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Structure of the State Army of Vortice


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Structure and Rankings of the State Army of Vortice




The current Minister of Defense for Vortice, they oversee the proceedings and operations of the State Army. Being the Domain's Representative of Foreign Affairs as well, they speak with other nations on the topics of joint training, and things of the like. They may closely aid those in the Army as well, whenever they see fit.



The 2nd in command, just behind the Lord-Commander. In the absence of the Lord-Commander, the Marshal shall act as the commander-in-chief for all of the Army’s affairs. Oftentimes they are the Legislacerator of Justice, and are the one to handle acts of crime within the city that require investigation.







The highest rank one can obtain within the State-Army’s chain of command. They would lead patrols, conduct larger investigations, and hold training’s for their soldiers. If proven to be fit enough, a Captain may be knighted on the accounts of valor, bravery, and courage in service to the Crown. They gained the nickname of ‘Red Sash’.






A Sergeant is a grizzled veteran of the State-Army. They are noncommissioned officers of the State-Army tasked with conducting small patrols, investigations, and to train recruits alongside the Captain. Given the nickname ‘Black Sashes’, they may gain a promotion after three years (3 IRL weeks), and must do at least three tasks given by the Lord-Commander.






Guardsmen are those who have passed their initial training and have grown accustomed to the chain-of-command and workings of the State-Army. Guardsmen is the standard rank of the army and makes up the bulk of its personnel. The time spent within this rank all depends on the person, and if they choose to pursue more within the military. Guardsmen must be in the military and active for at least two years (2 IRL weeks) before a promotion can be given. If deemed worthy of a promotion, a Guardsman must complete a task given by the Lord-Commander.






Those who have recently enlisted into the State-Army. After a year passes and they have completed their initial training, a Recruit may be promoted to Guardsman. Their investment in the army is one that should be met with activity and motivation. If a Recruit is to fall short or disrespect a senior member of the chain-of-command their probability of promotion may slip away. Recruits must be in the military and active for at least one year (IRL week) before a promotion can be given.




Signed, Athri Onfroi Belrose-Maelstorm, Princess of Vortice, Representative of Foreign Affairs, and Lord-Commander of the Vortice State Army



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