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“Thus mankind was united in virtue, in the highlands and the heartlands, and in the farthest homes of the sons of Horen.” Gospel 6:33




Since the enactment of the Edict of Separation (1786) and the dissolution of the Eighth Empire upon the conclusion of the Brothers’ War (1868), humanity has entered a dark age of division, decadence and mutual distrust. Over the years, we have lost interest in the betterment of humanity as a whole and, instead, we are now merely focused on the betterment of our own human realms. The treaties that have been signed on paper in reality mean nothing for us, as we actively look to our human neighbors with mistrust and envy, waiting in secret for the adequate moment to strike them down to expand our national boundaries or to defend them from our own kin.


This disunity amongst the realms of man has heavily weakened our race, leading to instability in our human realms. We have fought each other for petty blood and tribal rivalries have appeared once again. Our quality of life has degraded and so has our way of life. We are meaner, crueler, our living conditions smaller and more destitute. We are bitter, torn up between grudges and provincial rivalries, having lost sight of our common goal.


While the recent formation of the Covenant of Man has been a light of hope for our people, we believe that our Covenant needs to be empowered and expanded towards the formation of a new Canonist Empire, for it is only with the creation of common and shared institutions, such as the Congress of Man, that we will prevail.


Besides the Lord Protector of the Covenant of Man, we no longer have a central authority that keeps the peace, sets the standards that our people are expected to follow, and offers guidance to all the Realms of Man for secular matters, ensuring their safety and prosperity, as our Emperor once did. 


With the death of our last Emperor more than a century ago, so did our common leader perish. Since then, our people have had no real common leadership, and have often felt fearful, lost and misguided. And yet, even a century later, we still eagerly await the arrival of our rightful Emperor to assume the Crown of the Exalted Godfrey and the role of Defender of the Faith to lead our people towards a new golden age of peace and prosperity amongst the realms of man.


With the formation of this religious Society in honor of our Prophet Horen, symbol of the Brotherhood of Man, we seek to bring our Canonist Princes together, to mend the bridges between the current human realms and to work tirelessly to achieve political human unity in the realms of man. 


In that sense, our Society advocates for the formation of a new Canonist Empire, a country not simply of the highlanders or of the heartlanders but a country for all humanity; for we believe that we are stronger together than divided and that, as outlined in the Scroll of Gospel, a United Humanity is the path towards Virtue in the Realms of Man, in the Highlands and the Heartlands, and in the farthest homes of the sons of Horen.




I - On the Imperial Society of the Exalted Horen

II - On the Headmaster of the Imperial Society

III - On the Vice-Headmaster of the Imperial Society

IV - On the Imperial Chapter Houses and Imperial Liaisons

V. On the Imperial Committee

VI - On the Nauzican Oath

VII - On Rallies, Conferences and Debates


I - On the Imperial Society of the Exalted Horen


THE IMPERIAL SOCIETY OF THE EXALTED HOREN, also known as the IMPERIAL SOCIETY, is a religious society open to all Canonist individuals who seek to achieve political human unity in the realms of man, be they laity or clergy.


In that sense, the Imperial Society advocates for the formation of a new Canonist Empire, as exemplified in our original proposal titled THE THRONE OF MAN. In order to achieve such purpose, the Imperial Society shall beseech our Canonist Princes to freely agree on the formation of a new Canonist Empire and, lastly, shall humbly request to the High Pontiff to crown a new Emperor at his own discretion, who shall assume the mantle of Holy Orenian Emperor and Defender of the Faith.


In addition, the Imperial Society advocates for the reformation of the House of Horen. In that sense, the Imperial Society shall encourage the formation of marital unions and agreements between the different lines of the House of Horen to achieve a new Horen Restoration.


II - On the Headmaster of the Imperial Society


THE IMPERIAL SOCIETY OF THE EXALTED HOREN is a Society of equals, with an individual elected amongst its members serving as its HEADMASTER and, as such, as its effective leader as first amongst equals for organizational purposes.


- The current Headmaster of the IMPERIAL SOCIETY is His Imperial Excellency, Marc Galbraith (@sergisala).


III - On the Vice-Headmaster of the Imperial Society


The VICE-HEADMASTER is the primary assistant of the HEADMASTER and is delegated all tasks that the Headmaster deems necessary for the administration of the Society. 


In the event of death, resignation or incapacitation of the sitting Headmaster, the Vice-Headmaster shall assume interim headship of the Society and call a Convention of the Imperial Society open to all Society fellows, who shall elect a new Headmaster of the Imperial Society.


- The current Vice-Headmaster of the IMPERIAL SOCIETY is His Imperial Excellency, Tiber of New Paradisus (@seannie).


IV - On the Imperial Chapter Houses and Imperial Liaisons


The members of the IMPERIAL SOCIETY shall act in all the Realms of our Canondom, and shall open Chapter Houses in every Canonist Realm, which shall represent the Imperial Society and serve both as a hub and meeting place for Society fellows and associates. 


Each Imperial Chapter House Leader shall be required to regularly report on the state of their chapters to the Headmaster of the Society, and where the Society currently lacks presence, Imperial Liaisons are dispatched, which are as follows:


- THE CHAPTER HOUSE OF THE HEARTLANDS (PROVINCE OF AAUN) to be led by His Imperial Excellency, Tiber of New Paradisus (@seannie).


- THE CHAPTER HOUSE OF THE HEARTLANDS (PROVINCE OF THE PETRA) to be led by Her Excellency, Edith Hope (@CasualNuker).


- THE CHAPTER HOUSE OF BALIAN to be led by His Excellency, Ivan var Ruthern (@Wavey).


- THE LIAISON TO RAVENMIRE to be led by His Excellency, Godefroy d’Amaury (@Urban).


- THE LIAISON TO NÚMENDIL to be led by His Excellency, Edward Napier (@Hanrahan).


- THE LIAISON TO HYSPIA to be led by His Excellency, Viktor Gotwa (@DarkWrath94).


- THE LIAISON TO REINMAR to be led by Her Excellency, Dame Viktoriya DeNurem KL (@TreeSmoothie).


- THE LIAISON TO HAENSE to be led by His Excellency, Solebron Dekach (@Chronics).


V. On the Imperial Committee


The IMPERIAL COMMITTEE shall be the advisory council of the Headmaster of the Imperial Society and shall be formed of the Vice-Headmaster and of all the Imperial Chapter House and Imperial Liaison Leaders. The Headmaster may also invite other Society fellows to its meetings at his own discretion.


The Headmaster of the Imperial Society shall preside over the meetings of the Imperial Committee, as its foremost member and director, and as the Empire’s most loyal servant.


VI - On the Nauzican Oath


The members of the IMPERIAL SOCIETY shall adhere to the RIGHTS OF MAN consecrated by Emperor Joseph I in the NENZING PROCLAMATION and to the GRADIC RIGHTS that were given to the Imperial City of Felsen by Emperor John II.

At the same time, the members of the IMPERIAL SOCIETY shall recite the following oath, also known as the NAUZICAN OATH, upon their induction in the Society:


"I swear to be true to the Emperor and the realm and not to maintain silence about any evil that I may know which is being contemplated against them. I swear to work tirelessly to the betterment of the Empire and the Orenian people that comprise it. I swear also not to associate with traitors nor enemies of the state, and to always defend the honor of those I serve. This I swear upon my life by the Holy Scrolls."


VII - On Rallies, Conferences and Debates


The members of the IMPERIAL SOCIETY OF THE EXALTED HOREN shall actively hold rallies, and organize conferences and debates open to the public in all the Realms of Man of our Canondom in favor of Human Unity and in favor of a Panhuman Imperial State.


And last, but not the least, we wish to remind everyone that in order to be admitted into the Imperial Society it is required to send a letter or approach our Headmaster Marc Galbraith (@sergisala) or any Imperial Chapter House or Imperial Liaison Leader.


This we submit for the furtherance of Humanity,

Marc Galbraith, Headmaster of the Imperial Society of the Exalted Horen.



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"Huh. They've really done an effort to make these mock politics seem real." Ahnakriel, Destroyer of Oren, mused within a rocky chamber; laid resting leisurely as he perused the daily news.

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On 5/19/2024 at 1:19 PM, sergisala said:


“What about the time when the Empire had two Emperors?” Hogo Bojo, Geopolitical Mastermind Analyst would comment, recalling back to a time long ago. 

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Yandel scratched his chin, and frowned.


"Creating empires requires subsuming smaller nations. Why do they keep on tip-toeing around that fact? It'll take a conquerer to recreate the Orenian Empire, not a historian, or a society, or a wordsmith."

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A familiar ex-Orenian Imperial elf by the once name of Mariana Dubious smiles with content. Whether she supported or disagreed with the formation of said organization was irrelevant. The reactionary fury would be much more meaningful and amusing.

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An aforementioned, ancient Orenian gave a lofty thumb's up to the missive. "Ave Orenia - may it one day return."

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An old dwarf moves to write several new names into a particularly old and weathered book, dated back to the approximate time his Grand Kingdom declared war on the Holy Orenian Empire, the precursor to its eventual collapse.


"o'I ought teh thank 'em, t'ey made t'is easy." He'd say, flipping past the pages of crossed-out names to empty pages waiting to be filled again.

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1 hour ago, sergisala said:

- THE LIAISON TO HAENSE to be led by His Excellency, Solebron Dekach (@Chronics).

Esfir doesn't even know who this is. She called for her father. "Papej!! What's this 'bout ein Liaison from ve Imperial Society comin' t' visit?" The patriotic Baroness seems immensely concerned of the thought of Haense re-joining an empire!

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The Petran Heiress Adalia Morgana’s nose scrunches in disgust at the thought of Orenic reformation, losing a considerable amount of respect for a familiar name on the list. 

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Petsch II of  The Heartlands would stab a dagger upon the missive "This needs to be squashed."

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"It is always odd seeing the same names post these letters, yet you never see them step foot outside of their hovels!" said Josef, having never met this Marc, but always finding his ramblings posted all over the city.

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An old ghast of a dead empire screams and pulls at its face, writhing in abject horror in the beyond realm.

"You utter creature, stop writing and start slashing! You've all gone soft, idiot bureaucrats!"

Julian Ein Sark, or what was left of him, sat screaming in the void. 

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"Long live the Empire, and long live the Fallen Emperors!" A young Lady of House Hope would recite in her bistro alongside her fiancé Alexander Darkwood. 

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