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LET THEM EAT STEW! | A Challenge to Grubgoth


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The air stunk of Cactus Green, as ale sloshed in the mugs of the Urukim and tools danced about in the kitchen. A lanky honorary worked away at a soup as her knife bobbed by itself in the air, dicing meat and sliding it into the cauldron. She waved her hand and brought the blade down atop the counter, withdrawing from the bar to wade deeper into the depths of the tavern to cool off, and to free herself from the encumbering cloud of smoke that hung over the room.


"Pretty good cooking, there."


She tossed her head back, offering a nod to the young man who sat at the fireplace. He wore rags, and held a joint in one hand, a pint in the other, and a bag of mina & poker chips beside him; certainly good spirits for whatever the occasion. The mali shrugged, warily eyeing him as she settled nearby. "I zuppose so. Some'azh needed tu lighten d'moods of our kin."


The man poised a brow, lofting a bandaged hand to gesture toward her. "Your jewelry. It bears the mark of Theruz, does not?"

"It does."

"What is a scholar doing in a crowd such as this?"

"I'm not zworn to him; doh my clan appreciates hiz ... Existence, I zuppose. A scholar I am, though not all zcholars worship dat zpirid zpecifikalli."

"True, true. Being a chef is much less boring than being a scholar, though - you should consider doing this more often. I do enjoy free food."


The man snickered, rising from his chair to fan the flame one last time before departing. A cloud of smoke followed as he tossed a chunk of wood into the pyre, and she watched as he hobbled away into the distance. An unusual sight, that she thought more of over the night as she rolled blunts and boiled broths.


"Did Barbog'z zpirid-paranoia rub off on mi, or could this ... have been an omen?"


Word is passed and fliers are delivered throughout the Iron'uzg, written in Blah on one side, and Common upon the other.




War has been waged, lives are lost, and at times spirits have been low. There is little joy! There is little festivity! And there are no feasts as there once were! We move in great strides -- just recently, we have gained a new, and great, Huntsgoth. So let us continue to move forward.


I, Yahzlak uv Clan Dezokh-nur, challenge the current holder of Grubgoth Grubgoth, Buk to a competition of COOKING! He, if he still lives, has proved to neglect the title and has let his bruddahs starve of good grub!


If he refuses to respond within Two Months -- or, Two Cactus days, he must truly be dead or long gone.


De weak are MEAT. And after diz war, wi zhall feazt.

-- Yahzlak'Dezokh-nur


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A towering Olog remembered he forgot to teach the current Grubgoth Housemagic. "Skaaaaaahh.."

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The Huntsgoth approves! "I bring the meat, the Huntsgoth serves it. This is the old way."

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