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[✔]The MetaGame Club


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Name of the club: The MetaGame Symposium

What type of club is it? (Public, Private): Public

What is the theme of this club? (Politics, group, etc.): The MetaGame

Why should this club be created? What is the purpose of this club? Does it add something not already fulfilled by an existing club?: This club should be created, because only I and a small amount of people have been gathering news for the entertaining show called The MetaGame. At this point we are only showing off a fraction of the happenings around the LOTC world. The purpose of this club is for an influx of news to be shown on the show. 

Who will moderate this club?: Me, and my research team. 





Do you understand that failure to moderate your own club to their respective rules can result in FM interventions?: Yes.

Are there any exemptions to the rules that you would like, if so why? (N/A if open club or none needed.): N/A

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