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The Sublime Grandeur

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Let it be, then, with a flash of light

The world was at once in motion 

In terms of being it was nothing

It was nothing because it was a movement of becoming

The eternal becoming came over the world

Godan's love smothered it all.



Your fantasies of being

Cast them off

You live in a twilight sleep, illusory, of unchanging stoicity 

For where are the flows

The flows are the matter of the becoming 

To think of a worse existence than monotonous solitudinous being

Godan could not be so cruel.



The seeping of things, repetition, the reordering of things

The becoming of the world a constant freshness

A freshness of idea broken by intermittent repetition

The intermittent Prophets, the Empire, the Wild Ones, the rise and fall, in short the shattered-becoming 

The shattered-becoming envelops the world like a dragon.



The shattered-becoming is the order

Within change, the flows are yet directed 

Regarding the nature of the shattered-becoming

It is becoming within a certain spiralling beauty 

The becoming is broken by the intermittent-returning

The intermittent-returning is the aforementioned shattering of the becoming.



Godan is the righteous breaker of his laws

Godan's majesty and grandeur is timeless

For what more could Godan become 

Godan is the becoming sublimated into a perfection

The perfection is not being, it is finished-becoming

Godan is finished-becoming, He is then timeless, finished-becoming before time.



Look at your own life

My good fellow you see that you cannot

A quiet moment, a piece of reflection, a still thought entangled in time

Shatter these idols, the moment is nothingness

The becoming was the past, is the future

The still moment is beyond comprehension if we may even speak of present as such.



Time moves in its unknown ways

A snail's shell of intermittent-returning 

Uncrushed by the constraints of philosophy or science 

Time as a piece of string, yes

But to pull each end and make it straight, a great illusion and delusion of man's making

We have said there is no being, so there is no present.



The string it curls it curls it curls

The becoming shatters as it moves within the same circle as it follows the spiral

The string it retreads old ground it is enveloped, it intermittently-returns

By itself and in doing we see the sublime beauty and simplicity 

Of the shattered-becoming

The sublime grandeur of time. 



Study the string, look closely 

Look carefully and consider - if you try to point to a single point on this length 

You may describe only in terms of length 

For the intertwining of the threads leads every 'point' along the length to mix into the whole length in a becoming 

And in this way is time a becoming 

And where is the present but as an illusion enveloped by past and future.



I shatter the present, I shatter being

A calm and blissful radiance descends 

On the radical embrace of becoming

A radiance of truth

I must not be the first- all ideas are born and die and are reborn according to shattered-becoming

We may say therefore all is beautifully enslaved to the intermittent-returning.



Through becoming, one will always rediscover sublime truths.

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