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(( usually is better to stay away from Combat Magic until Vaq implements the actual Magic plugin. Its just not very realistic right now.))

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((As far as magic goes, I wanna try and stay away from any attack based/battle mage crap. It's terrible for rp and we're not an assault-style faction anyways. Mostly I want to keep it in the realm of manipulation and control. Maybe some blood ritual stuff but mostly focused on the soul of a being. Sorcery.

Also, contact with the dead. Like a seance only not lame. Just an idea of course, I'm going to get together with Ninja and pound out an actual system.))

ALL OF THAT WAS OOC... Just in case you weren't sure.

(( I think we should definitely use potions such as poison, or instant damage, and, for the stubborn targets who think they have a chance at fighting back, weakness potions.

Sound good? Also, why would you need to contact the dead?))

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((Yeah, potions aren't really magic though. All members can freely use whatever kind of gear they want. Like I said, I don't want magic becoming a class or a style of combat. It's going to be similar to the counsel. You can be on the counsel and an assassin. Or a spy. It's mainly going to be about rping.))

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((I'm still going to be with you guys OOCly, honestly. And when and if it permits it, you guys may have to discover me, and butter up my vain, Morri self to join your cause.))

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Alright, seriously, can I go ahead and /modreq the locked stuff? The stuff down there is still locked and for some RP I'd prefer them to be gone.))

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((Yeah, it's hard to get rid of a locked door when a bunch of vannies are trying to shove a blade between your eyes. -.- Besides, nobody cares about the current server anymore. I think that's effecting the spirit of the game right now.

No one wants to invest time in a dying server. ))

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You are, of course, referring to everybody planning for 2.0? Because if you are calling the lord of the craft a dying server, then there's a problem here. Did you not read Vaq's epic morale booster?

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((Wow, what ninja said. It's kind of sad I have to clarify that. Lotc isn't a dying server. 2.00 is about to come out and nobody, myself included, gives two shits about the current one. So don't worry about the locks. kk?))

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