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[✓] Submission for Karin

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Kairnluna by Rella-Adopts

Karin1 by Rella-AdoptsKarin2 by Rella-AdoptsKarin3 by Rella-Adopts

https://sta.sh/010dajxvl6hs - LunarEden


Is this creature tamable and if so, how:



Karin are tameable in the same way you would a cat.  If it is young it is best to associate yourself with food, affection, and warmth.  The larger it is the more rough it may play causing blood to be drawn at times. This however can be remedied by just negative and positive reinforcement.


Adult Karin are able to be tamed, being often to large to easily handle though with a cage, patience, and constant positive reinforcement one may make it docile enough for it to enjoy your company.  However it will never come to your aid in a fight.  


Please note Karin will only attack to defend itself when there is no option to escape. 






Can you use this in combat:



Habitats - Check all that apply:



Summary of the creature:



Karins are cat like creatures bearing two horns, and two tails.  The horns could either stick straight up, or lean backwards, never aiming forwards as they were not used for fighting, but instead to defend their neck.  Crystals cover their bodies in small patches. These crystals are in fact salt deposits, as the karin enjoys a large quantity of salt in its diet, preferring saltier foods, and water.  Thought they still drink from normal water sources since only salt water would fully dehydrate them. If they were close to salt water while making a kill of smaller food a karin may even dunk the pray into said water to give it a better flavor. 

They range from the size of a house cat, to a cougar, the max weight being 220lbs, the size being 7.5 feet from head to tail, and 3 feet high at the shoulder.  They live a max of 100 years.


Karin are extremely friendly, caring of their owners and rather doting, noticing changes in emotion or physical health.  These create the best kind of therapy cat!


Often found in the forests after their most recent release by druids, they are tameable and abundant.  Wild Karin will always be full size. They originally were from the forests and taken out for domestication, allowing reintroduction during land changes to be easier as they would just adapt to the new land as their own.  Finding new species to hunt thrilling and something of a learning curve.  


When entering a forest it is prudent to check trees and caves to find a karin as they are quite often hiding in them to avoid detection from whatever entered their habitat.  Though after scoping out the threat they often go back to roaming, or sometimes in moments of curiosity these will find themselves getting close to observe the newest creature.


Karins preference for food is birds, the wild karin preferring larger ones where of course the smaller domesticated karin would take pleasure in hunting ones more their size.  




Characteristics of the creature:




Karin have two crystal horns that stand from their heads, either at a backwards angle or straight.  Along with being feline in most parts they have two long tails that protrude from their rump. The max the max weight being 220lbs, the size being 7.5 feet long, and 3 feet high at the shoulder.  


Domesticated however can be as small as a domesticated house cat adult, due to selective breeding. Yet Karin this size cannot be found wildly roaming.  This means no insect sized Karin.  


They come in a few colors, that being: Black, White, Light blue.

And their crystals only come in a variety of: Red, Silver, and Dark blue


However a karin may have patches of white or black or grey in a tortoise shell like pattern. 


Karin mate with only one mate for life, and have litter sizes of five kittens every two years if allowed to breed.  To prevent this do not allow them to play unattended or keep them separate. They will also not breed during times with low food or harsh weather.


First Born : Karin kitten will only have small nubs where its horns are, their tails are extremely stubby and their crystals have not yet formed. 

Six Months : The crystal nubs will become tiny spikes and their fur will have a few specs of crystals littering their coats.  At this point their tails will grow out by one foot.

One Year :  The crystal spikes will have formed small antlers ranging from three to six inches.  The tails will have fully grown out and their coats will have around six to twelve patches of crystals.

Three years :  The karin will have their horns will still be growing, be of age to reproduce, and their crystals on their fur will be grown in.  

Over fifty years:  A karin’s horns will have reached maximum size, and their fur will take a metallic like sheen.  They are unable to reproduce further.  


Karin that are fed a pure meat diet are found to live longer than any that eats food diluted with berries or rice.  They do not enjoy these foods with the exception of long grass that they will chew on for digestion.  


The behavior of a karin is that of a playful feline with feral tendencies.  They are hyper and can be overly aggressive in play. Though they will not willingly enter a fight unless their mate, kittens are at risk.  They choose however to flee if it is only them and there are plenty of escape routes. 


These affectionate creatures will follow anyone they have bonded to around often in trees or bushes.  Being exceptionally friendly when tamed allows them to be social creatures, and even the untamed ones may seek out humanoid company from time to time, though sometimes just for free meals.   



(Optional) Origins of the creature:


Originally found in the land of Athera, Karin once feasted on the crystal flowers found in Atgaard.  However unlike other creatures they were realized for their docile nature and brought along through all sorts of disasters.  Some during the journeys escaping back into the wild and settling in forest regions. However over these transitions the creature slowly changed.  These large beasts were the size of cougars and rather ferocious. Known for wildly attacking those who came nearby though once tamed they were found caring and in tune with their masters.  Soon however domestication took over, and it was found that the crystal flowers did not in fact have an effect on the beasts. Breeding had tamed them, creating a loving and friendly creature that could even become the size of a house cat in domesticated situations.  Yet this caused them to be removed from fights with humans, only defending themselves and running at the sign of true trouble. They prefered to survive above fight. However these are quite hardy creatures, due to their nature they travel often, and thus shock of new environments rarely bothers them, allowing them to take over an area as their own.  Their favorite prey being birds of all varieties.






Karin are fast, being agile just like a natural cougar one will find that the crystals on their coat are hard like a stone.  These are often positioned on vital points to prevent easy strikes or shots. Their horns protecting their neck from any blows that way.  Their claws are sharp and they are intelligent. These however for the most part are just ordinary cats.  


They hold the same weaknesses as other felines, cuts where the crystals are not easily cut fur, and flesh.  Their two tails offering an easier target as they rarely have crystals upon them. If one is cut it affects the balance of Karin.




Red Lines


Karin will not fight for any human, they will run from the fight, only caring about their own lives and being easily startled by violence.  This however does not mean that they will not fight to defend themselves if someone was to directly attack them. But they would only resort to this if they were backed into a corner.  Karin would however not aim to kill, and would only stay in the fight long enough for someone to give them an opening to escape.


Karin mate for life, if their mate has died, often times they will mope themselves to death,  Only under rare circumstances does a karin move to a mate after the first one is deceased.


Karin cannot live over 100 years at max, this being the full life time, that means no karin would ever reach the age 101, no matter how much an owner tried.


Karin will leave their owners if left unfed or abused, although they may often stay with their owner, they do not tolerate starvation, or abuse, if the owner was to abuse the karin and there was no way for them to escape, they would turn on the owner to try and get away.  .


Karin that are from the wild are naturally the size of cougars, and these are of course wild.

Domesticated Karin can reach sizes as small as a normal house cat you would find from any common pet store.  These however would have crystals that matched their size.





Common - Anyone can RP finding this creature.



Change Log: 

Edited Redlines

Added salt into the properties of crystals

Modified how they are in the forests and their favorite prey

Mentioned how they were brought over via druids

Specified only large karin are in the wild, and small are via selective breeding

Removed light on feet and changed to agile

Fixed Spelling of Kairn to Karin

Removed combat ability

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Thank you for submitting your piece! It is now under review, you should have a verdict in about 1 ½ weeks to 2 weeks.

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This lore is pending, you will be contacted regarding the issues raised by the lore team so you may fix it and given a timeframe for how long you have to do it. Once you have edited your piece, send me a forum PM and your piece will be reviewed to ensure the changes have been made.

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This Lore has been accepted. Moved to Implemented Lore, it will be sorted to it's appropriate category soon.

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