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Vuln'miruel, The Foxhole


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The Foxhole

Home to the Orphaned, Widowed, and Outcast




Vuln’miruel was officially formed in the Deep Cold, Year 1 of the Second Age after founder Sonna had a conversation with High Prince Feanor Sylvaeri. It was during this talk that the Royarch and High Priestess decided that a Wood Elven Seed would be formed for elves like herself; orphaned, unfit, and rejected. The seed was named Vuln’miruel after the founder’s totem and Sonnos is their patron. Their colors are red, gold, and green and their mark is of a golden fox wearing a crown of twisted branches.



“The fox is witty and clever, and following the fox’s tail will lead to fortune. That is the path we will follow, our strength in our wit and grace as we weave through the obstacles of life.”


The religion of the seed is elnarnsae’ame, The Wild Faith, however, members of the seed are free to practice whatever religion they wish as long as it is not a dark religion, or involve dark and voidal magic. As long as the members respect the seed's official religion and honor what the patron stands for, they can do as they wish.

[The Wild Faith]


The patron of the seed is the Fox Mani Sonnos, Prince of Vulpine. He represents cleverness and wit, traits valued by the Vuln’miruel. Members of the seed may pray in front of the Sonnos shrine for these traits as well as advice on how to face a certain situation with tact. The fox is their symbol, as their family tattoo is a golden fox wearing a crown of twisted branches, meant to signify the Prince of Vulpine.

[Sonnos Lore]


The founder often refers to these beliefs as “The Way of the Fox”, and believes that good luck comes to those who randomly encounter a fox. She also believes that following after a fleeting vulpine tail will lead to good fortune, and has stories of doing such herself.





“After the fleeting tail.”


To become a member of Vuln’miruel, Vuln’ii must complete three rites.


Facing Your Obstacles

When a mali first wishes to join the seed, they must first face the tragedy they have endured in the past, whether internalized or not. They do this by forming a relationship with the Chieftain or Vuln'sae, until they trust them enough to open up to them and share their past experiences. The Chieftain or Vuln'sae will then comfort them, in their own way, and give them advice on how to move past it.


Befriending the Vulpine

The founder of Vuln’miruel found their lifelong companion in a red fox named Suna, gifted to her by Feanor when she first came to the village of Siramenor in Arcas. Thus, she believes that every member of her seed deserves a loyal companion like she has. After their first task, the Vuln’ii will be sent into the forest to find a lone fox or orphaned kit to befriend. They are not allowed to capture the animal, as they must gain its trust naturally until the fox follows them willingly.


Following the Red Tail

Once they have finished their other trials, the Vuln’ii complete a final trial that is common in many wood elven seeds and even in the Priesthood. The Cheiftain or Vuln'sae has the Vuln’ii smoke herbal substances and then leads them deep into the forest with their fox companion. Once there, the Chieftain or Vuln'sae will leave and the Vuln’ii must follow the quick vulpine back home while facing whatever they see along the way. Once they return, the Vuln’ii will tell their mentor what they encountered and reunited with their vulpine. They will then be named Vuln’miruel and receive their ilmyumier.





“Come, malii vulmiruel’onn”


Chieftain of  Vuln’miruel

Chieftain of the House and Leader of the name. They take in and teach Vuln’ii and watch as they do their rites to become Vuln’miruel, and nominate Vuln'sae to do such in their absence. They also hold a wooden fox mask passed down to each leader of the house.



A Vuln'miruel who has proven devotion to the seed through either time and/or tribulation, and has thus been given permission from the Chieftain to take in new Vuln'miruel and conduct their trials.



A fully fledged member of the seed who has completed their rites and has received their ilmyumier.



Meaning “little fox”, Vuln’ii are those officially undergoing their rites to join the seed. They will gain the name Vuln’miruel from the Chieftain or Vuln'sae after completing their trials and receiving their ilmyumier.





“Gather round”


New Birth

When a mother in Vuln’miruel welcomes a new child, matching crowns of pine leaves, holly, and white rose buds will be made and put on the mother and child’s head. The leader of the family will then say a prayer to Cerridwen to watch over the two followed by a house wide feast.


A Dark Scavenger Hunt

Foxes are quick, clever creatures that are also scavengers and most active at night. To mimic such, a competition that entails a scavenger hunt in the woods at night will occasionally take place. The winner of such competition will get a prize.


Story Telling

Occasionally, the seed may get together around the hearth and share stories with each other. This is a warm family event where everyone can catch up with each other, share some laughs, and enjoy tea by the fire. Non-members of the seed may be invited, but they must share a story of their own if they come.


If you’d like to join this seed, find Sonna in game!

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49 minutes ago, Drylow said:

I found this post and site by accident but i'm intrigued, did you write this?

yes I did!

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