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The Test of Um'Ei


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U M ’ E I


Come forth and discern your greatness, scion of Qahnaarin. Embellish in your wake as a Harbinger of Revelry and Ruin - a Conciliator of Wardrom Nahl.


My herald, you have already begun your longevity of the Auric path, yet, here marks the beginning of an arduous journey. Your patience will be tested, your vigilance will be noted, and your resoluteness must shine through. You will find yourself on the bridge of death’s gate itself, but I will always be watching. He is always keen on your fortitude. Only you can save yourself.


Should you wish to elevate yourself, the Dark Horse of Qahnaarin, then so duly continue forward..







I. On the Dragaar 

Gather information on any three known dragaar, and write on them. You may seek the guidance and help of the dragonkin who are knowledgeable regarding this subject. The first is one known as Taynei'hiylu; begin with this.


II. On the Firelands

Bring your most loved one upon a journey to the Firelands, where Zahkriikyzer and I will await for you, in order to erect a shrine. This will be a final test of your loyalty, to protect one you hold dear as you traverse through the land’s unconquerable odds. Find warmth in its great fires.


III. On Chivalry

Once you become an Ordained, you will join the ranks beside me as an Inquisitor: one of the many leal positions of the Dragon Knights. Once you join its ranks, you must shepherd great authority to impose His influence in these realms as one of the most elite forces of the Titan. Yet, a knight is none without their oath of chivalry, glory, and service. Perform such an equitable and respectable task for a realm of ours that does not bend the knee to Xannic worshippers.


If you are able to finish these, alert your liege to commence your final trial. The final advent of Ruin, as prophesied, will lead you to your purpose. Even if the Heavens fall, you must see this through.



Only Azdrazi and Heralds may comment on this post.


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Somewhere, a cloaked woman bridled her horse and filled her packs with blazoned parchment in hand, preparing for the long journey ahead of her.

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