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[✗] [SELF DENIED][CA Race]Wraiths, Monarchs of Undeath


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Due to reasons involving my understanding of the lore, some self reflection, and other issues involving possible ooc blacklash, I have decided to self deny this lore due to my lack of confidence (given clarity by contemplating the inner workings of how this lore will function) in the CA being able to properly function as I wanted it to. As it is written, these Wraiths will act as a dead end in roleplay, allowing for little to no character development once the transformation has been completed. The best way to have gone about this lore (my opinion) would have been to start of with a feat/slot based magic, then build it up to this CA.


This choice was mine and mine alone, and I myself dislike how everyone always gives flack to the ST about lore stuff. From what I understand, lore writting is not as simple as putting up a post. It is about making sure it can work well within the server and flows smoothly as a concept. I do want to say thank you for the positve reviews and constructive feed back that I have gained from making this lore, and I would still love to have some more feedback from the ST if they are up to it on an understanding on how to improve my own lore writing skills
(This edit was made 14/07/2021)

Wraiths, Dark Monarchs of Undeath


In ages past, tails tell of men who walked in the shadows, not truly living, nor truly dead. Cursed by their lust for power and fear of dying. These men sought out a way to retain their glory through pacts with dark forces, horrible rituals of black magic, and foul occult scripts of forbidden lore that should have best been left forgotten in the dark, dank crypts where they laid to rest. Now cursed with undeath, they lurk through the shadows as harbenjours of the nether, woven into its web of burning fuels and slaves to it’s masters will. Cursed to never escape his maws; their souls fated to be one day devoured by the Arch-Daemon of the nether should they fail his grand plan. They are the Wraith Lords, once damned to die, now haunting shadows tormented by their own selfish pain, never to know the bliss of peace: for by the time they realize their mistake it shall have been far too late.



Wraiths are a product of a vile method of some dark, Ibleesian magic that turned mortal souls desperate to stave off death into the very essence of it. These wraiths are not to be mistaken with the wraiths of the Abyss, for while those wraiths where turned to wraithdom by a vile ritual in a willing fashion, wraiths of the nether commit to a vile process in which the souls of victims have been dragged to the nether against their will and somehow managed to absorb and merge with Daemonfire to become a twisted parasite hell bent on consuming life force in order to maintain their forms on the material world. They are hunters among sheep, wishing to pray on the living who they hate with a great envy and jealousy. No one would willingly become a wraith unless they are truly insane or truly desperate, for to be a wraith is to be the antisafist of what it means to be alive. Even other creatures of the undead find the gorging feasts of the wraiths to be unnatural displays of hedonistic hunger and sadistic pleasures, for a wraith is cursed to never be satisfied no matter how much they consume.


Mind of the Undead


The undead are creatures that have left behind a mortal existence and joined into the ranks of the immortal. Like all undead, a wraith has no care for the living, seeing them as tools or fodder to be used at their own will. A wraith is unaware of this sudden loss of humanity, finding a cruel and sadistic pleasure (for it is one of the few times they can feel ‘alive’) when carrying out acts of violence and corruption upon the living; specifically upon those that practice deity magics. Seeping life from and tormenting prey can cause a wraith to prolong an engagement if they are confident they can maintain a hold upon a victim. Wraiths as well, holding some level of an imprint due to their slaved bond with nether and thusly it’s master, have a tendency to betray those whom they no longer find use for. Turning upon old and unneeded allies as they execute those no longer required to carry out their plans. The only exception to this would be to fellow wraiths of the same ghastly brood, in which they must rely on each other in order to have a greater chance of survival. Though they do at times abandon their broods at times to carry out their own odd agenda, they will always feel the call to serve the twisted machinations of the nether and it's master.


A wraith is also a creature of instinct and survival. They hold no regard for some more knightly ideals of honor and duty, preferring to take any advantage at their disposal to ensure an outcome to come in their favor. A wraith differs from their Abyssal counterparts in this way, being more monstrous in both mind and action, holding no regard for ideals of honor while maintaining a twisted sense of pride, self absorption, and self centered methods. To a wraith, so long as the outcome is beneficial to itself or it's brood, they will seek to try and accomplish such tasks.





-A wraith holds no love for the living, save possibly a twisted semblance of ‘care’ for creatures that serve them. This does not however justify random killings upon ‘underlings’ or allies. It should be at most expressed as a disdain and superiority complex at most.

-The cruelty and sadistic aspect of a wraith should be expressed as an odd enjoyment and satisfaction. DO NOT MAKE IT WEIRD! You know what that means.

-A wraith, while it has a tendency to betray people, does not have a betrayer syndrome. This should be rped as abandoning allies at times once their ‘usefulness’ runs dry. This fact about wraiths is also not well known, and the idea of a wraith (sometimes violently) parting ways after a job well done.

-Due to a wraith having a great dislike for the living, they should not spend time in a city, unless their plan is to cause havoc in the city in some manner or have some over arching goal in such a locations. A wraith should prefer the company of creatures similar to it’s liking or those who partake in the dark arts.



Physiology of a Wraith


((The Image above is a good example on how a wraith could look. Liberties such as glowing eyes, pieces of head-wear/gauntlets can also be used, provided they do not go against established lore))


A wraith is a creature not made out of flesh, nor made out of the ghostly substance known as ectoplasm as some would first assume. The form of a wraith is that of a strange shadow, often wreathed in dark robes with glowing eyes of a shade of red or without visible eyes in general. Made out of a strange mist given solid matter, they flow like silent hunters in the dark places of the world. A wraith no longer needs to eat food, drink water, breath, nor sleep to stay alive, however they are unable to partake in such physical delights to which they will forever hold a jealous grudge towards the living that abuse the practices of material pleasures. This inability for the material world does give them a great resistance, if not outright immunity to the mundane. Weapons of iron and steel can not bring harm onto them unless they are in broad daylight. (explained more in Weaknesses).

A wraith is also a creature in the ranks of the immortals, their spirits now full of the black corruption of Iblees. Due to this, the Monks of Cloud Temple refuse their dark souls the brief release of pain from their doomed existence and can not be received by the monks. Thankfully, their dark master had given them a way to stave off destruction. When a wraith demanifests from the world, their blackened soul is scattered into the air and the far corners of the earth and their minds sent to the lower levels of the nether to lurk in a state of perpetual agony before manifesting in some dark corner of the realms. A wraith also possesses a strange aura about them which causes a sense of looming dread when in close proximity to them to those who do not have a tainted soul, as a wraith is a pinnacle representation of death made into a twisted form upon the mortal realm.

The last notable characteristic of a wraith is their heightened strength. Wraiths will always have the physical strength above that of a well trained human knight, able to out perform such beings. They also have a near infinite amount of stamina provided they are able to feed upon lifeforce, and can generally outlast most in any situation. This increased stamina also makes wraiths slightly faster than mortal creatures due to not needing brief moments of rest during an engagement, though such is not truly noticeable.





-A wraith is an undead creature. It does not require anything that a living creature requires, nor can it partake in physical delights. This means a wraith can not FTB for sexual purposes. A wraith should also have no interest in such actions in general.

-A wraith is highly resistant to mundane weapons, with such weapons needing a large sum of successful strikes before they can be smited. This number can be drawn to be around 20 strikes when not in broad sunlight, or 10 if in sunlight. Weapons made from materials such as, dracanium, Arcanium, and Lunarite require 5 less strikes then mundane weapons due to such materials having ‘odder’ properties. Their great resistance to the mundane also grants them a total immunity to all forms of poison, mundane or otherwise due to their bodies being physically incapable of processing such reagents.

-As a wraith is a strange formation of solid mist, they are unable to dawn heavy armors. At most, they can use gauntlets, helmets, and boots for a more ascetic look if they so wish.

-The Aura of Dread a wraith exudes is in no way crippling or hinders the ability of one to do combat/defend themselves. It is akin to having a similar effect of a ghost’s passive aura.

-The strength of a wraith should be considered higher than that of the average human, but lower than an orc. However a wraith is generally 1 block of movement faster than a mortal given the fluidity of their forms.

-If a wraith where to demanifest, it takes up to 3-7 ooc days for the wraith to respawn with the amount of time chosen by the wraith between the given time period. While by lore a wraith respawns in some dark, far off place or at the spot of their death (depends on how the wraith wishes to flavor it). This does not override the mechanical function of respawning at Cloud Temple.



Weaknesses of a Wraith


While immortal, proud, and deadly, a wraith does have its limits and a set number of weaknesses that can be exploited which cause it to demanifest if abused by an attacker. The first of these weaknesses is a common once among the undead; sunlight. The rays of light cause a sensation of pain to a wraith that can best be described as a mild burning sensation that causes them great discomfort. This discomfort causes their physical strength to wane slightly, making them slightly weaker than the average human knight. A wraith will also feel a sense of lethargy while in sunlight, akin to a sense of drowsiness while the rays of light touch upon them. Sunlight also causes their semi-incaporal forms to turn slightly more caporal which makes them slightly more weak to mundane weapons, though to not that great of an extent.


A wraith also has a natural weakness to fire, causing a similar effect to sunlight, albeit to a much more harmful extent. Prolonged exposure to fire can cause a wraith to disperse in 4-7 emotes, depending on the intensity of the heat, and the source of it. However due to the nether-based origins of the wraiths, they have a high resistance to mundane fire, their weaknesses only showing when the fire is of magical/draconic origin. This weakness also extends to holy deity magics, such as paladinsim and the powers of templars. Oddly, the maliflames of the Naztherak are ineffective as harming a wraith as due to the wraiths being forged from the burning, ravenous Daemonfires of the nether itself


The greatest weakness of a wraith however comes from the material of Aurum. Gold is capable of killing a wraith, or causing it to flee in terror at the mere sight of it depending on the situation. Unlike mundane weapons, Aurum can cause a wraith to ‘bleed’ and die as easily as a steel sword can cause harm to a regular creature if used as a blade. If however used as of a ward, it will cause a wraith to hesitate upon approach, and maybe even flee from the scene if effectively intimidating as a strange, feral instinct to survive kicks in.





-Sunlight causes wraiths a great deal of weakness. Lethargy, physical degradation (IE: reduced movement, strength), the inability to do magic (save for darkening), and also a blurriness of vision may all occur while in sunlight. This causes wraiths to often seek out places dark and away from the light when they seek to make their lairs.

-Sunlight makes wraiths more susceptible to mundane weapons, or specific types of more exocit materials as stated earlier.

-Fire causes a great deal of pain for a wraith, burning them to such an extent akin to how a mortal creature would feel burnt. This can cause a wraith to demanifest in 2-6 emotes depending on circumstances, but this in no way acts as a defined amount of time a wraith can last under these effects. It is expected that the wraith properly roleplay out the great amount of pain being on fire would cause someone and gage how effective the flame would be to kill them.

-Deity magics of ‘holy’ origin have a greater affinity to banishing a wraith, and can generally do so more effectively than fire. In general, the tier list for fire would be from weakest to strongest:  Dragon Fire, Magical Fire, Holy Deity Magics.

-A wraith has a high degree of resistance to mundane fire sources due to there nether-based origins however, with such fires taking twice as long as it would to kill a wraith then it would to a descendent ((approximately 8-10 emotes)). A wraith is outright immune to the maliflame of the Naztherak.

-Aurum acts as the most natural and primal fear a wraith can have, affecting them as if they were a normal human being struck bare by a blade of steel.

-Aurum trinkets can cause a great deal of terror for a wraith, and often such, can be rped out as convincing a wraith to flee as the gold ‘wards’ them off. This does not mean a wraith would feel upon seeing a gold trinket, but it should be rped out with great hesitation. A wraiths distain from gold also does not prevent them from crossing over lines of aurum, but such feats should be rped out as excruciating painful, or avoided depending on circumstances.



Wraiths and Life Force


Being things of unlife, a wraith acts akin to a parasite upon the living world. A wraith has an unnatural thirst for raw life force, which they draw upon as a fuel source to sustain their forms due to the raging fires of Daemonflame that they have merged with. In order to do this, a wraith must feast upon the life force of living creatures of suitable energies. This need for life force also comes from the fact that as a wraith uses it’s magic, it draws upon its inner reserves of stolen life force. If drained completely, a wraith will be unable to retain their form and demanifests for a full 7 ooc days as their essence feeds off of the residual life force of lesser creatures, such as plants and animals before eventually reforming.


There are several ways in which a wraith my gather life force in order to sustain it's form. The first and most common way is for a wraith to directly drain a victum with a unique form of Darkening known innately to the wraith, draining the life force of a living creature until it is eventually naught but a shriveled husk. Another way they may refuel their stores is via the use of a Black Altar, siphoning Life Force stored within these desecrated places to sustain their forms. The final way, one which is rather grusom to behold, is for a wraith to partake in a physical feast upon the raw flesh of a freshly killed creature provided such a creature was not priory drained in some manner, somehow devouring such meats despite their semi-etheric forms and absorbing the remaining drops of life force into their forms.


A wraith has within itself 15 points of Life Force. Life Force for a wraith acts as a mechanical function for them to cast spells as well as live. A general rule is that for every ooc day that passes, a wraith loses 1 point of life force. After this number reaches 0, the wraith demanifests into the world and requires 7 ooc days to reform (over riding the 3-7 day respawn mechanic of the CA), after which it manifests with 3 points of life force.

In order to regain life force, a wraith uses a special form of Darkening (stated below in spells) similar to the darkening of necromancers to absorb lifeforce from another creature. While this method works well to restore a wraith’s point pool, using this form of Darkening on an undead creature yields no results due to such creatures having the same vile life force that makes up the wraith.





-A wraith can last up to 15 ooc days before it requires it to seek out a victim to drain

-A wraith can not go over the limit of 15 points of Life Force. This rule is non-negotiable, and there is no means of getting around it (IE: making an MArt that can store points of life force/getting special items that can somehow expand the point cap).

-Victims of a wraith's draining are required to be personas of some kind. Be it that of descendents, viable CAs, or even event creatures that have some form of life force. 

-In order to draw upon Life Force form a Black Altar, the Black Altar must have been filled with such life force prior to being used.

-When consuming the flesh of a dead creature, the creature's corpse must have been a playable persona of a valid type. The corpse must be at least 10 minutes fresh, and the wraith must devour at least 1 quarter of flesh in order to recover life force. Devouring life force in this manner restores up to 3 points, regardless of how much of the body is devoured.

-As a wraith needs to feast upon life force, it is expected that a wraith will seek out other creatures to hunt. Having a friend use a throw away persona to feed a wraith is against the rules. Attempting to abuse this or get around this rule will result in the CA being removed from the persona and the person being blacklisted from the CA.

-As stated, undead can not be used to feed a wraith. Creatures must be alive in order to feed them



The Maladictions of a Wraith


A wraith is known for their ability to commit foul, black magics and has several abilities that are at there disposall. In order to perform a Malediction, a wraith requires the need to spend points of life force equal to the amount needed to create the spell, provided the amount used does not put the wraith at 0 points or less as doing such will cause immediate demanifestation.



General Redline

-Life Force spent for spells are spent at the start of casting. The only acception to this is darkening, where life force points are spent after the spell fails to achieve anything



Similar to Darkening of necromancers, a wraith uses hellish and foul energies to drain a victims life force. When used, a horrible fog looms around their hand which will be used to strike and grasp at a target. Doing this requires a charge time of 2 emotes, after which a melee strike is made to grab the victim. Upon successfully grabbing a victim, a wraith slowly drains the life force from the creature until they have absorbed approximately half of their active pool as the victum is subjected to an intense and agonizing pain that is sourced at the point of contact. The amount of time needed to drain this much takes 2 emotes, after which 7 points of life force will be restored to the wraith. If held for only 1 emote, only 3 points of life force will be restored instead. If held for the full course of 2 emotes, the victum will be rendered incapacitated, after which another darkening will cause death to the creature.



-Darkening requires 2 emotes to charge, then 2 emotes to retain physical contact with the target.

-Keeping contact with the target for one emote restores 3 points of life force, keeping contact with the target for 2 emotes restores 7 points of life force.

-Draining does not outright kill the victim on the first draining. Only on the second one does

-Draining, while it does incapacitate a character, does not wipe their memories of an encounter. The character generally will wake up after 1 in character hour if left alive

-While being under the effects of a darkening, the victim is subjected to a great burning sensation at the point of contact and such a feeling to a lesser extent around the general area.

-A wraith’s darkening can go in tandem when used with ‘draining’ abilities of other dark creatures, such as a necromancer’s draining.

-If a wraith fails to absorb life force while using darkening, the wraith ends up losing 2 units of life force as a result as excess energies escape their bodies.

-The colour the fog takes is a colour between a shade of black, red, orange, or yellow provided it is malignant in colour. The fog can also instead look like a strange etheric flame for the purpose of flavoring, but mechanically functions the same as the fog.



Wraith Breath

They say the dead can not breath, and while true, a wraith is able to exhale a strange, etheric smoke from their mouth that chokes the air and violates the lungs of the living. A creature that inhales this deathly gas finds themselves at a great loss of breath. Though not detrimental, the true effect of this grimly gas comes into how it affects the mind. The victim loses a great deal of their sight, now only able to see up to two meters (2 blocks), and causing great aches in their muscles, reducing their movement and natural strength by half of what it normally is as malignant life force festers and boils their own natural pool. Wraith breath itself takes 2 emotes to charge, and one emote to cast with a range of three blocks. If inhaled, it takes one emote before the effects of wraith breath take effect which last for three emotes





-Wraithbreath costs 3 points of Life Force to cast.

-Wraithbreath takes 2 emotes to charge, and one emote to cast.

-Victims of wraith breath have their strength cut in and movement cut in half,

-Wraithbreath has a range of three blocks, and appears as a hazy fog that seeps and enters into the nose and mouth of the victim

-Wraithbreath can be negated by using spells or abilities that affect the air; such as Air Evocation, items tethered with alchemical Air Purifier, or great roaring fires that make contact with the wraithbreath as it attempts to reach the target

-One can not hold their breath to try and avoid the effects of wraithbreath

-wraithbreath only effects living creatures. Undead and constructs are immune to the effects of wraithbreath.

-An additional point of life force + an additional charing emote allows a wraith to target an additional creature with wraith breath. This can stack up to two additional points spent for a maximum charge time of 4 emotes, 3 targets, and 5 points of life force.

-An approprate tell for the spell would be to show strange fogs/smoke beginning to form around the wraith's head, it begins to strangely exhale some unnatural fog, or it seems to be inhaling the 'fog'. The tell can be up to the wraith itself so long as it feels with the theme and mechanics of the spell



Wraith Step

As wraiths are beings of shadow and darkness, they are able to move in and out of such black areas as a form of transportation  When a wraith where to wraith step, the creature melds into the darkness they find themselves in and then almost immediately reappears several meters away.





-Wraith stepping requires 1 emote to charge, then one emote to cast. Wraith stepping is one of the few spells in which a wraith may make a weapon attack after the spell goes off.

-Wraith stepping takes 2 points of life force to cast.

-Wraith stepping can not be used to get to a place where you would not be able to mechanically get to. No going up vertical surfaces, across large gaps you would not be able to sprint-jump over.

-During an event, you may ask the event leader if you may use wraith stepping to reach a place where you can not reach mechanically. This is entirely up to the discretion of the event leader however.

-Wraith stepping has a max range of 5 blocks. A wraith may double the distance if they spend an additional emote of charging + 1 additional points of life force to increase the distance to 10 blocks.

-A wraith may not step into areas doused in high quantities of light equal in intensity to sunlight. Nor can they wraith step out of such areas.

-In order to use Wraith-Step, an appropriate tell must be made. This tell can come in the form of the wraith beginning to physically 'melt' into the darkness, or begin to turn into a strange fog. Ascetic liberties may be taken so long as it makes sense in relation for the spell




Being creatures of the nether, a wraith is able to call forth the Daemonfire flames within itself and unleash them upon their foes. Taking a certain amount of time to call forth, a wraith may summon froth Daemonfires in a series of ways to be used. This flame appears as a black, malignant flame or a hateful red that only burns flesh or materials made from flesh or plant matter. Metals, and similar objects are immune to the ignitions as well as dead organic matter akin to a corpse of a descendent, wood that has been cut down from a tree, or dead grass.





-Daemonfire made from a wraith only burns objects that are living. Thus, dead materials that came from a living object; such as wood cut from a tree, a plucked flower, a corpse, and even other undead are immune to the effects of the Daemonfire summoned forth.

-In order to use Daemonfire, a wraith must establish a connection of sorts to the nether. After which it is free to use Daemonfire as it sees fit.

-In order to simply the methods a wraith can use Daemonfire, see the spells listed in Fire Evocation lore as a T3 evocationist for combat Daemonfire, and T1 in terms of non-combat Daemonfire in terms of the amount they can make. Daemonfire adheres to the redlines listed within the lore in terms of the redlines of the spells, how the fire can ‘spread’ and go out during combat.

-In terms of the amount of lifeforce a spell uses depends on the tier of the spell. T1 spells use 1 unit of lifeforce. T2 spells use 2 units of life force, and t3 spells use 3 units of life force. Non-Combat Daemonfire does not use up any life force.

-Despiite looking and acting like normal fire in who it spreads, effects the body, and causes harm, Daemonfire is not considered to be fire for the purposes of strengths and weaknesses. It is a form of energy that burns life force rather then actually combustable materials, hence why it can not burn dead creatures/materials made from dead objects.

-Once a wraith connects to their Daemonfire, they do not need to reconnect to it to continue to use it. However while connected to the source of Daemonfire, they are expected to follow the same rules as a Void Mage would when casting spells and maintaining a connection, all be it with a greater degree of durability when it comes to forced disconnection.

-As connecting takes one emote, disconnecting also takes an emote. When connected, a wraith would seem to expel some level of the Daemonflame of a colour between a shade of red, orange, yellow, or black as a tell of their connection.




A wraith may from time to time need to walk among the living in order to carry out some dark plan. In times of need, a wraith may possess a dead corpse via a prolonged intermeddling with it. Husking a corpse takes up to 5 emotes to perform as the wraith’s semi-incorporeal essence takes over the body and puppetries it. However, the wraith acting as a constant source of negative energy slowly degrades the corpse over the course of one ooc day, eventually make it look like a withered husk and unpleasant to the eye. While in a husked form, a wraith is unable to perform any of their magics save for darkening.




-Husking requires a suitable corpse to be used. While not enforced, it should be expected that a wraith actually use the corpse of a humanoid creature they have at one point been a live persona. Using a ‘made up’ corpse is considered bad roleplay and bad sport. Thus a CA is viable to possibly being suspended or the wraith bared from using Husking if the ability is abused in a manner of bad roleplay.

-A wraith can not use any of there magics while husking, save for the ability to use wraith-Darkening.

-Due to being ‘sheltered’ from the sun and outside sources, a wraith that is husking is immune to the negative effects of the sun as well as have a greater resistance to aurum. However Aurum still causes them great discomfort, and can be used to expel them from the corpse.

-The wraith's strength within a husked body can never exceed that of an average human no matter what kind of body they chose to inhabit. A wraith's speed is also equal to that of an average human

-If the corpse is destroyed before the day ends, the wraith exits the corpse in a weakened state. This weakened state can be equated to how a wraith would act if under sunlight for up to 5 emotes. The effects would thusly be further amplified if the wraith was forced out of a husked body while within the sun reducing their strengths and abilities to a near lethal degree.

-Husking can not be preformed in combat. Leaving a husked body however can be done before combat begins if a wraith enters one. Leaving a husked body takes only one emote, and the corpse is utterly destroyed as it turns into a black ash as the wraith leaves it.

-Unlike other Wraith Spells, Husking does not require life force to be spent.



Black Altars

Twisted in the mind and soul, wraiths partake in a foul and blasphemous worship of Iblees to some degree as there souls have been twisted and brainwashed into praising the Arch-Daemon of the Nether. Thus they often construct altars in His black name to gather about. These altars act as a place of gathering for wraiths, as well as a place where they may store excess life force to feed upon, and even perform a horrible black rites with one such rite being known as Crowning to uplift, or a better term would be ‘cruse’ an individual with wraithdom. These foul places, tainted with the energies of the nether exude it’s horrendous magic in the area of its founding, often corrupting the lands they are placed on to be some perverted mimic of the nether itself. The air around these altars is thick and hard to breathe in. Plant life becomes foul and highly dangerous, and animals dare not tread near it.


In Order to create a Black Altar, one Wraith King and two Lesser Wraiths of any tier 2 or higher together and must each spend 10 points of their life force each in order to ‘summon’ forth a Black Altar in a ritual of some sortss. The Altar then rises out of the ground, breaking it open as foul and horrendous energies are released into the air.




Redlines and Mechanics

-Black Altars act as a mechanical hub for wraiths to gather at. These places function in a way for wraiths to make new of their number, store life force for later use in other foul rituals, and act as an rp place of worship towards their dark master.

-A black Altar must be represented by a physical build which can be no bigger than a 5x5x5 build area. If ST allow, the Black Altar can be of bigger size depending on the build and the use of aesthetics, but should be no bigger then a 7x7x7 build.

-The land around a black altar, usually in a 10 block radius from where it is, becomes twisted and warped by its presence. This physical corruption can be represented by exchanging current blocks with netherrack, soul sand, lava, and actual fires.

-The alterations to the air and plants are purely aesthetic, and in no way cause actual harm to those who are not undead entering the altar’s area of effect.

-To make a black altar, 3 wraiths are required. 1 Wright King (a TA holder), and 2 leser Wraiths. If a wraith altar is made in a claimed region, PRO permission must be granted. If in an unclaimed region, moderation must approve of the altar.

-An ST must sign the altar in order for it to be valid. A wraith with a TA (often the one who made the altar), is expected to keep track of the amount of life force stored within it.

-When first made, an altar has stored in it 0 points of life force

-A wraith may only participate in the creation of one altar. They may not participate in the creation of a new altar until the current one they made is purged and destroyed. 

-The Ritual for summoning a Black Altar is rather freeform to preform, provided the ritual takes 6-10 emotes, involves a black chant of some kind in Black Speech, and involves invoking the powers of Iblees or the Nether.


((The following is an example of a black altar build. Made from nether-based materials and surrounded by a corrupted area of nether-rack and soul sand. However liberties in design can be taken when making the altar provided it fits the over all theme))



Destroying Black Altars

As a Black Altar can be made, such foul sites can also be purged and destroyed. In order to do so, the purging process requires 3 users of a deity magic that generally opposes the realm of the Nether, one of whom must be considered 'maxed' in progression for level (IE: a T5 Paladin, Ordained Herald who knows all of the Draconic Words of Power, a T5 Druid), and the others who are of a lesser strength (at least T3 or higher, or a feat level herald who has held the feat for at least 5 ooc weeks). 

The ritual to purge or destroy the Atlars is rather freeform, provided the ritual involves phrases and rites that involve banishing the altar from whence it came in the name of the deity in which the magic hails from. The ritual itself takes approximately 10 emotes to preform. Once finished, the Daemonfires in the altar go out and the Altar itself will ether stand as an infernal testament to the black arts that where preformed there, or sink back into the ground, being banished into the nether from whence it came. Despite being sent back, the land it has touched will remain tainted by the black energies that have touched it unless a Druid where to Blight Purge the taint away.




-In order to destroy or purge a black altar, at least 3 users of the same deity magic that opposes the nether must be present.

-one user of the magic must be T5 (in the case of Heralds, an ordained Herald who has rply learned all the Ordained Spells), and the other 2 must be at least T3 or higher (in the case of Heralds, they must have had the feat for at least 5 weeks).

-The ritual takes 10 emotes to preform, in which the ritual practices give praise to their deity and ask for the power to banish the Altar

-CAs involving Deity magics can not partake in the ritual. This is explained as the presence of the Altar to be corrupting to their forms, and can lead to ill consequences if they partake in the magic (this is done to give greater role play strength to Mortal Followers and allow them to be more relied upon by deity magic CAs).

-The taint of the Altar physically remains in the land. It can only be cleansed by a Druid using a blight purge.
-All stored Life Force in an Altar is lost upon it's destruction.

-An Altar can be re-lit or rebuilt in the same place, provided the wraiths partake in the same ritual needed to make it.

-When destroying an Altar, one must Sreq that they destroyed it, and be able to provide proof that they did. An ST does not need to oversee the destruction of the Altar.

Black Altars and Life Force

A black altar acts as a hub for wraiths to gather about. A safe location in their dens and lairs, wraiths can drag victims of their attacks and perform black rites to drag the life force out of the creatures they bring to it and store it in an altar. The ritual to take out life force and put it into the altar requires at least 2 wraiths and a sacrifice. The sacrificed individual is then drained of their life force to feed the altar. During the ritual, the victum is lit aflame with the inner daemonflames of the wraiths before being violently torn apart by the wraiths to allow the life force to enter the altar.


A Black Altar, acting as a storage, can hold up to 100 points of life force, with each sacrifice to the altar storing up to 10 points. Because the altar acts as a sort of battery for wraiths, the dark creatures are able to siphon life force from the altar to fill their own internal reserves





-The ritual to be performed requires at least 2 wraiths for T2 or higher and a victim to be sacrificed.

-the ritual ends with the victim dying. The victim of the ritual is by no means forced to PK.

-While not against the rules, Wraiths are encouraged to not sacrifice the same victim twice. However if the same person is caught again and again being sacrificed, investigations may be had for breaking the 'feeding' rule.

-An altar can only have at max 100 life force stored in it, and can not be filled over that cap.

-Each sacrifice fills the altar up by 10 points. This number can not be changed.

-A wraith is able to draw out life force from the Altar in order to feed themselves. However a wraith is unable to put life force from their own point pool into the Altar. 

-A wraith with a TA (often the one who made the Altar), is expected to keep track of the amount of life points stored within. The TA wraith is expected to be honourable to ST involving the number of life points in the Altar. Abuse of this trust with ST will result in the TA wraith having their TA revoked



Rite of Crowning


The Rite of Crowning is a tragic, and horrible fate to befall a descendent subjected to it. During the rite, a Wraith King with the aid of 2 lesser wraiths ritually burn an unwilling descendent in the center of a black altar, using the large sum of stored corrupted life force within the altar to warp and twisted the body and soul into eventually rising as a fledgling wraith. Mind corrupted into being a vile servant of darkness.





-The Rite of Crowning is a ritual in which a wraith king (TA holder), and 2 lesser wraiths of t2 or higher transform an unwilling descendant into a wraith

-while rply the character being turned into a wraith is unwilling, ooc consent and willingness must be had prior to the ritual being performed. If no consent is given, then the ritual can not be performed

-performing the ritual consumes 60 points of life force from the altar.

-A wraith CA is written by the to-be-wraith before the ritual is performed to confirm ooc willingness. The CA itself as linked to it, the TA of the Wraith King + the 2 CAs of the other Wraiths assisting in the ritual.

-One can not revert back to being a descendent once the CA is accepted. Becoming a Wraith is an irreversible effect upon a character.

-No one should rp the idea of willingly becoming a wraith save for mad 'Ibleesian cultists'. A wraith by role play standards should be considered a 'fate worse than death' scenario as the wraith becomes a parasite upon the world to most personas.



Tier Progression

In order to make sure the Wraith CA can properly be learned and taught to new wraiths, a tiered system has been implemented in order to ensure that all aspects of the CA can be properly learned over the course of several weeks. They are as followed:

Tier One: Wraithling

The Wraith has just been transformed from a descendent into this vile product of dark magic. Their new form is highly unstable though, limiting what powers they have.

-The wraith is limited to the Darkening Spell, as well as using the Daemonfire ability as if they were T1 in Fire evocation.

-This state lasts for 2 ooc weeks.


Tier Two: Wraith-Knight

-The wraith has better adjusted to their new form. They are considered to be a more mature wraith, having better mastered their new form and powers

-The wraith now has access to Wraith Darkening, Daeminfire as a T2 evocationist, and Wraith Breath as well as preform the ritual to feed life force into a Black Altar and assist in other black rituals surrounding it.

-Lasts three ooc weeks


Tier Three: Wraith-Lord

It is at this state, the wraith has come to fully master their powers and abilities. They have full access to the list of the wraith’s ability sets. The Wraith-Lord can also write a TA, provided that the current lore holder approves of the Wraith-Lord writing the TA and become a Wraith-King.


General Redlines


-Wraiths are expected to be an active CA, partaking in certain levels of active villany of some degree so long as it is valid.

-Wraiths can not be played by people with a villainy black list.

-Wraiths are unable to learn any form of Voidal Magic, Deific Magic, and Dark Magic save for Pale Blood Magic. Wraiths are also eligible to learning Alchemy and it's subgroups due to the base roots of alchemy not involving magic of any kind.

-If a wraith’s CA is revoked and black listed, the persona playing the CA is forced to be PKed. This is non-negotiable

-At ST’s discretion, a wraith king may by themselves found a black altar and grandfather in up too two wraith CAs before the normal process of creating wraiths must be done if the lore goes inactive. ST however is able to take creative freedoms on how they wish to revive the CA if they so desire

-Wraiths still follow PK rules when it comes to character suicide. The roleplay explanation is that Iblees finally devours the soul of the wraith when they properly PK.

-The Term Wraith-King simply refers to a TA holder. It is not mechanically stronger than other T3 wraiths

-More Rites for the wraiths for performing rituals can be made via an MArt or a suitable lore post describing several rituals, provided they are written up by a T3 wraith linking their CA to the MArt/lore to make sure the wraith writing it is valid in terms of knowledge about how wraiths function mechanically, culturally, and as a CA in general.





Change Log

-Added a means to destroy the Altar via the use of deity magics that oppose the nether/the undead by the use of one 'maxed' deity magic user and at least 2 lesser followers of descent experience. CA creatures that are a spawn of Deity Magics (such as Druid CA creatures or Azdrazi), where stated to not be able to involve themselves in the ritual to give a greater amount of strength and reliance to mortal followers and make them more valued rply and mechanically when fighting off wraiths.

-Added an additional way for wraiths to recover life force by devouring the flesh of freshly killed creatures. This was added more for flavor as to make the wraiths stand out from older, traditional iterations, as well as add a feeling of grimness and depravity to the Wraiths so they fit a better theme of 'fate worse then death'.

-Changed some images to make it look less 'typical'

-Changed wraith mentality a bit to be more twisted and selfish, attempting to emulate the ruination/self destructive nature of Iblees to whom they revere. This was done to try and make them more unique and different from past wraiths who where more honorable creatures





I wrote this lore for several reasons. One of the first ones made me feel there was a certain lack of aggressive CAs in the written lore of dark magic player arsonal to really be antagonistic towards other groups that should try to fight these creatures off. The rules of Life Force pools were written for this exact reason. This CA exists to cause conflict with other deific magics as it acts as a negative force towards such groups, to really bring about a sort of ‘good vs evil’ theme that I think LotC lacks to some degree from what I can tell when I hear about dark magic and deific magic interacts from others oocly.


The second reason for me writing this lore is because of my great love for the BBEG of the server, Iblees. While an unpopular opinion, I love the idea of some overarching villain trying to plot the end of the world. My hopes are that if accepted, wraiths can be used to try and bring back that ibleesian-cult magic or some lore plot with the Nether that I myself never got to participate in due to how new I am to the server. It would be up to ST to see if Iblees would go around and give ‘orders’ to these nether wraith minions on the material world or not, as well as if he is even an active player on the stage. This simply opens up the possibility of such a niche of role play really coming back to a minor, or major extent depending on how ST wishes to go about it. They wish for the nether wraith lore to be further expanded and elaborated upon or not. Ideally in the future, the addition of some nether-based magic would come about that goes in tandem with the wraith, which could possibly see a minor, or major update if such a magic lore is written and approved.


The third reason I made this lore is simply put: wraiths are cool! The first gen lore (which was used heavily in inspiration for this lore price), was a great blast to read through, and drove a lot of inspiration on this small, solo write up I made for a magic that I always have had a great love for, even if I myself have not used it before. However with how complex old wraith lore is, I decided to try and take a new spin on it make making a new type of wraith that doesn’t have any real ties to the old lore, and can be further added upon/changed to be a more interesting dark magic/dark CA in the future.





Future Plans

The plans for the future of this CA would be to add a method of forging unique, CA-type weapons and tools to that the wraiths can use, as well as create a feat or slot based magic for potential mortal followers of the wraiths to interact and roleplay with to help expand and broaden roleplay that the wraiths could bring to LotC. Such lore posts would help strengthen the an existing community if one is made by making it more inclusive to people.



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As much as I'd like to see a return to Wraiths, it's hard to see it through with the LT these days, not to mention it'll most likely be held for certain individuals, hoarded without regards to actually being fairly handed out to people via role play and random interactions spanning out over a natural course of time. I'm speaking as a player who had actually role played with the old Wraiths of Anthos, which were the first generation, Swgrclan, Slic3, Geoboy66. When necromancy was at its full strength. Even partaking in the next generation of Wraiths when Angmarzku had been active upon the ash Wraiths. If this actually moves forward, how is it proposed as being first handled upon being accepted? (Which I highly doubt it will, sadly)

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13 minutes ago, Drak3 said:

As much as I'd like to see a return to Wraiths, it's hard to see it through with the LT these days, not to mention it'll most likely be held for certain individuals, hoarded without regards to actually being fairly handed out to people via role play and random interactions spanning out over a natural course of time. I'm speaking as a player who had actually role played with the old Wraiths of Anthos, which were the first generation, Swgrclan, Slic3, Geoboy66. When necromancy was at its full strength. Even partaking in the next generation of Wraiths when Angmarzku had been active upon the ash Wraiths. If this actually moves forward, how is it proposed as being first handled upon being accepted? (Which I highly doubt it will, sadly)

Well, I am a fairly new person to LotC, and I am really unaware of how the old wraiths worked.

However as Lore Owner, it is my goal to try and make these wraiths and the lore around them, (as they are different from old gen wraiths in terms of background and function), a functioning community of open antagonists where several TA wraiths will eventually be made. I get it that not everyone will be able to play a wraith, but my hope is that due to how certain mechanics have been written out, wraiths will end up being an active dark magic group seeking to 'harm' civilian populations, with deific magic groups aiming to stop them.

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11 hours ago, Qizu said:


Thank you very much for your positive outlook on this lore

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5 hours ago, Drak3 said:

As much as I'd like to see a return to Wraiths, it's hard to see it through with the LT these days, not to mention it'll most likely be held for certain individuals, hoarded without regards to actually being fairly handed out to people via role play and random interactions spanning out over a natural course of time. I'm speaking as a player who had actually role played with the old Wraiths of Anthos, which were the first generation, Swgrclan, Slic3, Geoboy66. When necromancy was at its full strength. Even partaking in the next generation of Wraiths when Angmarzku had been active upon the ash Wraiths. If this actually moves forward, how is it proposed as being first handled upon being accepted? (Which I highly doubt it will, sadly)


This, the issue with any magic is that either the LT will seek to deny it out of spite or it'll be accepted but then circlejerked to an elite few because the lore writer will likely become arrogant and assume that only he and his immediate friend circle can properly RP them (as was the case with prior iterations). In this case, because these are mean't to be Ibleesian wraiths they would have to be enemies of all other forms of undeath (and the whole server) as they would be in strict opposition to everything everyone stands for. This would mean that they would require a large enough playerbase to keep active and would have to actively seek more players in order to keep up with the amount of antagonizing they would have to contend with.


All in all, while I support the addition of this lore and can't see too many faults in the idea.. The LT will still deny this out of spite because the community and staff alike are toxic, immature and just generally too high on their own egos to allow something like this to be allowed onto the server without massive contestation. We cannot and never will have any form of fun antag group because the LT and general playerbase would rather have wig RP and slice of life while they casually sip tea in their living rooms.


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nether is fractured, iblees has little to no power and he has absolutely no domain to create followers like this in his current state.


I understand the intent, but I'm just going to be very clear that this isn't the direction of ibleesian introduction that will happen (if ever)

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4 hours ago, ScreamingDingo said:

nether is fractured, iblees has little to no power and he has absolutely no domain to create followers like this in his current state.


I understand the intent, but I'm just going to be very clear that this isn't the direction of ibleesian introduction that will happen (if ever)

Ah that makes sense. These wriaths as I have tried to write them are more just a spawn of the nether rather then being spawn of Iblees himself. If such in unclear in the write up as given, I am more then glade to change it to fit the idea of nether wraiths

The addition on Iblees as some sort of 'god' they worship was me more so trying to give a foundation of a culture for the wraiths to use. A lot of this is subject to change as ST tells me what could be done if they would like to see a modified version of this lore submitted or not. Always happy to work with others to make sure this works and aligns with server lore

4 hours ago, drfate786 said:


This, the issue with any magic is that either the LT will seek to deny it out of spite or it'll be accepted but then circlejerked to an elite few because the lore writer will likely become arrogant and assume that only he and his immediate friend circle can properly RP them (as was the case with prior iterations). In this case, because these are mean't to be Ibleesian wraiths they would have to be enemies of all other forms of undeath (and the whole server) as they would be in strict opposition to everything everyone stands for. This would mean that they would require a large enough playerbase to keep active and would have to actively seek more players in order to keep up with the amount of antagonizing they would have to contend with.


All in all, while I support the addition of this lore and can't see too many faults in the idea.. The LT will still deny this out of spite because the community and staff alike are toxic, immature and just generally too high on their own egos to allow something like this to be allowed onto the server without massive contestation. We cannot and never will have any form of fun antag group because the LT and general playerbase would rather have wig RP and slice of life while they casually sip tea in their living rooms.


I think coming in with such a negative attitude is what causes lore to be denied. While I expect this lore piece to be shut down (mostly because of my own lack of knowledge about lore on the server), I am more than happy to work with members of the community who are much more knowledgeable with the lore in order to see something like this be made. Constantly thinking LT is toxic/hoarding magic, or thinking staff will never let anyone do anything is a rather negative aspect to have when looking at new lore.

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8 minutes ago, King_Kunuk said:


I think coming in with such a negative attitude is what causes lore to be denied. While I expect this lore piece to be shut down (mostly because of my own lack of knowledge about lore on the server), I am more than happy to work with members of the community who are much more knowledgeable with the lore in order to see something like this be made. Constantly thinking LT is toxic/hoarding magic, or thinking staff will never let anyone do anything is a rather negative aspect to have when looking at new lore.


You're far too naïve and haven't been playing on this server long enough. You can write the most perfect piece of lore and they can and WILL deny it out of spite if you haven't won their popularity contest. All people care about here is their ego and what others think of them/each other. By writing this lore piece you have now made yourself a target, they're probably already making fun of you in some lore team discord and will probably now reject any and all lore you do post. Even if that's not the case, it will eventually be the case.


I speak from experience, I speak from what has happened to people I knew and what I've witnessed in communities I've been in. I speak from what has occurred and will continue to occur regardless of who runs the LT because in the end it's always the same clique. You should also realize that the LT alone isn't just the issue when it comes down to lore being accepted/denied, you have an entire clique that you have to fight tooth and nail to get lore accepted and they function outside of the LT's domain. 


Keep on dreaming but it's better that someone crushes your dreams now so you can move on then for you to rip your hair out when the community inevitably does everything in their power to make your time on LoTC as dysfunctional as possible. 

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22 minutes ago, King_Kunuk said:

Ah that makes sense. These wriaths as I have tried to write them are more just a spawn of the nether rather then being spawn of Iblees himself. If such in unclear in the write up as given, I am more then glade to change it to fit the idea of nether wraiths

The addition on Iblees as some sort of 'god' they worship was me more so trying to give a foundation of a culture for the wraiths to use. A lot of this is subject to change as ST tells me what could be done if they would like to see a modified version of this lore submitted or not. Always happy to work with others to make sure this works and aligns with server lore

Biggest problems CA's run into is launching without a culture. Take wonks for example, the only wonk culture there was ended up being the tribal wonks, but they were restricted to ET only causing players to just be lost as that was the only real lore in the post.

You set a solid foundation for a antag culture to brew from this, and its honestly something that should be implemented to the server. Especially since Paladins or magics similar don't really have much to fight. 

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54 minutes ago, AmericanSimp said:

Biggest problems CA's run into is launching without a culture. Take wonks for example, the only wonk culture there was ended up being the tribal wonks, but they were restricted to ET only causing players to just be lost as that was the only real lore in the post.

You set a solid foundation for a antag culture to brew from this, and its honestly something that should be implemented to the server. Especially since Paladins or magics similar don't really have much to fight. 

That is what I am trying to get at. I often sit in vc with a lot of the azdro boys (who are really chill dudes) and they often tell me that at the moment, a lot of the deific/dark magic/neutral cults do not have something to fight or tend to soft ignore each other. I tried to write these wraiths in a way where they have:

1. A minor amount of culture that the CA, non-CA people, and event LT can explore and build upon with the hopeful future of adding in a feat/slot based magic that involves mortal followers of the wraiths.
2. A method in which forces the wraiths to be a proactive antag group, kidnaping/attacking others to not only feed and survive, but to possibly bolster their numbers. This also acts as a way for groups that would be opposed to the wraiths to try and stop them from doing their raids and dark rituals
3. To bring about a type of lore in a new way and setting as to make it seem fresh for older players, while also trying to appeal to newer players who never got a chance to participate in this kind of antag culture

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1 hour ago, drfate786 said:


You're far too naïve and haven't been playing on this server long enough. You can write the most perfect piece of lore and they can and WILL deny it out of spite if you haven't won their popularity contest. All people care about here is their ego and what others think of them/each other. By writing this lore piece you have now made yourself a target, they're probably already making fun of you in some lore team discord and will probably now reject any and all lore you do post. Even if that's not the case, it will eventually be the case.


I speak from experience, I speak from what has happened to people I knew and what I've witnessed in communities I've been in. I speak from what has occurred and will continue to occur regardless of who runs the LT because in the end it's always the same clique. You should also realize that the LT alone isn't just the issue when it comes down to lore being accepted/denied, you have an entire clique that you have to fight tooth and nail to get lore accepted and they function outside of the LT's domain. 


Keep on dreaming but it's better that someone crushes your dreams now so you can move on then for you to rip your hair out when the community inevitably does everything in their power to make your time on LoTC as dysfunctional as possible. 

Do you actually ever stop man, like it was funny for the first few years but its borderline doomsday preacher tier at this point

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6 minutes ago, ScreamingDingo said:

Do you actually ever stop man, like it was funny for the first few years but its borderline doomsday preacher tier at this point


Accept magic lore that a player not affiliated to the LT wrote and then link it to me after you do and maybe I won't be so pessimistic about the LT.

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