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EXPLANATION: Techlock/Magi-Tech

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The Techlock & Magi-Tech

This thread explains our stance on the techlock and magi-tech.



The techlock is something that has floated around in the background for some time now and it’s been one of the things that should have been addressed long ago. The issue, like with world lore in general, is that more problematic pieces have taken our attention and it makes it difficult to properly tackle the techlock and technology as a whole.


When things have died down on the playable lore front, Story needs to sit down and categorize technology into different parts (e.g. medicine, weaponry). From there, it can be established where the server is tech-wise and that will be the foundation for figuring out how players can push past it. Once that is all defined it becomes much easier to look at a technological field and decide “is this going too far?” or not, as right now we don’t have anything majorly defined to hold another tech piece against. At that point in time Story could reasonably adjust the techlock to allow certain things to advance.



Magi-Tech is essentially magical technology, which can bypass the techlock in some cases (dependent on what the magi-tech is emulating). However, this does not mean that the server should dive into science fiction territory or go too advanced. Things like AI have been on the server, which was rather out of place and has since been culled. New inventions with magic aiding in the process is fine, so long as it is creative and not just imitating real life technology. This means no particle accelerators, cars, supercomputers, et cetera.


The primary issue with magi-tech, aside from the amount of people trying to use it for things that are not appropriate for the server, is the fact that it is rather niche/isolated to a specific community. Everyone can pick up a crossbow or get some siege equipment, but only a certain amount of people are going to understand how to create magi-tech gadget 9000 that someone writes for. This isolation to specific groups should be kept in mind when writing the invention, as allowing super niche tools that only a small group of people are going to use will not be a thing. These inventions should have an impact on a larger scale, rather than a small one.


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