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    The winds blew harsh in the north, with all their usual briskness and bone-cutting cold. Yet, this day they carried with them whispers- an omen of death. The great tree that stood within the center of the northern city of Varhelm- the elder ashwood tree- gave out a pained groan that echoed through the air over the city. It began with the smaller branches, and then the larger. The boughs of the great tree appeared to be weakening, much to the dismay of onlookers. That spring, the bright crimson leaves that sprouted from the canopy had been considerably less vibrant, and brittle. The flames that came at the beginning of fall, dimmer than in years previous. 


    The ashwood tree, it seemed, was blighted. Withering. Even the strongest of the tree's mighty branches had begun to fade. Perhaps the tree had grown too large to support itself. It may have been happenstance, or the natural, inevitable progression to death and rot that all organic things face. In either case, the tree’s days, it seemed, were numbered. Whispers filled the air, some blaming it on foreign interference and sabotage- an herbicide in the soil, or sorcerous trickery. Superstitious minds claimed it to be a curse, or an omen of things to come. Whatever the case, the days ahead, it appeared, would be fraught with troubles.


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Lissa sighed, watching a few more brittle leaves fall from the tree. It sadly did not matter what had caused this, as the damage was already done. Her youngest son, Ciaran, looked concerned, asking what was happening to the great tree. “Perhaps,” she replied, “this is simply part of the Ashwood’s life cycle. All living things must die, after all.” She put a hand on his shoulder. “It does not make this any less troubling, though.” 

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Close beside the old Ash tree, stood the Noble hearted three...


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