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Ciinne Rei


Nicknames: She has not yet earned a nickname.
Age: 226
Gender: Female              
Race: Wood Elf
Status: Alive




Height: 5’9”
Weight: 135lbs
Body Type: Medium build. She is strong enough to wield a lumber axe.
Eyes: Light Blue
Hair: Long, waist length. Light Brown in colour.
Skin: Slightly tanned, often dirty from dust in the trees.
Markings/Tattoos: None
Health: Good. Though she has a sweet tooth, she burns off the food she eats with her work.
Personality: Childish and energetic around her brother. She has started, however, to become more aware of how she should act as a young adult.

Inventory: Daily carries consist of a little food and a few minas. She hangs a lumber axe from her belt as she is usually working.

Further Details: She changes her hair style almost weekly. She also has no long term ambitions. She does not yern for children or a romance and would be much happier taking her life day by day.



Life Style

Alliance/Nation/Home: Her current home is in the elven capital, she shares a small home with her brother.

Job/Class: Ciinne works as a Lumberjack and spends her free time growing crops. She is naught more than a commoner.
Flaw(s): She is extremely childish when she is with her brother, she can come across as very immature.




Parents: Míwen "Mimi" Rei and Parven "Papa" Rei
Siblings: Twin brother, Remlastor “Rem” Rei.

Pets: When Ciinne was young and lived with her parents, she found a pack of young, hungry wolves. After feeding them, the pack dispersed, leaving behind an injured pup. Ciinne carried the pup home to her tent and nursed it back, with the help of her mother. Over that time, they became friends and the pup grew to be her companion. She named her Lauri.

The pup passed four years after Ciinne rescued her. She did not find out the cause. 




Ciinne and Remlastor lived in a small camp within the snow. Surrounded by close family and friends of varying races, they lived a simple, hard life of survival. They were, however, there by choice. Ciinne was raised with the inability to judge based on race. Her parents were accepting of all, so long as their nature was not aggressive. 


They lived in a community of trade. Where there was no currency but instead leathers, food staples and the likes were used to barter. When Ciinne and Rem decided to leave the camp in search of their own lives, their mother and father gave them all the coin they had acquired over the years. Their parents encouraged them to explore the land, find themselves. In hope that Ciinne would gain independence away from her brother once she found her own life, and in hope that Rem would mature and follow his dreams.


They are a friendly pair, Ciinne being the more calm and composed of the two. Together they have not struggled to find friends amongst residents.

Ciinne and her brother found work with ease with the local smith and after a short few days, returned to the city to claim their first wage. Sharing it equally, they were able to purchase tools from the smith and his apprentice to properly begin working.


After a run in with a bandit, her brother came out of the altercation with a broken nose. A bystander named Dwyn, helped fixed Rem up and in turn gave them a home and job with the Merchants guild as Lumberjacks.


For now, Ciinne is enjoying her new found life and confidence.  She may not be rich just yet but there is plenty of time for the young elf.


Already she is beginning to remember faces, make friends. Aryon, Jonathon, Dwyn. All new friends and acquaintances who bring a smile to her face. Yes, she is going to like it here.

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