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Nicknames: Flora.

Age: 108

Gender: Male

Race: Wood Elf

Status: Alive and well


Description: Floragain is a small lithe Wood Elf standing at around 4’11’.  He has long dirty blonde hair that looks to be cut with a knife.  He has almond shaped deep blue eyes and has a thin mouth that is set in a constant smile.  He has long limbs that seem to be helpful with climbing.  He also has long fingers that all end in long sharp nails.  He wears a long forest green cloak that goes to his ankles.  He also wears tight brown leggings and shirt and is constantly barefoot. He also wears a leather belt that holds rope and other tools of all sorts. On his shoulders ride his two constant companions Leyu and Annyer both Capuchin monkeys.   

Height: 4’11’

Weight: 95 Lbs.

Body Type: Slim

Eyes: Almond Shaped, Deep Blue

Hair: Long dirty blonde.

Skin: Tan.

Markings/Tattoos: None.

Health: Healthy and rarely gets sick.

Personality: Floragain has a constant smile on his face.  He is very playful and loves playing and playing jokes on people.  He is very childish and has trouble seeing the faults in people.  In spite of being playful he can be serious when it the situation calls for it and defends what he loves tooth and nail.  He is very social and once he calls you his friend you will have a hard time losing him and he will defend you in anyway he can.  Floragain also loves kids and will defend them against anything and even though he has none yet he hopes for some in the future.

Inventory:  Twin Elven Daggers, Slingshot, Slingshot ammo, and rations.

Further Details:


Alignment: Neutral Good.

Deity: The Aspects.

Job/Class: Shop Owner.

Title(s): Floragain.

Profession(s): Shop Owner.

Special Skill(s): He is a amazing climber and can climb almost anything, He is also very talented at acrobatics and is very good with flips and incorporates this in his fighting style.

Flaw(s): He trust his friends or whoever he considers to be his friends way to much, this has backfired before, yet he continues to do it.


Weakness(s): Friends, heavy weapons, And his size.

Strength(s): Climbing, acrobatics, swimming, light weapons, running, and hiding.



Weaponry: Claws, Bows, Daggers, Sticks, Rocks, and his body.

Fighting Style: He starts out with his bow but if they are able to get close enough to him he starts fighting with his daggers and uses his acrobatics.

Trained Weapon: Hand to Hand, Archery, and Daggers.

Favored Weapon: Hand to hand and Bows.

Archery: Mastered, but still has room to improve.


Biography: Floragain was born in a small cabin on the outskirts of a small village in the woods of Malinor.  His father was a mercenary and his mother a innkeeper.  Floragain learned at a young age that he was a good climber and at the age of 3 he scaled his first tree.  This nearly gave his mother a heart attack, but his father was extremely excited.  Almost as soon as he could walk his father put a bow in his hand and sent him into the woods to hunt.  Floragain was a natural with a bow and learned not to miss quickly because if he didn’t kill, him and his family did not eat.  Once he was old enough he started helping his mother in the inn, his father the mercenary was not around much so Floragain wasn’t able to see him much while he was young.  When Floragain was 10 his father retired and came to help his mother in the inn, these where the best years of his life.

               But when Floragain was sixteen his father was hired once more and he went off to fight what he said would be the last war.  Days past and Floragain grew close to his mother in the long days of summer that slowly became winter.  The spring after his father left his fathers partner came to the door and told the family of two that his father was killed in battle.  The family grieved and his mother went in to a deep depression and refused to eat.  The same summer his mother died from grief and starvation.

               Floragain at the age of sixteen was left to take care of himself and a inn.  He tried to take care of the inn but soon learned he could not take care of himself and the inn.  He sold the inn to a friend and put the money away for the future.  He started hunting and was able to get enough meat for himself and to sell to his friend who bought the inn in exchange for free meals. 

               He did this until he was 20 slowly saving up money and when he finally saved up enough at the ago of 20 he moved to the capital city of Malinor and bought a small apartment.  He soon found out that the city was not a forgiving place, but somehow was able to keep his apartment.  He made do, by doing odd jobs for businesses.  He did this until he heard of the Mali’ame breaking off from the main Malinor and starting a settlement in Leanniel.  He immediately sold his apartment and moved to Leanniel while it was still just a grouping of tents.  He helped found and build Leanniel and was a steward in its early days. 

               Floragain lived in Leanniel and was its Steward of housing for a few years before switching to a diplomat for Leanniel to the Hobbits.  He lived with the Hobbits for a few years before once more before moving back to Leanniel.  

Parents: Both dead.

Siblings: None.

Children: None but he wants some.

Extended Family: None.

Pet(s): Annyer (To dance) a capuchin monkey and Leyu (Graceful) also a Capuchin monkey, both are the joy of his life.

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