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The Legacy of Lur


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A missive, penned in blue ink in the Orcish script, pinned with an arrow firmly to the noticeboard of Krugmar.

The missive reads as follows,


“To dah azh dat tinkzh dat dah title ob Huntzgoth be nub fit for dah Kubzh ob Lur… Zhengyn butun inzult Lur vit zhengyn aktionzh agh grukkage! For hundredzh agh thouzandzh ob Kaktuz Yearz agh Moons, dah Kubzh ob Lur hab been honouring bizhym anzeztor agh forefather LUR! Kub ob KURG! Chozen ob VOTAR! Meng kom to klaim dah title ob Huntzgoth kuz meng AHM Lur’Khan, meng AHM nub afraid ob dah beaztzh agh kritterz dat forestzh’da libzh! Meng AHM readeh for dah challenge ob dah mantle ob Huntzgoth, dizh be dah Legacy ob Lur. Ab Lur waz chozen by Votar gib Bub’hozh huntah, zo too muzt azh Kub ob Lur rize to dah Challenge… May dah zpiritz blezh dah Kubzh ob Lur kim honour dah Anzeztorz agh bizhym Veyzh! Dah Vey ob KRUG!

Meng, GUTLUG LUR’KHAN klaim dah mantle ob Huntzgoth edder by dah blezing ob dah Rex agh dah Zpiritz, oa dah Grizh ob dah Klomp!



Sealed to the bottom of the missive is the seal of Clan Lur, a Wolf and Moon.



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“Zo, dizh duh azh guin fur Hundzgoff, Daz hozh, mi tinkz dey’ll bi hozh tu ged meetz frum, duh lurz hozh.” Stated the grubsgoth as he was read the letter by a fellow fisher, before turning his head to face his good friend Ja’Runk’Ungri ( @turbo_dog ) “Hoo lat beddin un? Duh Lur, ur duh udder azh, mi bed mi zhiniez un duh lur.”

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"Wub dah zkah dat ztooped glob blahin aboud? Dat bruddah nub az bub'hozh az Kong'sho."  Said the Olog, shaking his head to his 'pinkee frend' that had read the missive for him. Kong'sho raised a hand gesturing to himself with a thumb point to the chest. "Mi ken nub loze uh klomp unlezz dat bruddah cheetz, agh mi beduh at da votar. Huntzgoth Kong'Sho zound muzh beduh anyway."

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