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This thread covers guides, which are created to help players see how playable submissions are meant to be utilized and as a reference for the players using the lore in case they need assistance with emotes. You can write one of these for your lore piece before it is accepted, but the story team does not advise that. A period of time to write the guide will be given to those who have their lore accepted, prior to implementation. If something here or in the other criteria pages confuses you, please contact a story member or post on our FAQ, found here.


What is a good guide?

A good guide is a resource that helps a player understand how the lore’s spells can be used and for the creator of the lore to help point things out that might not have been obvious before/help provide assistance in more than just the lore. For example, let's take frost witches. Their lore would cover how everything functions and give us a good understanding of what people will be utilizing. But the guide isn't meant to just regurgitate the lore info, a good guide would also have things like tips for how to deal with being hunted or descriptions for how a fwitch would rp in the heat, examples for how a fwitch might rp their mental instability, maybe a few scenarios for how to hunt for “food”, et cetera. A good guide will most likely be longer than the lore submission, and should definitely be something that can be used to replace a teacher if need be.


Guide Information

For magic and racial submissions, a guide is required to be written up once the lore is accepted before implementation will be allowed. Other submissions, such as inventions, might require a guide, but that is a case by case basis. A story member will notify you if a guide is required upon the lore’s acceptance.


Due to the variety of different types of magic and creatures and ways you can write a guide for them, there’s no set in stone format for this. A guide focuses on how to RP the lore piece, so it is not required to cover things such as the piece’s origin or other fluff. Instead, it should focus on providing help on how a player should emote and RP the piece.


Things to include:

- Brief summary of the lore, including a link to the lore page.

- Description of any physical changes and examples/suggestions of how to RP them.

- Description of any mental changes and examples/suggestions of how to RP them.

- Description of any abilities, briefly covering the RP behind it with an in-depth focus on the mechanics and restrictions of it.

- Emote examples for the abilities. If there are changes in how the ability works over time (e.g. tier progression), you should include examples of that as well (e.g. providing an emote example of a t1 version of a spell followed by its t3 and t5 version).

- An overview of the piece’s progression system. This is not limited to tier progression, but also things like creature progression. Each stage of the piece’s progression system should be described in detail so a player understands what changes at each stage.


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