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A Father's Plea


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A Father’s Plea

A notice would be pinned in most settlements..


If you were to ask a parent what their worst fear would be, it is likely that their answer would be about any harm or injury that could befall their child. On the First of the Sun’s Smile, 08:28, my worst fears came to light as I found my home alight with flame. The voice of my eldest and only child echoed from within the chambers, intermingling with the cries of a friend only a year her senior (12). Due to an injury to my leg, and having been held back by another onlooker, I was unable to rush into the building. It was only through sheer luck that a group of unwitting heroes passed through and managed to save the pair of Elven children. They suffered only 1st and 2nd degree burns.


The reason I bring this to the attention of any who read this missive is simple: I seek to warn others of the perpetrators of this travesty.


A Rogue Paladin by the name of Lucien gave the order to an unknown Fire Mage. The two sought to bring harm against two Elven children under the age of Thirteen after having their request to speak to myself denied by the children. Their reasons for requesting my presence is unknown, but may have to do with the fact that our home used to be the Paladin’s Base in the city of Elysium. Several Elven days before these events, someone broke into our home and destroyed the altar that was inactive. An altar we had plans to return to the Order, but never had the chance to do with the paladins of Elysium having been moving to a vassal fortress in Sarissa, Vortice.  After finding the lightforge destroyed and inert as well, we simply decorated the home we had just purchased and moved into before being subject to the case of arson with my own person and family being sought out. We did not mean to bring about harm, as we believed the Paladins had already been given the fortress Sarissa.


My Plea is this. Keep your children away from this man and any known associates. Keep and hold on to the oem’ii in your life, and cherish every waking moment you spend with them.


May You Walk a Safe Path,
Cecil Lorenthus


A Depiction of the culprit is attached to the notice. 


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A metal dwed sat within gilded halls of opulence, reading over the missive again and again with grim hum, and constant tick. Pondering the words upon the parchment, he shook his head "I did not know that old man to be a villainous sort....missing details to this tale, one sided tidings, but grim none the less. Poor elgi. I hope Anbella heals his children swiftly"

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Boreal, once laying their gilded gaze upon this missive, took their staff into their right four-fingered hand, their left broken arm a hindrance from battle for now, yet this physical injury was temporary, their wrath would be not. The sounds of nature surrounding them grew terse for a moment, prey animals would flee the proximity of their home as shrills and the rush of battle echoed throughout the druid's communion, a visceral thrum that was so familiar yet so alien...

Time to hunt.

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The flummoxed lord stared upon the charred roof of one of the original homes made by his late beloved sister. He puts himself to rest, making mind to attend a local festivity within the Duchy late the elven day, further gripped in melancholy from the constant defiles made on the quaint community. 

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On the whisper of errant wind and forlorn shore did a woman come to regard the missive - a mother, come to regard the missive. Silver and gold cast their gaze to the words, a trembling hand clutching the parchment 'afore it fell 'twixt limp fingers to the pearlescent sands below. She harkened to prior wisdom, then, upon the remembrance of a quiet moment in a tavern; knowing well of the defiled altar, and now the actions of those considered kin in Sunbreak...


"There are no innocents... Not anymore."

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