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“How terribly ironic that those who worked, in the early years of this century, towards the ultimate destruction of free speech, and who actively persecuted those of differing views, should now cower in the face of their own creation, and rue a state which they themselves designed” A Mali'thill would muse as he loitered somewhere far from the Motherland.

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Mika Uialben pats the pitch black raven he got the missive from while remaining seated in his home or some might name it a safehouse rather, quickly scanning over it with a perked up brow as he notices a familiar name and the reason why this missive was sent to him in the first place. He scratches his beard in thought, pondering for a good minute before he bursts out in laughter and wipes his tears as he says "Already like family and always welcome to stay" he then formed a warm smile over the missive. He then proceeds to ball it up casts it into the flame in the corner of his room with a solid throw as he comments "But some ought to watch their actions" in a lower, more ominous tone as he watches over the burning missive.

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A depiction of the Okarir'tir, Thalon Nullivari mulling over documents.


Cold. Cold was the morning which befell the Silver State. Nay in temperature, but in atmosphere of the populace. The divide which these actions caused was apparent to the public, many spoke of it within their homes and others out within the streets of the Silver State. Yet, this was not just a divide between the general public, it was an internal divide that was struck within the mind of the Okarir'tir, High Justicar of the Silver State and sworn servant of her peoples. What he once was in the past hissed forth within his mind, words of venom, it had been some time since he had seen life depart, and something within him continued to pull at his core almost as if a yearning to see it come to fruition. He had dispatched souls from the world for less, passed judgement on many even long before his position as justicar. However, this was not but mere trial, it involved friends of his family. The Nullivari are nay those to take threats to their way of life lightly, that which they struggled to obtain placed in a position of compromise by one who once shared bed with the brother of the Okarir'tir. Thus, the man paced back and forth with furrowed brows as the actions of the women had placed him in a personal position of compromise. Punishment had to be dealt, he had considered many routes on how to go about the trial but none came to mind as appropriate. Then, the door opened and Thalon Nullivari slumped into his arm chair, pale gaze floating over to a cloaked individual whilst three digits splayed forth to cover his maw as to lightly muffle his words as those under his employ shuffled about the office within his home, preparing documents and legislation to use in the trial which was to come. Words were exchanged and nods given, followed by a firm handshake as the cloaked man made his way out of the study. Law and order was to be maintained, and Thalon sought not the death of the young girl April, nor the close friend of his wife. He would find punishment. He would find their safety. 

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