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Study Of Suffering


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The word "suffering" is commonly in reference to physical pain. It is, however, more frequently used to describe mental agony, or more frequently, it is used to describe any unpleasant feeling, emotion, or sensation. The words "pain" and "suffering" can be used interchangeably even though the former normally refers to physical pain and the latter to mental agony and suffering.


Why Do We Suffer?


Suffering is a result of Iblees - and the evil he has brought onto the world through his sin. In the 


Book of Provenance, it tells us:

2 In the beginning, the glory of GOD was singular and whole, and there was nothing but Him, so there could be no pain or iniquity. 

3 And by His word the Planes were rendered, and His throne was in the Seventh Sky. 

4 That which was farthest from the Lord became the Void, and that which was nearest became the Skies, and between them was the World. 

5 And GOD saw that it was good.

6 And from His breath, GOD created His immortals, the Aenguls and Daemons, and named them His servants and messengers. 

7 He assigned their roles, and said that Aenguls shall rule all that is, and Daemons all that is not.


14 But among all the Daemons, the chiefest was Iblees, and he was very proud to reign over his kind. 15 And he doubted GOD’s strength, for it was given to the Daemons to rule what is not. 16 And Iblees desired to rule without the Lord.

17 So he descended the emanations of glory, and drew farther from GOD, until he reached the Void.

 18 And lo, he was cursed by its touch. 

19 And GOD was wroth.

20 For when GOD bore witness to the bounty of His Immortals, He was pleased. 

21 But when He saw the bounty of Iblees, which was sin, He was wroth with the Daemon. 

22 And He spoke to Iblees “Why have you done that which I have forbidden?”

23 And Iblees replied “For you name us as servants, and I shall devise no virtue until I am your equal. 

24 And now my touch is the touch of the Void, and it is with all things in your creation.”

25 And GOD was furious, but Iblees would not repent. 26 And he fled into the Void, for he hated the glory of GOD, and by his own will was shackled there from the Lord.

27 And while the other Immortals had pleased GOD with their creation, none had fulfilled His plan, which was interrupted by the sin of Iblees. 


In the scriptures, it states that Iblees had interrupted GOD’s plan, and had brought forth sin and all sorts of evils into the world. He had corrupted GOD’s creation.

Therefore, the world in which we live was good when it was first created, but it has since been strangely shattered and tarnished by evil. And wickedness also defaces and defiles our own humanity. Thus, the tragedy of pain inflicted on people correlates intricately to what it means to be human. But why was man created in this way? Why would GOD permit it? Has our loving creator GOD abandoned us to our fate? Of course not. The mysterious truth is that none but GOD alone possesses a full knowledge of the nature of suffering and evil. Instead, GOD tells us of his plan. 


29 And they were virtuous, and GOD called them the first man and woman, who spoke no language and took no name. 

30 And these were GOD’s favored creations, for they did satisfy His plan.


The Scriptures even tell us Iblees himself suffered!


5 Now Iblees had suffered in the Void for an age, avoiding the grace of GOD, for he doubted the Lord even as he fled Him. 

6 He saw that the Sons became more worldly, and that they spoke with GOD less each day.


Why was Lucifer kicked out of heaven according to the Bible? - Quora


Experiencing Suffering

It was iblees and later man himself that has brought suffering, for GOD is the source of all goodness - and without engaging Him, the source of Goodness, we fall more and more into corruption and evil which only brings about more pain and suffering. The more man had strayed away from GOD, the more evil man became - and so the void is a place of punishment. Justice is given to those who are evil, and have done evil with no repentance. Ever since man had brought suffering, the minds of mankind have become so corrupt, foolish, and delusional, that we now, and quite often, suffer more in imagination than in reality. As in the scriptures, Iblees had strayed further from GOD and eventually came to the Void, so too is man straying away from GOD as clear as the light.


I too have had moments where I suffered, some of which never truly happened in reality but only in the mind. We suffer in imagination more than in reality; through overthinking, anxiety, worry, sadness, heartbreak - If you are distressed, keep faith that GOD is with you, and will render each impossible obstacle a mere step on the progress of man on his walk with the Lord.  


Yet then again, one ponders, is suffering real whether external or internal, or is it simply just existing only in our perception? There will always be pain in life, but to suffer in such is a choice that may at a certain time seem inescapable, and at another, a wholly unnecessary blockage to one’s own success. We should turn inward when we are suffering, and take control over it, as well as counting the many blessings granted by the grace of GOD. Then, He may transform us into better vessels of His will so that we can always love and appreciate Him. Truly, suffering and pain turn some into wise-men, and indeed it can teach us things - it can even make us learn lessons from our wrongdoings and mistakes. Suffering and pain will sometimes make the people seek GOD, and it can make one pursue virtue and wisdom. However, GOD does not make us suffer - it is only man, who manifests his own dread, and wollows in it. This comes to the detriment of his GOD given purpose. And as I wrote earlier, the void is a place of punishment. 


The Violence of the Void · Global Environments Network

Hoster Bishop
(That won't be confusing)

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