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Dead Men Tell Tales


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An artist's depiction of what had occurred within the Sewers beneath Providence.



The night was long and dark within the sewers below the slums of Providence. At the entrance one could hear the howling of the winds stirring up within the city, distant voices echoing off the concrete walls of the stone jungle outside as a story was about to be told. The so-called “beast” of the lands had found a child lurking below after hearing of his arrival, a very unfortunate child might one add. Once led down into the deeper part of the sewers the beast would withdraw a story book, one certainly meant for the young humans above. “Picture this-” he said as he began to read.

“There once was a houl heard by the children at night. The older folk would say that it’s stray dogs or lonely animals out of sight, and perhaps even if these words were true a child’s imagination is often to be dramatic and led astray. Perhaps. For the few that would believe these “childish” accusations of monsters they might even live to the next day. Scouring the sewer walls as a trio ventured into the sewers below, there would be lush vegetation, plants and flowers of all types that have washed down the city streets and into the basin down low.”

The beast would look around the room, a smile on his face as he looked at the various plant-life around them, maybe it wasn’t a coincidence that they were in this very room.


“They searched long and hard for this beast that the children spoke of, that is until they went through the plant covered room and there he was. Standing seven feet tall standing over them he would begin to shriek horrid, ear-piercing words that struck fear into the hearts of those who heard such even choking their vocal chords. In the dim light there would be flashes of green and black flames, accompanied by laughter that echoed to even the streets above surpassing the pouring rains.”

The child in which the book was being read would point towards a lone body in the corner of the room. The beast would nod towards it with a snicker, “Look! There is the Man in the book!” he said going to turn the page as he continued reading.

“Piercing yells would sound out in the night as the beast Hont’Algzok had made his strike. The men would run out of the tunnels that lay below and their skin would be scorched black and some would even say it glows. For a child’s story is not to be mistaken, everything said is certainly true. Find the beast and be prepared, -

“Boo! he screamed and forever would the child remain downstairs.


[!] Such a book would find it's way to the many shops and bookstores amidst the city of Providence, the title of it would state "Dead Men Tell Tales Part 1." This book would be a blank, leather one stained green with algae with the title carved into the leather cover with a blade. Upon reading the name within the book "Hont’Algzok" the reader would find that their eyes feel as if they were set aflame. If read aloud they wouldn't be able to speak the word themselves, and they would find it impossible to re-write.

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An Aloof Wisewoman would recount the screams she'd heard that night, knowing full well what she had sent a trio of bandits and brigands down to face;



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Ivan var Ruthern shrugged. "I presume it's the slum-dwellers and their stupidity that venture down there.. natural selection, I suppose." He mumbled to himself.

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