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[New Character] Valrok Nekarn


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Note: I made this post a while ago during the Thales, and It was never Accepted nor Denied, so thats what I'm looking for now, thats why I am reposting it.

About Valrok Ne'Karn

Valrok Ne'Karn was a Demon who was killed during The Destruction of Aegis, He walked with the Undead and was one of the prime causes for Aegis' destruction. He was eventually Slain by two Unknown heroes nearing the end of the Battle, with the Sword now known as Kalvansbane.



Valrok Ne'Karn stands at around 10.2ft, almost twice the size of an Adult Wood Elf Male. He has a dark blood red Skin with various scars and scratches. He wears gladiatorial style Armour made from Black Drake Chitin which covers his upper Legs, Shins, Shoulder, Waist and a Barbute Helmet that covers the Majority of his Head. He has two Horns, both Charcoal black in colour which petrude from his Helmet. Like most Demons he has Hooves rather than clawed feet, His face, although covered, glows with Yellow eyes, A Scar can also be seen down the side of his eye and across his Nose slits. Lastly his Wings cover the Majority of his Back, with a Wingspan of about 20ft when fully opened, They also contain small slices, cuts and Scars. 



Being a Demon, Valrok Ne'Karn possesses a High amount of Physical Strength,  Valrok Ne'Karn is Strong however unlike lot's of Orcs he possesses above Average Intelligence, Melee attacks are also weak against Valrok due to his high quality armour and his tough hide. When it comes to Weaknesses Valrok Ne'Karn possesses many Physical Weaknesses due to his large amount of power.He also possesses many Emotional Traits which Stunt him. During Combat it is easy for him to Grow Angry quickly, which in turn makes his attacks less skilled and more Sloppy, becoming a Danger to himself. Valrok Ne'Karn is also Eager to strike fear into Mortals, he will often do this by killing one of his loyal Cultists or going on a Rant about his own Power. When it comes to Physical Weaknesses there are many, the first one being Weaker than he actually was, this is due to the fact of his Resurrection, and he will never quite be as Strong as he was during his 'Glory days'. The next weakness of his is Ranged attacks, Valrok is a mainly Melee fighter, thus meaning Ranged attacks from a Distance can easily keep him at distance this means that it is very difficult for him to reach Somebody who is using Ranged attacks, and therefore he can be brought down fairly easily. Furthermore he also possesses a great Weakness to any Arcane Abilities in general, whether that be Tier 1 abilities or Tier 5 abilities, Some Magic attacks however work a lot better than others, Eg Water Evocation as it more natureful and in turn damages his Demonic Nature. Finally Valrok's major weaknesses include Water Evocation, as discussed, due to it being less destructive and more natureful, a Tier 5 Water Evocationist may be able to Bring down a Tier 10 Valrok in only 2 blasts! And Finally his most obvious weakness being Kalvansbane, Kalvansbane is a Sword made from Arcane Crystal (For Kalvansbane lore see Kalvansbane) It was purposely made to destroy Valrok, and the rare Sword can bring a tier 10 Valrok down in 1 or even 2 fatal strikes. One of the more Minor Weaknesses of his are Holy and Arcane weapons, Holy weapons simply due to the fact of him being an Unholy being, and Arcane weapons simply due to his Weakness to Arcane Effects. By having a Holy and or Arcane weapon this can drop the amount of Strikes it takes to take him down, finally the last weakness of his being Water in general, Especially holy water, as discussed this is because it is more 'Natureful' and because off his Demonic characteristics. (Water isn't classed under the Tiers as there is no certain amount that kills him)



Valrok Ne'Karn is a Dark, Sociopathic and possibly even Psychopathic Demon who much enjoys Pain and Suffering of Mortals and other Demons alike, however posessing above Average Intelligence for a Demon, means he is much more Theatrical during fights and other Endeavours, he will purposely Strike fear into Mortals by telling them of how he will 'Tear there flesh from there Bones!' and 'Send forth the power of a Thousand Fires, to slowly reduce there worthless existence to ashes' he also greatly Enjoys doing this as he likes to Torture them not just Physically but Mentally.


Roleplay Example

Summoning: The Dark cave echoed quitely, with the almost silent, hiss-like chanting of the Cultists, it repeated itself, over, and over "Casht slivk vahai! Casht slivk vahai! Casht vack duhai!" with the occasional change in tone or Word. It gradually grew to a loud Song like Chant, with the Cultists dressed all in black raising from there Knees with there hands in the air, but still the Candles flickered grimly, and the patterned floor made no move, A man stood over the floor, lifted his hand, sliced it and let the blood drip.. it moved magically though the empty shapes in the pattern, and glowed a deep Purple as it Singed through the Floor like an Acid, The chanting had now become as loud as it could, an almost blood curdling shout, as the floor burned into a Flame as bright as the Sun and as High as the mountains, for a Split second.. there was Darkness.. but a foul.. thick black smoke rose from the floor, cradling itself around the Pillars holding the Dark Stone sealing. A foul, loud.. yet somehow quite and eyrie emerged from the floor, as a Skeletal hand gripped the Edge.. the hand grew to a Wrist, the Wrist then to an Arm as a Skeletal creature emerged, it looked as if it was Burning, but it wasn't, a blood red Skin began to Appear around the Skeleton, as the Skeleton constantly Screamed, the Horns now Started to apear, as the Foul creature Knelt by the hole that was filled with a foul black substance, It roared a Mighty roar, its eyes glowing Yellow, Illuminating the Room, A gust of Wind swept through as the Wings opened up, covering the Room in Red. The Creature Stood up, it was Larger than a Man, and a purer Red than Blood Itself. The Creature looked around the Room, it glanced over me for a Minute, before releasing a mighty Roar that Shook the Cave. It gazed back to me, I felt my Soul slowly Slipping away as my vision faded to darkness.. 


Speaking, Judgement: Valrok Ne'Karn moves across the Cave, Back and Forth Grunting at his Cultists before releasing the words "HOW COULD YOU LET THA MORTAL ESCHAPE?" in a deep rugged tone. Valrok Ne'Karn flicks his Wings up and in Anger before slumping back down into his Demonic Throne. The cultist moved warily towards Valrok before proclaiming "Im.. s sorry.. my lord! We.. we didn't think he'd get away we'd alread. we tried to, we thought he.." "SILENCHE!" Valrok Snapped as he Swings his claws at the Cultist now Trembling in fear, the Cultist bolts across the floor, a large scratch across robe "I.. I wil.. wi.. will not fail you again.. my .. my lord.."



After the Undead has managed to take control over Aegis, by destroying Al'Khazar, they had noticed that there numbers were slowly dropping, a number of the wiser folk, decided to try and Summon a Powerful Warrior, to aid them in there cause, Iblees knew of one, this was Valrok Nek'Arn or back them simply Valrok. Before this Valrok was an Honourable, Brave Northern Warrior, however he had a great fault, He longed for Power, Iblees had managed to take advantage of this, he told Valrok that he could turn him into a greater being, by simply adding the words 'Nek'Arn' to his name, Valrok succumbed to this and was tricked, the trick being that these words were a curse that latched to the Soul, and the Soul could then be destroyed by a certain Object or Weapon (Kalvansbane). When Valrok found out of this Treachery he tried to kill Iblees, Iblees however had the Item, Kalvansbane which were to destroy Valrok unless he were to do Iblees' bidding. During the conquer of Aegis Valrok Nek'Arn succumbed more and more to Iblees' ways, becoming more Corrupt and Evil. Near the end of the Conquer Valrok was so hell bent on wanting power, he tried to kill Iblees himself, Iblees tricked him yet again, with Kalvansbane. He knew of the town that the Corrupted were to attack next, this being Laurelin at the time. During one of the failed Sieges of Laurelin, Valrok Nek'Arn had almost breached the Gates, Iblees had given the Sword to one of his followers, telling him simply to "Eliminate him." and by doing so he would become Iblees' champion. He managed to Slay Valrok next to the gates of Laurilen along with a few other Warriors, while the forces of the Undead retreated. Valrok's name or Knowledge was never recorded due to his lack of duty on the Field, and more so his lack of tactical commanding of the Undead forces, Archives containing his name were also Destroyed. Knowledge of his Existence is next to none.



Lore- Kalvansbane is a Sword forged from Arcane crystal, Which is a Crystal made purposely to be bound with Magic. The crystal is incredibly powerful and valuable and cannot be found anywhere today. The Sword was originally created to Decieve Iblees himself by a man named 'Nek'Arn' Iblees being the superior Deceptionist, knew that by accepting the Gift his name would be bound to the Sword and it would be his Weakness and could kill him in an instant. Before accepting the Gift he told Nek'Arn to "Test it out.." Nek'Arn not knowing of his doomed fate believed that only giving the Sword to someone would work. Nek'Arn swung the Sword a few times, as he did so the Sword devoured his Soul as the Runes were inscribed, Iblees knew now that the name 'Nek'Arn' would give someone great power, but at a price. After the Destruction of Aegis the Sword had been passed down through decades as an Ornamental object as noone Knows of its true power..

Appearence- The Sword blade is transparent yet has a Green/Blue tint, it has a leaf bladed end with a few diagonal slices in the left side of the blade, The blade itself is Short along with the Hilt. The hilt consists of a Bronze hilt with a few Runes inscribed in the Pummel and the Crossguard. The Crossguard is curved in Stature with pointed Ends. The handle is wrapped in a black stained Leather.


The cult of Dakarth

During the Destruction of the first few cities, there were traitors among the citizens, some of these Traitors were asigned to 'The cult of Dakarth'. They were often normal men given the second name 'Dakarth'. The woman were often considered Witches and the men Warlocks, The cult of Dakarth was a cult specifically devoted to Valrok Nek'Arn as a gesture of power to Valrok. They had to take numerous vows such as 'To follow him through Life and through Death' and also to 'Return his power to full glory if need be'. Many of the Dakarth's were burnt at the Stake for Treason. To keep bloodlines pure they often Wed Brother to Sister. Over time the name changed to Dakart and then to Dakar and finally to Daka to prevent them being hunted down. There is only now one 'Dakart' left, there name being 'Jokryth Daka' A Highlander descended from the Dakarth's. (Possibly rped by Honey_view) who has been trying to forfill his families oaths to Resurrect Valrok, return him to his former glory and bring about the destruction of The Thales.


The Resurrection process.

To resurrect Valrok there must be at least 5 cultists, Dakarth or not. They must stand around a circle of a red Runic symbol with 5 candles around it in a star formation, Each Cultist must stand between the candles and the Cultist leader must stand at the top of the Star, from then they must drop to their Knees and begin chanting quitely with "Casht slivk vahai! Casht slivk vahai!" which then slowly builds to a low humming of "Casht vack duhai! Casht vack duhai!" as they rise up slowly to there feet, they must now begin loudly chanting "Casht dofk vanhai! Casht dofk vanhai!" with there hands in the air they must now all shout "CASHT GRAHK SE VAHN HADHN MAI!" as they do this the Lead cultist should remain quite, walk into the middle of the circle and draw blood from there hand, They must then all Kneel again in the Star formation as the blood reveals Valrok Nek'Arn. After the Ressurection Valrok Nek'Arn must gain his Strength, a way to do this would be a cultist gathering travelers to 'Show' them there 'Fate' this may initiate a fight between them and the Player, if the Player happens to 'Win' Valrok Simply gets weaker, he has to raise 10 'power' levels so to speak, to be able to bring about destruction, if he loses a battle the Power level drops, if he wins the Players can either retreat or Die. The Power levels work like So.



Level 1: Can barely move, can only strike with Claws and stomp with Hooves. Tier 2 Water Evocation takes 1 medium blast. Kalvansbane will 1 weak strike. Range attacks can kill him with 2 medium arrow shots. Melee attacks can kill him in around 2 Fatal Strikes.(1 fatal attack if holy or arcane) 


Level 2: Can move fairly well, Can still only strike with Claws and Stomp with hooves but quicker. Kalvansbane will take 1 weak strike. Tier 2 Water Evocation takes 2 medium blasts. Range attacks takes 1 strong arrow shot. Melee attacks can kill in around 3 Fatal strikes.(2 fatal attacks if holy or arcane)


Level 3: Can use his Cleaver, claws and Hooves, can move fairly well. Kalvansbane will take 1 weak strike. Tier 2 Water Evocation takes 3 medium blasts. Range attacks take 1 Strong arrow shot.  Melee attacks can kill with 3 Fatal strikes.(2 fatal attacks if holy or arcane)


Level 4: Can use Dual Cleavers, Claws and Hooves, Can move quickly. Kalvansbane will takes 1 medium  strike. Tier 3 Water Evocation takes 2 weak blasts. Range attacks take 2 Strong arrow shots. Melee attacks kill with 4 Fatal strikes.(3 fatal attacks if holy or arcane)


Level 5: Can use Cleavers claws and Hooves. Kalvansbane will take 1 medium strike. Tier 3 Water Evocation takes 1 medium blast. Range attacks take 3 Strong arrow Shots. Melee attacks take 4 Fatal strikes.(3 fatal attacks if holy or arcane)


Level 6: Can use Cleavers claws and Hooves. Kalvansbane will take 1 medium strike. Tier 3 Water evocation takes 2 medium blasts. Range attacks take 1 Fatal arrow Shot. Melee attacks take 5 Fatal Strikes.(4 fatal attack if holy or arcane)


Level 7: Can also pick up Enemies, Cleavers claws and Hooves are

much more powerful. Kalvansbane will take 1 medium strike. Tier 3 Water evocation takes 1 Strong blast. Range attacks take 1 Fatal arrow Shot. Melee attacks take 5 Fatal Strikes. (4 fatal attack if holy or arcane)


Level 8: Can pick up enemies, Powerful Cleavers, Claws and Hooves, Kalvansbane takes 1 strong strike. Tier 4 Water evocation takes 1 weak blast. Range attacks take 2 Fatal arrow Shots. Melee attacks take 6 Fatal Strikes.(5 fatal attack if holy or arcane)


Level 9: Can pick up enemies, Powerful Cleavers Claws and Hooves. Kalvansbane takes 1 strong Strike. Tier 4 water Evocation takes 2 weak blasts. Range attacks take 2 Fatal arrow Shots. Melee attacks take 6 Fatal Strikes (5 fatal attacks if holy or arcane)


Level 10: Can now use Wings to 'Smash' almost, Very powerful Cleavers, Claws and Hooves, Can begin attacking Cities, Kalvansbane takes 1 Fatal/finishing Strike. Tier 5 water Evocation takes 1 medium blast. Range attacks take 3 Fatal arrow Shots. Melee attacks take 6 Fatal Strikes (5 fatal attacks if holy or arcane)


NOTE: If Valrok is killed with Kalvansbane at any time he dies completely (Pked) If Valrok has reached Level 10 and is Killed OUTSIDE of his Lair, he is Pked.


Finding/Making Kalvansbane

Kalvansbane could possibly be a rare accumulation from Mob Drops. Kalvansbane could possibly be made from Arcane Crystal which could be a rare accumulation with 'Masterful' Mining tier and 'Masterful' smithing tier.


How would this Benefit the player? How would this create Rp?

If the player were to somehow Kill Valrok they may possibly recieve a rare piece of armour? (Valroks armour?) or simply Glory and Honour for killing such a Demon. Or Simply a rare item. Also I believe this could bring Rp because this may not just be a 1 time thing, It could bring about even more depth to the already arising Iblees story, although a much lesser being Valrok Nekarn has a burning hatred for Iblees, meaning that a battle between the two could possibly arise to determine the fate of Athera, so Valrok could actually be considered as a Neutral force, he is nor good nor bad, he hates Iblees yet he Hates the Mortal races meaning that if he does manage to defeat Iblees he would then live in Solitary for the rest of his days.

Who would play these Characters?

Aside from it being fairly obvious who is going to Play Valrok Nekarn, This is how some of the Current roles stand


Valrok Nekarn: j4mesyz4de (me)

Jokryth Daka(Cultist Leader): honey_view

Unamed Cultist 2: Vacant (Possibly Redxophos)

Unamed Cultist 3: Vacant (Possibly drfate786)

Unamed Cultist 4: Vacant

Unamed Cultist 5: Vacant




Kalvansbane: Coming soon!


Valrok Nek'Arn: Coming soon!


Valrok Nek'Arn minecraft skin: Coming soon!


Cultist: Coming soon!


Cultist minecraft skin: Coming soon!


Valrok Nek'Arn ritual table: Coming soon!



01/08/14- Added more Weaknesses, Balanced out Levels, Added improved lore with 'Daemon Warrior'

04/08/14- Added list of playable characters.

13/08/14- Added even more Weaknesses, Changed wing function, Removed Fire Evocation completely.0

06/11/14- Deleted everything because its a Stupid idea.

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Neat, however after reading this it almost sounds like an event, if this gets accepted I would be delighted to be w cultist and also you may wanna get some events going on with this guy implemented. Anyways, it sounds exciting.

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So I have a few questions.


By requiring multiple fatal hits on this creature do you imply that say, gouging its eye out with a rondel or running it through the lungs with a sword is a survivable wound for it? Or having its neck hacked open? Or being wacked in the head with a angry piano?

Secondly, why do you feel its necessary to make it you? This character is obscenely powerful, and you wish to roleplay it?


So he also gains in power levels, by level 10 he is able to create "Destruction", does he perform this because "Can now use Wings to 'Smash' almost, Very powerful Cleavers, Claws and Hooves" or does it come from another power?


I mean, generally speaking this sounds like a general of iblees, a creature that probably needs to be Roleplayed by a GM and be a "Pocket character" for said events. I would understand you wish to use this as your main if you got hold of him?

Oh.. and one last thing, why does he use a clever? For reals, why does he use a short weapon, when short weapons have a disadvantage in combat?

As a overall critique of this lore, I believe this is a power grab character for yourself and buddies. Kinda OP, and.. well, if you want to roleplay interesting characters there is pre-existing lore to do so. There are easier ways to get hold of super edgy dark stuff through in character means (Literally, just dance with the necro's and your bound to be tossed a bone) or just be inventive. 



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First thing I notice about this lore is the fact that it was not made for Lord of the Craft, or at least no attempt made to follow the lore of it, besides saying he was an undead beast under Iblees.


First off of course, he didn't really exist in Aegis, as roleplay existed in Aegis, and the Undead were defeated in roleplay and events. No one fought him, no one defeated him, simply because he was not roleplayed. The same he was not one of the main causes of the destruction of Aegis, simply put again, because he was not there when it happened.


Then you speak of demons as if they are normal in LOTC universe, they aren't. A demon is something not very well defined in the lord of the craft universe, yes there are some mentions of them, but most descriptions have variances. What you describe as Valrok being is infact, just a satan, or a Diablos beast. Wings, hoofs, horns, red skin.


Now to weaknesses, arcane magic in general can not be a weakness, because arcane magic, which I believe you mean evocation, is simply the creation and control of elements. They don't have special properties they behave exacly like normal elements, they just are controlled by a mage.


The weapon you speak of is made of arcane crystal. Whatever that is, I have no idea, but it hasn't existed before, or has ever been mention in roleplay in the LOTC universe. Arcane weapons also don't exist, there can be enchanted weapons though, no idea if that is what you mean.


Holy water doesn't exist, even if it has been tried to be rp'ed before.



Now as for the cult, it may exist, it may try to do and believe they may bring valrok to the realm, but you may not play him yourself until you get permission for it from the LM team. Either way, this will be brough to a vote, so I advise that you at least try to fix up the things that do not fit with LOTC lore.


Best of luck

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I, however would like to see Valrok in the realm as a sort of event with the new Iblees. However I would really like to see him played by a senior staff member. Also you may wanna add how he can die with obvious injuries such as getting your lungs ripped off. Aside from that you may wanna make him less clique, instead make him unique rather, like Jistuma said a satan or Diablo make him different and interesting.

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Fm you can delete this post if you like, re-read over it and realised how stupid the idea was, just get rid of it.

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