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[✗] [Farseer Amendment Resubmitted] Planestreader


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In the days before Almaris, and Arcas, and Atlas, and all the realms before them came, in the days when the four Descendant Brothers still walked the world, and the spirits were only beginning to be discovered, the Orcish people were without guidance from their almighty pantheon. It was only after the defeat of the fiend Iblees, and many years had passed that the secrets of the Spiritual planes of existence revealed themselves to Krug, the first uruk.

            Of course, this knowledge quickly spread from him to his kinsmen, and from them to their children. But Krug was not satisfied with descriptions alone - No, he decided that he must see the spirits’ planes for himself. It took decades to master, but eventually the First Uruk had taught himself to release his own spirit, that he may walk those of the spirits. In this way, he became the first Planestreader.



There is not one particular identity to be matched with the Planestreaders. These are the shamans trained to walk the planes of the spirits, each for their own reasons. For some, Planestreading is but a method of exploration of a world much different from their own. Others learn it to pursue some definition of the ‘truth’ behind the spirits, or to learn the true history of the world, or to meet great figures that have passed long ago.

            The reasoning matters little; at the end of the day, they all risk their minds to tread the line between material and immaterial, in search of more.

            Planestreaders are spiritual mediators, having been trained to resist the assault or desires of spirits that might wish to set them off course or torment their minds as they pass between planes and traverse the spiritual world. This leads them to become bridges between realms, whether knowingly or not. 



This post is to serve as an amendment for the current Farseer lore. All blessings of empowerment and abilities are kept, but many edits are set in place. This is to fulfil the second slot of a Farseer, as in the past it was only a 1 slot magic, and many of its old abilities were removed.


The kept items are as follows:

  • Blessings of Empowerment


The changed items are as follows:

  • Farseer Spiritwalking with Planeswalking
  • Farsight
  • Inflict Visions
  • Farseer Tattoos with Spiritual Tattoos


The new items are as follows:

  • Ritual of Incitement
  • Ritual of Inner Fervour
  • Pacting
  • Mental Exertion




As a Planestreader plunges themselves into the realms of the spirits, their minds are assaulted by innumerable lesser spirits of insanity, which an unprepared walker can quickly succumb to. Even after any one spiritual plane has been entered, the sheer contrast with the real world and the mind’s fruitless attempts to recognise anything therein strain the mind even more.

            As the Planestreader spends more time in the selected plane, and travels further and further from their starting point, concentration becomes more and more difficult, as they venture closer to the domains of spirits which would sooner do them harm than aid them on their way. This, again, makes it no easier to remain in the spiritual planes for long, and soon, the shaman will likely prefer the opportunity at finding their initial tether, rather than succumbing to their mental exertion and losing their way permanently.

            These factors lead to an exhausting experience for the shaman, which can be almost overwhelmingly taxing for a beginner. With time, though, the shaman comes to expect these events, some even welcoming them as signs that they have successfully crossed the limit between the two worlds successfully - though, at this point, they have grown so accustomed to these effects that they seldom have any effect at all on them. 

The exertion that each tier of shaman is capable of withstanding, and the time they will need to rest after each walk, are as follows:













During the earlier tiers of Planestreading, the shaman is unable to interact with the world around them. This is due to the fact that they have not fully transferred their spirits to the spiritual planes, rather their conscience alone. Due to this, they are unable to become inadvertently ‘trapped’ in the spiritual planes if they spend too long within them, and will simply awaken after a short period of unconsciousness.






Beginning at Tier 2, the Planestreader gains the ability not just to walk the spiritual planes, observing its inhabitants, but indeed to dialogue with any of the lesser immortal or elemental spirits that grant them their time. Due to the nature of these spirits, and their desires, the pacts tend to be rather simple. In return for aiding them in expanding their influence, the spirit in question grants the shaman a fraction of their power, to be called upon whenever their domain is nearby.

            When it comes to pacting, though, the spirits’ natures may betray the shaman. Should the shaman wish to pact with too many spirits at once, these spirits’ powers, and the blessings that come with them, are weakened. Spirits, as jealous beings, will waste little time dealing with those shamans that worship a pantheon too wide for their liking - more spirits to worship means less time for any one individual spirit, in their eyes.





As the Planestreader climbs in tier, and gains more experience with speaking to spirits, they learn more of the mannerisms and temperance of spirits. In turn, this allows the shaman to better navigate their conversations, and convince increasing amounts of spirits to lend them their power. The tier progression for spirit pacting is as follows:

















Every time a shaman pacts with a spirit above the soft cap, the connection to the other spirits grows weaker, causing some spells to be more difficult to cast. Every spirit pacted past the soft cap will increase the emote requirement of some spells by two emotes. 


All pacts must be kept note of through forum posts. These posts can take many forms as long as it is plainly stated that a pact has been formed between a spirit and a planestreader and notes the spirit’s name. These pacts CAN be dropped three OOC weeks minimum after the pacting declaration was posted. A simple message saying the pact has been broken is enough to drop. This is to prevent rapid dropping and pacting of spirits. All pacting posts that occurred before this lore is accepted will be considered pact posts. A Spirit can be played by a Teacher, an ST member, or the shaman once they reach T3. 





[Non-combat; All tiers]



A Planestreader is able to receive visions from the spirit realm and receive messages through other divination methods.



The visions and messages can be received through multiple means such as, but are not limited to, events and prophecy. Messages and visions can be of the past, present, or future and are usually vague, containing symbolism and half truths.


FARSIGHT - Redlines:


  • Cannot be used to metagame information.
  • This spell can be used outside events and prophecy posts, but happens very rarely and are usually false.
  • Requires ST Supervision/Approval






[Combat; Tier 3+]



A planestreader eventually, with time and study, gains the ability to inflict visions upon others. These visions, unlike those in Farsight, are usually about the past experiences or perhaps futures of those inflicted or the planestreader themselves.



To inflict visions upon another, one must emote three times calling out to the spirits, with one emote focusing on the target and two of the emotes containing chanting in old blah. Afterwards one must emote the vision to the inflicted, preferably by private means. While receiving the vision, both the planestreader and the inflicted will be stunned for one emote as they both view the resulting effects.



Tulgarok clenches his fists as he sets his eyes upon the drunken uruk known as Grogluk, he stares angrily, his eyes are daggers, as he lifts a single finger, pointing at him. He scowls angrily at Grogluk before focusing upon him further.


The shaman begins to chant in the guttural tongue of old blah, his voice enraged, “Grogluk, akrûrz ulkum-ob! Duz-darûk bûsh-ishi!”


Tulgarok repeatedly points at the laughing Grogluk before he takes both hands into a claw shape, shaking violently as he continues to chant, “Lûp-izg lat-û, baduzg-ta tab mûl!”


[Privately Sent]

Grogluk would find himself in a blurry environment, the air smells heavily of mead and grog. Before him lies an obese uruk, dead on the floor, his face heavily smeared and beyond recognision. Next to the corpse lies ten tankards which range from empty to nearly empty. A few moments pass before maggots begin to spring from the corpse, eating the body quickly in a horrific display before blacking out into nothingness. Grogluk’s vision returns to the living world.



  • Cannot be used to metagame information.
  • All faces and identifying information in future visions are blurred. However, identity can be implied.
  • Can only inflict visions to one person at a time.
  • Visions delving into the past of the inflicted requires OOC consent from the inflicted.
  • Although it can be used in combat, both parties will be stunned during the period.
  • Can only be used on descendants or sapient creatures.
  • All emotes must be done within a 10 block range of a person. You must say the emotes in #rp.






[Non-combat; All tiers]


A planestreader can choose to mark the skin of themselves or others with ink, dye, or blood with the help of needles or other tools. Once this marking is complete, the resulting tattoo can have aesthetic properties.



These tattoos require five emotes to create. One to prepare the skin by blessing the chosen area, leaving the area cleansed of impurities such as freckles, scars, and other blemishes. The skin is also temporarily numbed. For three emotes, the planestreader works on the tattoo, calling to the spirit of their choosing using old blah (Two of the three emotes must include chanting). During this process, aesthetic effects such as feelings, scents, and sounds can occur. Once the tattoo is complete, the recipient of the tattoo will receive a sharp pain as the area is blessed for one emote. Afterwards the tattoo will react for a second to show its effect. These effects can range from glowing, moving, and humming and must only occur when the person with the tattoo does an action related to the spirit’s domain. For example, a tattoo of Votar will only glow during or after a successful hunt.




Tulgarok takes a seat near Grogluk, setting his needles and tools into place. The shaman notes the blemishes upon Grogluk’s forearm. He takes a moment to place his hands against the skin, muttering as a light blue glow appears, cleaning the area of the blemishes as they fade back into the skin as well as numbing it.


Tulgarok then begins his work on the Ankrus tattoo, fitting a needle into his hand and marking the skin with azure ink. He begins to chant in the guttural tongue of old blah as he works delicately upon Grogluk’s skin, “Akezo-hai, khlaar-izg! Khl-izg lat mum-at tab riip!”


Tulgarok continues to work as Grogluk begins to have the sensation of feeling something scaley rub against the area of the tattoo along with the soft sound of running water. If he went to look, nothing would be there.


Tulgarok continues his chant, “Goth dot’horn’ri-ob, Goth par’ri-ob! Gaakh mum-lab baduzg!” Grogluk can perhaps notice the scaly feeling begin to squirm, as if a fish was rubbing against him. The sound of running water becomes louder, a ship's horn blares as if it was in the distance.


The sensations fade into silence. For a second, everything seems fine as Tulgarok finishes the tattoo. Then out of nowhere, a sharp pain overcomes the area of Grogluk, as if being bitten. It quickly fades before revealing the marking of a tribal seahorse, which the tail began to curl and extend across his skin, as if it was swimming. Within a few seconds, the effect fades, only to reappear if Grogluk goes sailing upon the sea.





  • Spiritual Tattoos do not give any additional powers or capabilities as they are purely aesthetic.
  • If the tattoo is cut off, it will not reappear.
  • The tattoo can only react to the spirit’s domain.
  • This spell can be upgraded with the Blessed Needles tool from the Ritual of Incitement.
  • Item representation is optional unless upgraded to Blessed Needles.
  • Cannot be used to cover up magical wounds, brands or scars (ex. Herald of Azdromoth Tattoos)






[Non-combat; All tiers]


The Planestreader is capable of sending their conscience (and, at later tiers, their spirit) or that of others into a spiritual plane of their choosing, in order to explore (and again, in later tiers, interact with) their surroundings.



Much like the spirit walking of previous shamanism iterations. The shaman spends a few emotes describing their surroundings and meditation; most importantly, their chant of choice in old blah, but also any instruments nearby used to send them into a trance, the scents in the air, etc. After this, they may emote descending into the plane of their choice, and similarly describe the sights and scents from their initial landing position.

Keep in mind, connection to the spiritual planes counts as ONE (1) emote, as does disconnection. This means that in the planes themselves, a Tier 1 Planestreader would have SIX (6) emotes of walking and exploration, etc, before they must disconnect at the same spot that they were connected.


At this stage, get creative - the emote beyond the initial connection only begins when the first step is taken into the plane, and the landing position is random, so there is a nigh-endless amount of possibilities for appearance, and an unlimited number of emotes to describe it before you begin walking.





Tulgarok seats himself at the centre of his ramshackle shaman den. Although the air, thick with the smoke of green, made it difficult to breathe, it seemed the aged shaman had grown used to this after years of practice. As his mind struggled to focus on his strained breathing, his ears were pulled elsewhere, to the jingling of nearby wind chimes.


His strained breathing turned into grunts, and these grunts into a chant written just a few nights before, and repeated over and over until it nearly joined the sounds of the bustling city outside as background noise.

“Frûm tau-ob, broshan-izg bot-lab-or… Baduzg-izg bot-lab!”


Before he knew it, he no longer had smoke, nor wind chimes to focus on. Instead, he had been plunged into what appeared to be a tunnel of some sort, bright sparks streaking by him impossibly fast - though again, his mind had little time to adjust to these new surroundings as he fell hard on soft, loamy earth. Soon, he felt himself being pulled into the earth, and without time to react, was expelled again, this time standing.


And where he was standing was impressive indeed. To his flanks, huge, constantly-warping trees mingled among themselves, their branches transferring between each other as if swinging from tree to tree. The ground beneath him was no less chaotic, with ponds and puddles surrounding him and constantly shifting shape and position. Yet, even in this chaos, it seemed that with each new step he took, the ground would extend ahead and melt into mud water behind...




...And somehow, despite their constantly-warping nature, the trees began once again feeling familiar. The sounds again muted themselves, as Tulgarok prepared himself to return to his material body. No matter how long he spent in the Spirits’ planes, her, as he found himself ankle-deep in softening mud - then calf, thigh, waist and chest-deep, until he could no longer fight the pull of the ground, and his eyesight was blackened, his maw filled with muck as he attempted to scream.e was never entirely sure how he would be returned. He had little time to spend pondering this, howev


And then, he opened his eyes. No longer did he feel worms squirming against his arms, or stones scraping against his chest. He was back in his shaman den, and not sinking into the earth. Perhaps this walk would take just a touch longer to recover from.




- The shaman may take one additional player on walks starting at tier 2, plus one more per blessed instrument in use during the initial connection.

- If a player dies for any reason while planestreading, they will die IRP since their souls are disconnected from the body. The player may choose to PK after this.

- Should the shaman be interrupted during the initial connection, they will not be connected to the spirit plane. After this, their body loses consciousness entirely and may not be reawoken until they complete their spirit walk.

- Tier 1 and 2 Planestreaders are unable to interact with the world around them, as their spirits are not fully carried through to the spirit realm.






[Non-combat; 3 emotes; Tier 2+]


The planestreader is capable of calling upon a previously-pacted spirit (whose domain is nearby) to bless them personally in some way related to said spirit’s domain. This does not require ST oversight.


The shaman beings with an emote collecting or physically touching whatever thing is in their chosen spirit’s domain (eg. rocks or sand for the spirit of earth, coins for the spirit of trade, etc) or by doing a related action. With the item now nearby or preparations made to do a related action, they may begin chanting and taking any other relevant actions for taste (Note: Chanting is not for taste, and is a requirement of casting the spell). The third emote is simply a description of the effects of the spell, after which the blessing will last accordingly for each tier of shaman:















The effects may also be dispelled at any time with a single emote.




Tulgarok grew tired of the pain that the ship’s ropes brought against the palms of his hand. With each new knot to tie, a new painful callus formed along his hand’s creases. Having had enough of this, he took hold of one of the sodden fish on the ship’s deck with both hands, and gripped it tightly, closing his eyes.


The aged orc now scoured his mind for old blah words, forming scraps of a chant in his mind. He soon began mumbling it, and these mumbles evolved into mutters. Soon, he was speaking the black tongue of the spirits that he had done so many times before. “Frûm poshak-ob! Khlaar-izg! Larg-morûrz naakhrim-izg!”


The fish in his hands began squirming, as if alive again - though soon, the squirming stopped entirely and some crimson liquid began seeping from between the orc’s fingers. Dropping the animal, it had evidently been descaled almost entirely along its length. And, looking down at his own palms, Tulgarok saw precisely where these scales had gone. The palms of his hands were now entirely shielded with a layer of thick, fish-like scales which glimmered silver in the sunlight...




...And, almost as if on cue, as Tulgarok released the ropes, the scales which were once on them appeared to dissolve into his hands, their silver gleam soon replaced with the calloused, dull green skin that had been there prior.




Akathro -  Water and brine.

Bregthar -  Rocks and crystals.

Fiarza -  Wind and whistling.

Kulthark -  Metal and ore.

Votar - Hide and hunting tools.

Freygoth - Leaves and seeds.

Vulka  - Weaponry and bronze.

Jevex - One’s own blood and hard labour.

Glutros - Gold and food.




- This spell may only bless the caster.

- Does not require ST oversight.

- The shaman may only use blessings for which they have a pact.

- Pact duration is reduced when the shaman exceeds the soft cap number for their particular tier.

- This spell cannot be used to gain advantage in combat or be used competitively.





[Non-combat; Tier 3+]



The ritual of incitement goes beyond the realm of aesthetic changes  by granting abilities to specific objects. However, the list of possible tools is limited to a select few capable objects.



planestreader shaman must first have an applicable object on hand which is able to receive a blessing. The shaman then must offer chants to the spirit in question, if applicable, while focusing on the object for four emotes. One emote preparing and focusing, two emotes including chants in old blah, and a fourth emote to display effects to the object if applicable. If no physical changes are made to the object, a simple visual queue is acceptable such as a glow.




The Amplifier Totem:

A totem covered in shaman runes employed by Planestreaders to bestow blessings to multiple people within a chosen area. To make use of this ability, at least four totems must be made and placed within a square formation no bigger than 3x3. Once the field is made, those who wished to be blessed may enter the field. A planestreader may then bless the group with a standard blessing of empowerment.  A blessing of empowerment may be any aesthetic effect utilised in the Ritual of Inner Fervour, or a blessing from the Farseer list.


The Amplifier Totem Redlines:

  • Requires ST signature.
  • ONLY NON-COMBATIVE BLESSINGS CAN OCCUR. Any blessings meant for combat will fizzle out.
  • The area encompassed by the group blessing cannot be bigger than 3x3 blocks.
  • One person can be blessed per block, resulting in a maximum group size of 9 people. No stacking of persons allowed.
  • These totems must be physical blocks such as fences and lie outside the 3x3 space in the corners.
  • Knocking over any totem in the array will disrupt the blessing if it is still occurring. Does not require re-signing since it can simply be put back.
  • Only the complete array of totems must be ST signed. Singular totems cannot.
  • The array can be physically moved, but requires re-signing.



The Divining Rod:

A tool which allows planestreaders to locate objects in the real world should they discover them while planestreading. Examples of use include travelling to the realm of the lesser of lost artefacts to locate a lost relic, or travelling to the realm of lost ruins to locate a hidden city in the mortal realm. The lesser spirits are always lessers of loss or lessers of Dhukat, spirit of secrets who empower themselves with lost items. This means that they will not be happy that you are shrinking their realm by finding items, and may require a pact or great sacrifice to do so (e.g. lesser of lost ruins demanding to be packed before letting you find an important lost city, lesser of lost artefacts demanding you toss your prized possession into the sea, bury it while blindfolded, or sell it so it is lost forever in exchange for a different artefact.)


A Divining Rod is created through a ritual of incitement with the spirit of Travel, Ghorza. Ghorza grants the ability to traverse the immortal and elemental realms and so a Planeswalker may ask for their intercession to craft an item. Within the mortal realm, they imbue a shamanic implement, using the mana of their soul to allow it to travel with them when the planeswalker heads to the spiritual realms. On their initial travel, the blessing of Ghorza can imbue the device to travel between multiple realms.


The Divining Rod Redlines:

  • This tool is primarily used for ET events and spirit walks and requires ST/staff approval.
  • Cannot be used to metagame locations or items.
  • Does not require ST signature, but requires ET permission to use in events.
  • This tool can take on many shapes and forms, but cannot be used combatively.



The Blessed Needles: A needle which serves as an addition to the Spiritual Tattoo spell. If a planestreader can acquire this tool, further enhancements can be made to spiritual tattoos such as glowing runes upon the skin, harmless flames which rise from the hair, and many other changes. However, the more extreme changes which create visual effects such as flame, water, lightning, smoke, etc requires one emote of old blah chants to the spirit who bestowed the blessing to use.


The Blessed Needles Redlines:

  • These tools require ST signing.
  • Blessed Needles cannot polymorph a person. Changes such as skin colour, voice, and hair are off limits.
  • All rules and redlines of spiritual tattoos still apply. Meaning one must do an action related to the spirit to activate the effect.
  • Only those who know old blah can use tattoos with physical visual effects such as flame or lightning and one chant in old blah MUST go to the spirit who bestowed the blessing as well as doing an action related to the spirit’s domain.
  • All physical visual effects cannot harm others. Fire will not burn, lightning will not hit, etc.




An object which allows multiple people to observe a vision and allows scrying visions from a pacted spirit. These objects vary in shape, but are usually no larger than a handheld object. When used to show a vision to others, it reacts similarly to that of the inflict vision spell, requiring old blah to invoke. When used to scry, the same emotes as the inflict vision are cast upon themself, using the Scryer as a focus. These visions must be done with a previously pacted spirit, showing the past, present, or future without knowing which it is. This information can only show insight upon a Spirit's ambition. It only shows information about the pacted Spirit and their adjacent realms or rivals. It may hint at possible conflict between Spirits, a future conflict in the Spiritual Realm, or a change in power.  This spell is similar to Farsight in that regard, but only in service to the Spirit Realm.


Farseers are the mediators of the Spirit Realm, and these devices serve as an emotional sense of the Spirit Realm and the machinations of the Spirits. With an additional two emotes during the initial Spirit Walk, a Scyer may be brought into the Spirit Realm where it can be communed with to better understand the Realm, or communicate with the pacted Spirit from afar, and within other Spiritual Realms.  This does not allow the  Spirit to see through the device, merely a means of vague communication within the Spiritual realm, or imparting wisdom about the Spirit Realm while living within the Mortal one.


Visions received while in the Spirit Realm are even more chaotic and violent. They are horrible images rather than any real words or information. What often wracks the shaman and those present are confusing and painful flashes of imagery and intense sensory overload. It is not a conversation, but rather an amalgamation of inhuman and eldritch ideas stitched together with pictures and feeling. 


Scryers Redlines:

  • Does not require ST signing.
  • Objects cannot be bigger than a handheld object.
  • Cannot be used in combat.
  • This follows all rules and redlines of inflict visions. Still requires the emote requirement for inflict vision to use.
  • All visions given to other players must be OOC consented beforehand.
  • Receiving Spiritual Visions does not require ST consent; what is seen or told to the shaman may only be a glimpse of the past, present, or future never to come. 
  • Information received is cryptic, vague and does not hold the same back and forth of a normal conversation. 
  • Information received is focused on the Spirit Realm cannot be used to metagame or glean information about the Veil and surrounding realms.
  • Identifying figures within the Spiritual Realm during a vision requires a pact, or extensive  interaction with whoever is displayed. 
  • “Extensive knowledge” implies knowing the person personally for at least one full IRP year (one IRL week), or being told about them in detail by someone who has known them personally for at least two full IRP years (two IRL weeks). 



  • Some tools require ST signing, see individual item redlines to see if ST signing is needed.
  • The Planestreader of tier 3+ is required to use these tools.
  • Requires ST oversight of creation if the item requires ST signing.



Writers: Panashea, Astrophysical, Boomerzang, Dargrind





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