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An Acolyte's Thesis - People of the Faith


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People of the Faith


People in prayer, Circa 1838



My Thoughts on the People and their Faith 

By: Acolyte Aleksi De Khlovko 



We people of Canonism have always been drawn to our faith in the Church and God, but why do we do such? Well, my thoughts on this are that we as Humans and believers of the faith, we are truly in unity. We come together as one in our ages of trouble and peace to be forever grateful to those who are above us, those who roam the Seven Skies and bring us our dreams, hopes and prayers to heart for we know that with faith we can succeed and reach greatness when together be it in prayer or service to god and the Canonist faith. Also without the people how would the Church continue its great work of spreading the faith. Without the church how would the faith be spread? That's why we who are Canonists must rely on each other to keep our faith ever growing and religion ever great as it is our duty to God and ourselves to do so. And finally, regardless of our race in this world, we live on. We can be true to our faith and forever unified in such. 

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