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Sister Ink

𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

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vibe music: oh me oh my! 


The tattered robes of the Mali’ker flapped as the breeze passed her by, the midnight moon was full and illuminated the swamp she traversed through. The small elfess madd her way towards a raggedy looking shack, lines of handmade bone charms and totems surrounded the residence. Murders of crows sat perched on dead and rotting branches as if expecting her, they remained totally silent. As she reached the stoop, a horrific sympathy of moans and wretches sang out from within. Her lips devilishly curled into a grin before entering.


What the ****… have you done to me?!” A sickly and bloodsoaked human man sat in the corner, curled in the fetal position. The smell of decay and vomit hit the Shaman’s nose causing her to shutter. Her deep crimson eyes fell on him with mild amusement. “One of my best. You must suffer in absolute agony before I offer you to Anyhuluz.”


She slowly paced forward, and as she grew closer with every step, he weakly attempted to push his form back against the waterlogged wall. She’d reach to her waist and withdrew a twisted looking dagger, the bone’s white now stained pink. Bending her knees and lowering herself just beside him, curling her arms around his head and began to cradle the victim. 


Afâr’Ilzgûl, Lûp’Ilzgûl…” she’d murmur into his ear before raising her armed limb upwards. The man’s eyes looked up to the vile weapon she’d wield in horror one last time before she’d plunge the blade down into his throat. Blood gurgled as he weakly groaned out in agony, his body still shuttering in her arms for a few brief moments until falling completely limp. 


How terribly anticlimactic…Hrmph.” the elfess grumbled after the minimal adrenaline ran its corse through her. She’d push the man off of her and onto the disheveled floorboards lacking any sort of respect for the deceased. She’d rise back to her feet with a groan and whipped the bloodied blade against her robes before sheathing it. “Next one’s gonna need to be a bit more resistant, honestly.” 

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