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Rukdug Gol'tuth

Basic Information

Nicknames: Gol'tuth

Age: Gakhty

Gender: Mel

Race: Uruk

Status: Mi liv


Height: H'ash' H'futh"

Weight: ((Dunno how to say 200lbs)) Dubty Dubty

Body Type: Mi am bubhosh

Eyes: Re' browy ((reddish brown, sorry if im butchering the blah))

Hair: Nun

Skin: Bruwn

Markings/Tattoos: Mi eye nubhosh

Health: hosh

Personality: Hepy

Inventory: Nutin

Further Details: Nutin

Life Style

Flaw(s): Mi go fas or mi engry

Magic: Nubhosh - for twigie




Fighting Style: Hosh

Trained Weapon: Nutin

Favored Weapon: Fis's

Archery: For twigie


Parents: Mummy Gol'tuth, Daddie Gol'tuth

Siblings: Nun

Children: Nun

Extended Family: Nun

Pet(s): Nun

History ((No way im doin this in blah-ish))

                Rukdug Gol'tuth was an orc who was born to orcish parents on the road. The birth was as he was told by the orc doing it 'Nubhosh'. His father had died due to an incident with the high elves, and his mother died during birth. He had a surgically added gold tooth at birth, following family tradition. He still has the oversized tooth. Having no other family he was orphaned and an orc orphan is not a force to be reckoned with. He was always having temper tantrums and the like, and one day stormed out of the residence holding him at that time. He encountered some nasty 'twigies' and had his eye cut up. When he returned he asked for his eye to be fixed, which they did as best they could and then he returned as an adult and brutally slaughtered them, bringing their mangled bodies to an elder to show he could handle himself. He was only taught how to fight by his multiple scuffles with other orc children, in the attempt to befriend them by showing off his strength. He once accidentally killed a twin and ran from the other twin for a day until he was eaten by lur wolves, and then he returned to the village. When he came of age he decided that life at the village was boring and left to set out on his own as an independant orc.


Oder Ztuff ((said oocly))

Did I mention he's an environmentalist and goes against everything the uruks value such as

A. Doesnt use blahish special words

B. Doesnt like smelling like bog

C. Doesnt like uruks in general

D. Calls them 'Ztinkhy, zmelly, uruks'

E. Only wants meat from an animal that 'hed eh gud lief'

F. Hates violence

G. Likes the other races and refers to them by their names and not derogatory terms

H. Doesn't do the whole 'introduction by strength' thing anymore (because of the incident)

I. He is considerate of others

J. He thinks of the vegetarians

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Elder Zar'roc applauses this new Uruk.



I want that to be a thing like hearthstone ^


Mi am latz heppy zat u liek me.

Rukdug Gol'tuth does a totally non gay kiss

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