on what city you want to go to" , there might be some roleplay, and it ends. But if you are bored, wander or for example walk towards Malinor, you could ask him if he wants to come with you? Along the way you talk, you learn from eachothers characters, and many times you have one more soul who likes you after that walk. Afcourse, while you are walking you need topics to talk about!


That, has an obvious solution people often tend to miss. Your surroundings. You are located in a magical world! Talk about the wheat fields covering the horizon, the undead roaming the woods or about that windmill you saw burning. There is alot to talk about, be creative and smart!


Sometimes, your Roleplay could become compromised by OOC situations.

When you enter for example a tavern, you would expect this:




Though, you find out that your epic expectations of a medieval tavern... Was for nothing, and you find this:




Aye, no ale without bartender. So how do you make the best out of such disappointment?


The blessed command of /setname can! It is fairly easy to switch your name within a conversation. I had this today! But I managed to start brawls, conflict and the singing of a dwarven anthem by simply playing the bartender with emotes too. If you have the people who would coorperate, the possibilities are endless!


Just as you talk, use /setname The bartender, The apprentice, The blacksmith, whatever person is missing and essential to your roleplay. You emote as them while your roleplaying partner is writing.


For example:


Derek: "So yah cum'  here often?


*The Bartender places a cup of wine in the counter, nodding as he continues doing the dishes


Miriam "Nay, I just arrived here"


Derek "So, what would your name be my lady?"


*The Bartender chuckles as he hears the joke of the dwarves nearby


Miriam "Miriam Ravenshire, yours?"


The above is a great example how to put NPC emotes within your roleplay session, so there is no void nor restriction in the situation you are in. With this, you can do far more then you would imagene. Afcourse there are much better versions to be found or roleplayed, but this is an example of how to make your surroundings alive, even when you are only with two.


Now next topic. the forum posting.


Many take the brave steps to post their guild, FRP or just a roleplay topics on this forum. Afcourse, you do want to stand out!


There is one thing you must understand when using the forums, it is seen by everybody. Some people, with their pretty stamps and signatures, may use this against you in Roleplay. Not that it is bad, but don't be suprised when you find this



"The council of a superior race sends out arrest too.."


"This organization is to be banished from Malinor because.."




"Thou shall be executed because of Herecy"


"Thou has been banished from the divine soils of oren"


Now the above are prior examples of what people could post, and it would not be rule breaking when they do it, as much as you like or not. Though, you can do such too! The roleplay and guild sections are open to everything in the name of yourself and/or your organization. Make a fancy stamp and call them heretics! #Badass


Either way, the forums are open for fancy powerplays, announcements and roleplay!


Sometimes, roleplaying a certain situation or person can greatly be enhanced by background music.

As this could change the atmosphere, it can be sometimes very importnant Though, what background music to choose?


Well.. if I'm going to battle, this song pumps up the insanity of my characters!



Though, there are many breathtaking ambiants, freely to be played from youtube!



Check the waterfalls and trees with this song playing!

Either way, composers like Adrian von Ziegler, and Beethoven. Or simply Jeremy Soule guild wars tracks, can create a certain feeling of immersion. It is definetly worth a try!


Did I miss a part, or should i remove a certain part? Please give me feedback in the comments!



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