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Glyphs [Mc Mechanic Explination]


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Anything to change MC enchanting at the moment.

This document may be found within the Cloud temple, it is titled. "Personal Records of Artorius Thannius, Spellcaster Initiate of the Enlightened Caste of Rivel." However, it seems that many pages are ruined or ripped out.


"I cannot simply explain this, my mentor today seemed to come at ends with my self in the impartiality of papers and the methods of which we in this supreme state of arcane knowledge operate. I was almost insinuated by him to be a sympathiser of the lesser casts. This started when we as the class were talking about strange symbols, a conundrum that occurs regarding dense materials or those of crystalline structure, such of Lapis Lazuli, Ferrum, Aurum, Emerald and indeed Carbarum.


These materials when organised in certain patterns appear to produce properties completely randomly, with no manner in which to detect when their innate magic will appear. Certain ‘Glyphs’ as they have been named will create certain results when imbued onto objects, such as one producing greater efficiency when performing manual labour and another seeming to imbue a blade to produce a greater rending effect upon a strike.


However, it must be stated again in the peculiarity of the occurrence of such results. In certain incidents these properties would not display themselves whatsoever, while on others they will produce their effects. There seems to be absolutely no manner in which they may be predicted, and it seems to differ from situation to situation in which they activate. They bear no mana, no presence.. its absolutely mind boggling.


If you are wondering on how they work, all you have to do is find the certain shapes that these magics react to and press them into the item you wish. You may also put the gems in a shape on the top of a page and slam it hard really fast, and the magic will suddenly be bound to the page. You may then rip out this page, place it onto your desired item and just add water. The shape will imbue on the item. They also are rumoured to have a strange effect on memory unless your a frequent user on the table their created upon and of course the enlightened cast seems to be superior at creating them.

Two days later in the records:

I seem to be having issues remembering my classes...”



This is my RP explanation for why, if you do not have a RP enchanted item, MC enchantments work. Its some strange magic which allows you to make effects happen sometimes with no predictability. They also have some strange power where you forget they exist unless you want to buy them or you make them. You can’t act like they didn't work in RP, you don’t know your sword can occasionally set people on fire yada yada.


But how do we know OOCly when these effects may happen? If its PVP or not when acted.


If MC mechanics are default than for some strange reason these effects come in place, otherwise they won't work at all and your character won't have a expectation for them to do so.


Redlines for Glyph stuff:


  • They may never be used in RP anything or as a RP excuse for anything for they shall not work in any RP scenario, they're just there for PVP or Mechanical defaulted scenarios. This is the manner in which these 'random' scenarios are determined.

  • Do not refer to them outside of buying them or making them.



This post shouldn't influence the other thread, whatever happens this stuff really needs a name change.


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I think there should be a separate magic established for enchanting tables, instead of "okay you can use this in PvP but it doesn't exist RPly." If the glyphs are activated sheerly by chance then why do they work every time in MC?


I don't think enchantments should be considered MCly & RPly as "Runesmithing" but perhaps just garden variety enchanting (or warding if that doesn't exist?). An LM oughta clear up what each enchantment does though, so we don't have sharpened magic flame katanas of doom!

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I think you misunderstand.

People either opt for RP or MC combat, both frequent a lot on the server. So, the 'random chance' in RP, would actually be distinguished by the OOC combat choice. This would be a separate magic for enchanting tables, just a magic that only activates in mechanics default.

And this clearly explains that unless they have a RP magic that does explain how their enchantments are working it has to be this instead. There are lots of enchanters who actually do not roleplay having any RP magics what so ever, at all. This explains what their doing.

This is just a PVP buff which has some really minimal non-existant almost stupid forgettable RP explanation for why you can't use it in a RP fight but can in PVP.

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I've always enjoyed thinking of ways to bring the effects of MC enchantments IC. I don't go into detail how I make them because I'm not an alterationist, but I've never seen that a cause for concern. I've always RPed that the blade of my longsword ignites in flames when exposed to the air. And considering it's got fire aspect, I don't think that's too absurd. Never had any complaints.

Edit: and that's just one example though. Your sword has smite, but no cleric has enchanted it? Maybe the steel can be gilded. Bane of Arthropods? A poison that reacts strangely with spider blood. Unbreaking? Maybe mana was used to remove some impurities in the metal. I'd like to think we can be creative instead of just keeping it out of RP.

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