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Age: 33
Gender: Male
Race: Kharajyr
Status: Alive

Height: 5'11
Weight: 180 lbs.
Body Type: Athletic lithe build, a little on the light side for aPantera.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Skin: Black, with jet black fur.
Health: Physcially fit.
Personality: Calm and collective most of the time. He is observant of the situation around him but is usually indifferent.
Further Details:

[size="3"]Life Style[/size]
Alignment*: Metzli and the Tla'
Deity*: Metzli
Religion: Worships Metzli
Alliance/Nation/Home: None, former home island destroyed by Metzli.
Job/Class: Warrior, freelancer.
Title(s): Do
Profession(s): None at the moment, formerly protected his homeland as a Do’Kuta (Kharajyr Scout/Skirmisher) Now he is a freelancer, awaiting the return of a proper Kharajyr homeland.
Special Skill(s): Hand-to-Hand combat, knife-fighting, and stealth.
Flaw(s): Not much brute force strength, and he loses most of his advantages after the element of surprise is broken against most opponents.

Current Status: None
Arch-type: None
Sub-Type: None
Rank: None
Weakness(es): None
Strength(s): None
Current Spell(s): None

Fighting Style: He tries to avoid a fair fight as much as possible when fighting his enemies. Using every advantage he has.
Trained Weapon[s]:
Favored Weapon:

Parents: Deceased
Siblings: No siblings
Children: No Children
Extended Family: No
Pet(s): No





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