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Ilzhonal - The Great Orcish Starwatchers


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"Your Kub will provide great wealth for the Uzg, for he shall be born beneath Durnorksru."


Ilzhonal, the great Star Watchers, those that dedicate a vast majority of their time to studying the grand constellations that adorn the night sky are tasked with the duty of imparting the wisdom of the stars onto the Orcish people. They chart the stars, believed to hold the energy of spirits. Their rituals and practices allow for a deep understanding of navigation, astronomy, horology, and the esoteric.   







The Ilzhonal, and those that follow them recognize the power within the stars and phases of the moon and sun. Tasked with charting the stars, they add to the list of spirits with constellations. They generally dwell wherever the stars are most visible, and often are drawn into council by visitors.






Empowered by starlight, an Ilzhonal’s mind is bright and all-encompassing.  They have broad knowledge, and broader goals. The Ilzhonal help orcs honor and worship the Stargush Stroh, and chart out interpretations from Ancestral, Elemental, and Immortal spirits by scrawling out their forms in constellations and celestial events. Their work helps to reign in the often obtuse nature of the spirits to less pious orcs, as well as healing and informing those who seek their intercession.







Where shamans counsel the dead and the planes beyond the mortal realm and a haruspex the spirituality of physical self, an Ilzhonal delves into the stars and the mind. Like medicine-men and pilgrims, an Ilzhonal is constantly moving, seeking some answer to cure their people. They are more familiar with mind-altering substances, alchemy, and mental health. Their work involves expanding upon the current constellations, cartography, and performing rituals to appease the spirits and orcish people. Utilizing the seasonal calendar (Orcish Zodiac), they help perform rituals alongside haruspex, shamans, or individuals seeking their intercession.






(Only the basic rituals are listed here; an Ilzhonal may create or take part in any ritual drawing from astrology, Mesoamerican shamanism, or orcish phenomenology. This is only a basic list of actions they may take, and more will be described in orcish holidays and festivities)





Daily Activities

To accurately survey the stars, an Ilzhonal requires large amounts of yellow and red sand. Often fetched by Ologs or newer members of orcish society,  the powders are used in ritual markings and symbology. 

When an orc is born out of Krugmar, and brought into society, a sand festival is held in their name. (Link Pending)

Ilzhonal also serves to counsel and inform, spending time to chart the stars, astrological bodies, and interpreting their meaning. They often travel between cities or significant astrological sites, spreading word of the spirits.

Studying medicines, alchemy, and the mind, they often are employed to cure diseases not seen, or aid in producing substances for shamanic and personal use. 





When orcish parents are expecting, the Ilzhonal may guide or explain to the parents the lives the child might lead, or instruct on what the parents must do to garner good favor with the spirits. Ilzhonal may serve as a midwife when pregnancies are difficult, though Fe-Orcs tend to give birth alone.



Ilzhonal are often wise teachers for young orcs, explaining their legacy and the lives they may lead. They desire for all orcish people to head to the Stargush, and so Ilzhonal are often seen teaching orcish children when not busy with spiritual affairs.




Adults travel to the Ilzhonal as expecting parents, or as orcs seeking intercession. Often orcs are misguided, maligned, or burdened by their conflict-filled existence. Ilzhonal alleviate these pressures, giving insight on the mind. They may take their patients on meditative mind journeys, or use the stars as a reference for their prescription.




Ilzhonal aid Ruka in larger projects. Having cartographical information and spiritual knowledge, they often exist as assistants to engineers and builders.  They help to bless new works, or banish spirits foretold to interfere through their star charts.


.Ilzhonal often argue and discuss the nature and mood of the spirits with shamans of all varieties. All who are spiritually inclined understand the often duplicitous nature of the spirits and so the interpretations of shamans, Haruspex, and Ilzhonal are discussed, debated, and pondered on for meaning.



Ilzhonal are rarely seen directly on the battlefield, but found within the camps of generals and haruspex. They inform on when and how to strike, and interpret omens alongside their war cleric counterparts, and shamans.  Individual warriors also visit to scry when their end might come, or how to best best enemies upon the battlefield.






Kotrestuu’s Visit

Ilzhonal battle this form of orcish mental illness by bringing the afflicted on a long pilgrimage. The patient is led to the furthest desert, charting and marking their progress as the Ilzhonal performs rituals on their mind and spirit, as well as analyzing their astrology as the pilgrimage continues. They look for noteworthy omens or changes in mood and personality, and may prescribe medicines as they journey. 


Once the orc is brought to the desert, they are brought before the stars where they are closest to the ancestors and the spirits. There, an orc and all their thoughts are laid bare before the Ancestrals, where the memories of Kotrestuu’s Visit supposedly reside. 

The Ilzhonal draws the affliction out through moon or starlight, harnessing it before shining the bright light into the patient’s eyes. The ritual often blinds the participant, sometimes permanently, as sacrifices must be made.



The Ilzhonal are another spiritual role within orcish society. Drawing on medicine-man and the wiseman aesthetic, they differ from haruspex or shamans in that they utilize astronomy and cartography to ascribe meaning from the spirits. From this, the orcish people can utilize their zodiac lore, creating more storied characters through red and yellow sand ideas, as well as roleplaying the holidays and religious acts associated with the seasons and celestial bodies.


Edited by Panashea
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